The Writing Styles Of 2 Prominent British Science Fiction Authors
.... that appeared in the pulp magazines, of the era. The phrase "science
fiction" was considered an enhancement of the term scientifiction. However
several British novels were categorized as scientific romances before the 1920's.
(Aldiss Trillion 27) Before Frankenstein the only forms of science fiction were
"the plays of Aristophanes or some Myrenaean fragment concerning the flight to
the sun on a goose's back." (Aldiss Billion 2) In these fantasies there is no
blend of reality and fantasy, it is pure fantasy. There is no one story that
is accepted to be the first science fiction tale. Science fiction as perceived
t .....
To Build A Fire: Significance Of Words "Dying" And "Death"
.... begins to run wild with thoughts of
insecurity and death when the second fire fails. He recollects the story of a
man who kills a steer to stay warm and envisions himself killing his dog and
crawling into the carcass to warm up so he can build a fire to save himself.
London writes, "a certain fear of death, dull and oppressive, came to him."
As the man slowly freezes, he realizes he is in serious trouble and can no
longer make excuses for himself. Acknowledging he "would never get to the camp
and would soon be stiff and dead," he tries to clear this morbid thought from
his mind by running down the trail in a last ditch effort t .....
To Build A Fire: Man's Intelligence Is Foolish
.... his
cheeks. He thinks "What were frosted cheek? A bit painful, that was all. . ."
(120). Again he chose to ignore an instinct that would have saved him.
The dog, on the other hand, although guided by his learned behavior
still retains his instincts. The dog follows the man throughout his ill faded
journey, but after the man perishes he relies upon his instincts to survive.
This is witnessed in the last paragraph by the statement "Then it turned
and trotted up the trail in the direction of the camp it knew, where there were
other food providers and fire providers" (129).
The theme of London's "To Build a Fire" is how we shou .....
Beowulf: Unferth, The Same Martyr
.... Grendel's siege, the smell of apples fresh
in the air, Unferth tries to be the Grendel's martyr. Oh the heroic Unferth who
died trying to save the people of Herot. Unfortunately he never got to die, not
even dressed up as a goat, a pig or an elderly women. This continuing life of
impotence lead Unferth to an immense sense of bitterness. Poor Unferth to be at
a beast's mercy for twelve years only to have Beowulf disembowel Grendel in one
On the beach as Beowulf is about detach mama's head from her body,
Unferth gives Beowulf his sword in a touching moment of peace between Beowulf
and Unferth. Well that is not quite right .....
Unintentional Findings
.... No matter what his answer is
he still gets laughed at and this remains in thoughts for a while. His artistic
vision can probably reflect his incessant habit of always having an opposing
opinion to his schoolmates even if it was something small such as who he thought
the greatest writer was.
In his school Stephen seemed to be told how he was supposed to think and
do things and in turn saw his family unable to follow the strict Catholicism
taught in his school. This guided him in his decision for his future plans
since he felt he was isolated from others because of the way he thought and did
When looking at his decision for .....
Vision Out Of The Corner Of One Eye: Literary Analysis
.... she wants nothing more than to put the incident behind her, by
the end she ironically throws all of her morals out the window and steals the
man's wallet.
The Black Cat: What Goes Around Comes Around
.... also describes a touch foreshadowing and
suspension of disbelief when he illustrates his wives response to the cat when
he writes "all black cats are witches in disguise, not that she was ever serious
upon this point-and I mention the matter at all for no better reason than it
happened, just now, to be remembered"(80).
Poe expresses his early attachment to the cat and dramatizes the
character changes he experiences when he writes "our friendship lasted, in this
manner, for several years, during which my general temperament and character-
through instrumentality of the Fiend Intemperance-had (I blush to confess it)
experienced a .....
Hawthornes's Young Goodman Brown And Rappacini's Daughter: Solicited By The Devil
.... forest to do his deed and "he had taken a
dreary road darkened by all the gloomiest trees of the forest" to get there(611).
Goodman Brown is willingly seeking the devil, and Hawthorne is throwing in all
the stereotypes. This entire search for the devil is portrayed as being very
ugly. What then is pretty? In Young Goodman Brown beauty equals inherent
goodness, or Faith. Young Goodman Brown separates from this righteousness, for
evil. From the beginning, he was leaving, at least for the time being, Faith
behind. "And Faith, as the wife was aptly named, thrust her own pretty head into
the street, letting the wind play with the soft r .....
Analysis Of "Scared To Death Of Dying", Article By Herbert Hendin
.... since he had
no mental illness.
Doctors can cause or hastened death without the patient's request. This
can be seen in the Netherlands were a 30 year-old man who was H.I.V.-positive,
but had no symptoms and may not develop them for years, was helped to die.
Probably the doctors didn't explain that even if he had a terminal disease he
could enjoy the rest of his life with his family and friend that were about to
lose him.
Doctors aren't trained to do this in medical school and the public
doesn't know better. This is because doctors aren' t trained properly in the
relief of pain and discomfort in terminally ill patients. And .....
Lancelot And Odysseus
.... characteristics. I say that their
time periods were somewhat opposing because the views of the culture regarding
the afterlife and any supernatural occurrence represent the conflict present
between monotheism and polytheism. One mutual characteristic of Lancelot and
Odysseus is their physical prowess present when they do battle against anyone
opposing their divine quest. Odysseus tends to take a more militaristic and
pitiless attitude toward this combat as shown during his battle with the suitors.
Not only does Odysseus slay the entire lot of suitors, but he kills any servant
or maid that has been unfaithful to hi .....
2001: A Metaphorical Odyssey
.... the dilemmas put
in front of him. By using his intelligence, he realizes that HAL has figured
him out, and he must find a way to get back into the discovery in order to
survive. In using persistence, Bowman does not give up when it seems that HAL
has won the battle. Instead he takes the rough way in, and he then disables HAL.
Bowman shows how adroit he is with dilemmas by handling the entire HAL
situation with calm and intelligence.
While on the mission, Bowman is faced with many dilemmas. The first
dilemma, is that he is in the dark about the purpose of the mission. He has
only been supplied with the vital information that .....
Flawless Heroes?
.... are perfectly squeaky clean is wrong. Society cannot lie to them. There
is some value to teaching reality even though Mr. Gibbon doesn't seem to think
Mr. Gibbon mentions that there is some sort of "tradition of exemplary
lives" in society's heroes that used to exist but no longer does. However there
never was such a tradition of wonderfully perfect people with perfect lives.
Back then people ignored the facts and decided to believe that these people were
perfect when the fact was that they were not perfect, they were just human.
You cannot shield today's young people. You can't just cover their eyes
to reality. Real .....