.... recognizes foreign implanted tissue and rejects it.
He concluded that the immune system works likes an army with several lines of defense to protect the body from infection by foreign organisms such as bacteria and parasites. This line of defense will also attack a foreign organ. It will do this by gradually causing an ischemic blockage of the organs blood supply, and will be adventally killed off after several days or weeks. This will be followed by cellular and finally chronic rejection. (Aziz, 2000). Another major problem would be Hyperacute rejection this is the body's ability to seek out foreign substances in the body and ki .....
.... a person is not always an alcoholic by choice. Predestined alcoholism has been haunting society for years but it is only recently being dealt with.
It is my belief however, that alcoholism is indeed heredity. The evidence that is provided is simply too substantial to ignore. Family history of alcoholism shows that throughout the generations there has been a steady pattern of alcoholics within families. With the new found information on dopamine and the possibilities that is has, society can no longer write off alcoholics as social misfits that make the choice to drink. It is tragic to think that a person's destiny in life ha .....
The Six Essential Nutrients
.... and chemicals that help the blood to clot are proteins. Proteins are part of muscles and many cell structures, including the cell membrane.
Sources of proteins in the diet include meats, dried beans, whole grains eggs, and dairy products.
Minerals and vitamins: a mineral is an inorganic substance that serves as a building materials or takes part in chemical reactions in the body. Minerals make up about four percent of your total body weight. Most of the mineral content of your body is in your skeleton. Calcium and phosphorus form much of the structure of bone.
Unlike minerals, a vitamin is an organic nutrient that .....
Drug Abuse
.... thought of as socially acceptable and relatively harmless. But it can have devastating effects. Alcohol might seem very harmless but it can harm the user very easily. Alcohol is easy to obtain and consume. It is taken as a beverage and, since it is legal, it can be purchased at the corner store. The immediate effects on the user are relaxation and a slight anesthetic effect. Alcohol is a very addictive drug. There are more than 18 million alcoholics in America2 , an indication of how widespread its harmful effects are. Alcoholics normally drink a lot on mornings and weeknights, at times which separate them for noraml "soci .....
.... from archaeological sources. Chewing coca leaves has been associated historically with the religious ceremonies of the Incas and reserved specifically for nobility. The coca plant was considered to be a gift from the gods and it was only used during religious rituals, burials, and other special purposes. By the time the Spaniards arrived in the 16th century, the Incan empire was in decline and the use of the leaves was widespread throughout the empire. The Spaniards tried to prevent the Indians from using the leaves because they believed it was a barrier to conversion to Christianity. Later they paid the Indians with the leave .....
Multiple Personality Disorder
.... so it was easiest for me to start with. MPD was not a very common subject on the Internet. I couldn’t fine too much information on MPD, and I became very frustrated. Whenever I conducted a search on MPD, I would find DID instead. I wasn’t quite sure what DID was, but I had a feeling that it was some what related to MPD. My next step was to look into an encyclopedia.
I looked up MPD on Encarta. There were not any articles on MPD, but it said to look into DID. So, I did. When I looked up the article on DID, guess what I found? I found that they were the same thing. I also found out that DID stood for dissociative identity .....
Familial Hypercholesterolemia
.... lining on the membrane of arteries, and eventually sludge this tube enough to impair the flow of life giving blood to the end organ supplied by this blood vessel resulting in disease and serious impairment of that organ, eventually. It has been well proven that an excess of "good" cholesterol- HDL, helps to preserve the integrity of the blood arterial lining of blood vessels preventing the occurring of impairment of flow of blood to its end organ.
In Familial Hypercholesterolemia, afflicted individuals of a given family spontaneously manufacture excess, sometimes huge amounts, of cholesterol which accelerates the tendency to im .....
Assisted Suicide
.... the patient can continue living a life he doesn't even want to keep? This medical treatment, in some instances, can only extend a life by mere weeks. In theory, this treatment is just adding on more weeks of pain and suffering. Not only does the patient have to suffer, but the family members have to suffer watching their loved ones live in agony. Furthermore, these medical expenses are probably covered by government medical aid. If this money is being spent on someone who doesn't even want the help, wouldn't it make more sense to spend the money on people who desperately need it? This money could be better spent on saving peo .....
Physician Assisted Suicide Right/Wrong
.... disapproving manner.
Both Jewish and Christian disapproval of suicide dates from the fourth century AD, late in the development of both religons, and does not derive directly from scripture. Ironically, the Christian Church, encouraged by the arguments of St.Augustine, adopted a strict prohibition against suicide precisely because it had become so popular among Christians. A vogue of suffering,and even collective suicide ,had by then begun to threaten the Church. Any religion which preaches that life on earth is a vale of tears, a mere prelude to a better afterlife, would seem to be invitng its adheents to kill themselves, u .....
.... two to three times as likely to try to kill themselves, as men. It is believed that more men succeed in committing suicide because they are more deliberate in their intentions, they tend to use more lethal methods to kill themselves, and are less likely to talk to anyone about their plan.
There are several factors, which place individuals at a higher risk for suicide. Psychologic autopsy studies have shown that 90% of the completed suicides are related to psychiatric disorders, most commonly, major depression and alcohol abuse. The studies show the illness was not the cause, but in combination with a stressful event, such .....
Opposing Euthanasia
.... may ask a doctor to withhold treatment and let them die. Many critics of the medical profession contend that too often doctors play God on the operating tables and in recovery rooms. They argue that no doctor should be allowed to decide who lives and who dies.
The issue of euthanasia is having a tremendous impact on medicine in the United States today. It was only in the nineteenth century that the word came to be used in the sense of speeding up the process of dying and the destruction of so-called useless lives. Today it is defined as the deliberate ending of life of a person suffering from an incurable disease. A distinct .....
Abortion - Pro-Choice
.... can read and what we can say? Possibly even how
we can act? This is not the American way! In fact, it is unconstitutional.
We must be aware of this lack of freedom and see to it that women receive
Sadly, there are many people who can not afford to support a child.
There are people who hate themselves and are incapable of loving another.
As I see it, it is fortunate, that some women may realize that they are not
fit to and can not care for a youngster. However, an anti-abortion law may
not give them any other choice. A mother willing to give up her offspring,
is likely to resent her own child. This resentment mi .....