The Similarities Between Creon And Antigone
.... not listen to this either. He claims that Teirsesais has been
corrupted by money, like many prophets at that time. He finally listens to
the Charagous when reminded th at Teiresias has never been wrong. Antigone
has no problem working by her self either. She demonstrates this when she
slipped by all the guards that were protecting the dead body of Polyneices.
Creon and Antigone are both independent, and they are both very loyal.
They are loyal to their views. Creon is especially loyal to his laws.
Antigone is loyal to her beliefs. Creon will not change his laws. An
example of this occurs when he and An tigone argue. He calls her " .....
The Theme Of Father/Son Relationships In Beowulf & The Song Of Roland
.... were trying to say about various different aspects of life during
their time.
In Beowulf, the function of the relationship between Hrothgar and
Beowulf helps to further the plot in several ways. Whenever there is a reliance
on family in any literary work, it gives any story more meaning and significance.
When Beowulf first arrives in Hrothgars' hall, we get a sense of the old and
incapable state Hrothgar is in "old and gray-haired among the guard of earls"
(Beowulf, pg. 62) is how he is first described. When hearing who Beowulf's
father is he states in a joyous tone "I knew him when he was a child!..Well doe .....
.... back to their old ways.
Soon after this statement, the poem reads:
Beware, those who are thrust into danger,
Clutched at by trouble, yet can carry no solace
In their hearts, cannot hope to be better! Hail
To those who will rise to God, drop off
Their dead bodies and seek our Father's peace!
This says that the people whose fear consumes them to the point that
they lose faith that, after death, their souls will not be granted eternal peace
by the Father, God. This illustrates that the soldiers who have fallen from
faith in their worship are doing so only because of great fear, but that they
are looked down up .....
Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
.... made another pass at him.
This time she was more aggressive. The hunters used the same tactic on the boar
as Bercilak's wife used on Gawain. She tried to wear him down, but it had no
used because Gawain still put out. She gave him two kisses before she left his
For the third hunt Bercilak tracked a fox. The fox was sly and clever
and he chased it all over. Bercilak swung at it and it swerved and ran into the
dogs. The dogs killed it. Bercilak's wife tried to be sly like a fox on her
third attempt to seduce Gawain. After failing to seduce Gawain, Bercilak's wife
tried to give him something to make him break his word. .....
Odysseus: Heroes
.... his wife, well, in his mind he is. He kills many men
on his own in a battle at his home. He cries a couple of times in the story,
showing sensitivity. Overall, Odysseus is a brave and caring human that is a
little too conceited He is also very smart, like in the book when Odysseus said,
"He thought he'd find out, but I saw through him."(on page 750 line723.) Also
like most epic heroes Odysseus is physically strong, like when Odysseus said, "I
rammed it deep in his eye."(on page 751 line 843.) Odysseus rammed a large
spike into the beast's eye.
The poem "Women" was a great description of black women in the mid
1900's. They h .....
King Arthur
.... for the Britons against the Saxons, at a time when Britain was
constantly being threatened by invaders. Through being the commander who routed
the battles against the enemy and thereby saving the south of Britain from
distruction of the Saxons, “Arthur became the image of the hero and savior whose
death people refused to believe in and whose return was yearned for.”
The opinion that Arthur was a genuine figure in history, though not the
glorious King Arthur that most people know him to be, is largely based on the
writings of Nennius, a Welsh historian, who gave the first and only historical
account of Arthur's military career .....
The Odyssey
.... numerous ways as well. She helped by persuading
the gods to free Odysseus from Calypso. Athene even helped Odysseus by telling
Naussicaa to do her laundry at the beach and telling her to help the man she
meets. So when Odysseus came to shore he was ugly and he scared the other women
on the beach away, except Nausicaa. Nausicaa washed Odysseus up, gave him
clothes, and told him how to act when they return to her place. As they were
going to Naussicaa's place Athene made Odysseus invisible so the guards would
not see him and Athene made Odysseus look better by making him look taller,
stronger, and giving him more hair on his h .....
The Odyssey
.... song
and not die. When Odysseus had to figure out how he could kill the Suitors who
were staying in his house, he had Athena disguise him as an old beggar and then
told Telemachus, his son, to hide all of the Suitors' weapons and armor. If
they asked Telemachus what he was doing, he was to tell them he was storing the
weapons so that none of the suitors would kill each other if they got into a
fight. Many times throughout the story, Odysseus had to be resourceful enough to
accomplish a task by using surrounding things, whatever was at hand. When he
was drifting back towards Charybdis, Odysseus grabbed onto a nearby fig tree
a .....
Oedipus: The Mysteries Of Fate
.... This shepherd gave the baby to a
childless king and queen of Corinth, Polybus and Merope. This royal couple
named the boy Oedipus, which in its Greek form Oidipous means "swollen foot."
Oedipus was brought up believing that Polybus and Merope were his real parents,
and Lauis and Jocasta believed that their child was dead and the prophecy of
Apollo was false. Many years later, he was told by a drunk man at a banquet that
he was not a true heir of Polybus (page 55). He then went to the oracle of
Apollo, to ask the god who his real parents were. All he was told was that he
would kill his father and marry his mother (page 56). He r .....
Structural Levels Of The Iliad
.... The abduction of Helen by Paris lead
to the Trojan war. The promise made by Aphrodite to Paris in order to get the
apple of discord resulted in the abduction of Helen and the start of the Trojan
war. Therefore, Aphrodite, in the universal war, set the stage for the social
war of the Greeks and Trojans. Another time the gods influenced the social war
was when the Greeks and Trojans had a one on one battle to decide the outcome of
the war. The Greeks chose King Menelaus and the Trojans chose Paris. Menelaus
and Paris fought, but when Paris was about to be killed he was whisked off by
Aphrodite. Both sides agreed that the .....
Balder: God Of Light, Joy, Purity, Beauty, Innocence, And Reconciliation
.... blind twin brother Hod to shoot with a mistletoe fig. Not
knowing what he did, Hod threw the fig, guided by Loki's aim, and Balder fell
dead, pierced through the heart.
While the gods were lamenting over Balder's death, Odin sent his other son
Hermod to Hel, the goddess of death, to plead for Balder's return. Hel agreed to
send Balder back to the land of the living on one condition: everything in the
world, dead or alive, must weep for him. And everything wept, except for Loki
(who had disguised himself as the witch Thokk) so Balder had to remain in the
The others took the dead god, dressed him in crimson clot .....
"How Mosquitoes Came To Be": The Giant Lives On
.... Another
puzzling question I asked myself is, if the giant was stabbed by the human and
"The monster screamed and fell down dead."(12), why did the giant still speak?
I know this is a legend or maybe just a fictionous story, but if the giant is
also a spirit then that would be helpful when reading the legend. I will
analyze these questions in hopes of understanding the problems with humans and
giants, which I might add is still being dealt with today with mosquitoes
My first question, if this giant was the only one on the planet, seemed
answered toward the end of the story with the introduction of the giant's so .....