Henry David Thoreau's Walden
.... it being any other way."
What is Zen Buddhism anyway? In the book Zen Buddhism, D.T. Suzuki
says that "Zen in its essence is the art of seeing into the nature of one's
own being, and it points the way from bondage into freedom" (3). In the
theory of Zen, our bodies contain a spiritual form of energy. When this
energy is consciously tapped, we will be aware of all the underlying
impulses and desires of our heart. This "freedom" will cause us to
experience Kensho, (seeing into one's own nature), thus becoming happier
and more loving to those around us. To reach the Buddhist goal of becoming
one with everything, a person .....
Oates' "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been": Defense Mechanisms
.... example of denial falls in the lap of Connie
herself. Connie is prone to deny the possibility of danger in the
confrontation with Arnold Friend. This could be out of need for acceptance
as she does not receive the attention a young girl entering adulthood
Another convention explored in this work is repression. Repression
is defined as the mind essential strategy for hiding desires and fears. It
is the fact that Connie is denied the attention at home that causes her to
seek it through the only other outlet she understands at the that age...her
sexuality. Obviously, the group that is most receptive to this is boys. .....
Personal Response To Orwell's "Shooting An Elephant"
.... their clothes off to jumping in a
near-by garbage can. None-the-less I tried to stay away from such oddities
and keep an observatory posture, which in turn happens to be what Orwell
would have preferred. All of these maniacal actions undoubtedly spawned
from good old peer pressure, or the natives watching us, expecting such
In the center of our table was a hole, no one knows for sure why,
maybe it was for a big umbrella to keep the sun and rain out, but now there
was a hole a little bigger than a quarter. I don't know who started it or
when, but for at least a whole school year people sitting at the table
wo .....
Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People
.... slaughtered Job's cattle. He then cursed Job with
painful boils all over his skin, so to make his every movement filled with
excruciating pain. Many times Job's wife asked him why he didn't just
curse God, and ensue Gods wrath to strike him dead. Job's friends told him
to denounce his faith in God, after all look where it got him. Yet Job
remained faithful to God's will. When God saw how devoted and trustworthy
this humble servant was to him, he appeared to Job and rewarded him with a
new home, new children, and a new fortune. God came through for a servant
who was faithful and true. Most people in this situation would have .....
An Analysis Of James Joyce's Eveline
.... what she has to do for him. Eveline also has to support the
mistreatments of her abusive father even when she is asking him for money
to buy groceries. Especially on Saturday nights when he is “usually
fairly bad,” meaning he is drunk. Eveline alone asks herself if it is
wise to leave. She thinks that at her home she has “shelter and food; she
had those whom she had known all her life.” We know she does not feel
quite at home in her father's house. For example, after all these years,
she does not even know the name of the priest on a photograph in the house
she lives in.
Another reason for Eveline to stay is that she do .....
Respect And Responsibility
.... Burns has dedicated his life
to his writings that is why he is a good example of respect for something.
A poem in a Literature book named "To an Athlete Dying Young" the
people of the town show respect by caring the athlete down the main street
in there town. People loved the athlete so much they had to shut there
eyes as he passed by before he died(Housman,850). The athlete never
thought he was to good for the people of the town that is why they had so
much respect for him.
A article in Ebony Man March, 1995 issue tells us about "10 Points
Men Should Tell Youths About Growing Up and Being Responsible Adults". A
large am .....
Marx's Philosophical Writings: Alienation
.... the cause of social or
psychological alienation. Material alienation he said is caused by the
existence of private property. Private property came into existence
through the (unequal) division of labor. Division of labor, therefore, is
the central idea on which Marx bases his arguments concerning the eventual
(inevitable) outcome of alienated labor.
Division of labor, in which the contradictions between the forces
of production, the state of society, and consciousness are implicit because
of the separation between intellectual and physical activity , according to
Marx, began with the family. Marx sees the source of t .....
Joyce's "The Dead"
.... way he treats his wife Gretta as an object.
As Peter J. Rabinowitz informs one that in reader response
criticism the "…activity of reading always alters the text at hand. Unless
we are limiting ourselves to reading in the sense of uninflected recitation,
reading is never a passive activity to which the reader contributes nothing.
In the reader response criticism, reading is a text in which individual
experiences bear on the subject. Every individual interprets the text
differently due to one having different experiences that determines the
interpretation of the text. (138)
The images reflect Gabriels ego in a sense, at the .....
Miracles, Dreams, And Empowerment: A Brief Therapy Practice Note
.... The clinician's use of questions is also important in this process.
Empowerment-based practice is tied with solution-focused therapy.
Something used quite often in this practice is called “the miracle
question.” The clinician asks his/her client this question, allowing them
to visualize their future, and realize that their lives can change. The
miracle question is as follows: “Suppose that after our meeting, you go
home and go to bed. While you are sleeping, a miracle happens and the
problem that brought you here is suddenly solved. Because you were
sleeping, you don't know that a miracle happened, but when you wake up
tomo .....
Persuasion In Patrick Henry's Speech To The Virginia Convention
.... the British for the moment, emotions are short-lived and their
endurance would depend on proof. Henry asks, "are fleets and armies
necessary to a work of love and reconciliation?" "what means this martial
array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission?" By using the
literary device of the rhetorical question, Henry attempts to pull his
audience into his speech and show how obvious the need for the colonists to
arm themselves against the British was. Not only did Henry have to provide
evidence that opposing the British forces was absolutely necessary, but he
had to refute the arguments for peace made by his fellow .....
Kantian Philosophy
.... apply the second stage of the test.
The second requirement is that a rational being would will this maxim to
become a universal law. In testing this part, you must decide whether in
every case, a rational being would believe that the morally correct action
is to tell the truth. To decide whether rational being would will a maxim
to become a law, the maxim itself must be examined rationally and not its
I agree with the morality based on Kantian principles because it is
strict in its application of moral conduct. Consequently there is no
investigation into individual cases to determine whether an action is mor .....
THe Knights Of The Round Table
.... His father was named Sir Lancelot and his mother was given
to the name Elaine. His family lived in a big castle called Camelot. They
ate what was grown by the gardeners. The food was usally vegetables and
herbs. They also kept pigs, cattle, chickens and bees. They kept all these
things inside the castle.
Inside the castle there are usually these things a chapel, a great
hall, a solar room the inner castle wall and the battlements. There were
heaps of knights who felt honoured at the Round Table. The tales of Galahad
, the Round Table and king arthur are partly make believe and are part of
the medieval literature. He was .....