Proportions Of Numbers And Magnitudes
.... Thus, we can use the
following algebraic proportion to represent definition 5.5:
(m)a : (n)b :: (m)c : (n)d.
However, it is necessary to be more specific because of the way in which the
definition was worded with the phrase "the former equimultiples alike exceed,
are alike equal to, or alike fall short of….". Thus, if we take any four
magnitudes a, b, c, d, it is defined that if equimultiple m is taken of a and c,
and equimultiple n is taken of c and d, then a and b are in same ratio with c
and d, that is, a : b :: c : d, only if:
(m)a > (n)b and (m)c > (n)d, or
(m)a = (n)b and (m)c = (n)d, or
(m)a < (n)b and .....
.... those who wish to recount the
ancient history we may find some who refer this theorem to Pythagoras, and say
that he sacrificed an ox in honor of his discovery". If this statement is
considered as a statement of fact, it is extremely improbable, for Pythagoras
was opposed to the sacrifice of animals, especially cattle. If the saying is
considered as just a legend, it is easy to explain how such a legend might have
come into existence. Perhaps the original form of the legend said something
like he who discovered the famous figure sacrificed a bull in honor of his
Van der Waerden goes on to comment that he believes t .....
SAT Scores Vs. Acceptance Rates
.... regressions. I
saw that the power regression had the best correlation of the non-linear
A scatterplot of the transformation can be seen on page 4.
The Power Regression Equation is
ACCEPTANCE RATE=(2.475x10^23)(SAT SCORE)^-7.002
R= -.683 R^2=.466
The power regression seems to be the better model for the experiment that I have
chosen. There is a higher correlation in the power transformation than there is
in the linear regression model. The R for the linear model is -.632 and the R in
the power transformation is -.683. Based on R^2 which measures the fraction of
the variation in the values .....
Solving And Checking Equations
.... .....
Women In Math
.... flat on her
face when she doesn't make it. There is little support from others if a woman
wants to go into these fields. Equal opportunities is also a large factor in
this, either as a decision maker wether to go into the field or not or cold hard
facts. Facts like 90 percent of engineering, math and science position are held
by men, this means that they don't hire very many women.
Another reason is that the maybe lacking the self-esteem within their self.
This could be because of the scary numbers that are related to women and math,
science and engineering positions. Or that they could be struggling in that
area. Another .....
Academic Attitude
.... material to perform well
on a test, or regurgitate it into a paper, the pupil synthesizes the information
presented, relating it to other things, hence, learning about the subject.
Information, then, is no longer strictly exchanged from teacher to student. It
allows the learner to open her mind, liberalizing it, allowing deeper thought
into the subject. Approaching learning with a free mind demonstrates quality
academic attitude.
It is commonly believed that education is based on the fact that a
student is to handed information by the teacher (Freire 23). It is as if the
teacher is saying,
I am an expert, and if I .....
.... goals and
objectives. You may also be overwhelmed with the task. As a result, you keep
putting off your academic assignments for a later date, or spending a great deal
of time with your friends and social activities, or worrying about you upcoming
examination, class project and papers rather than completing them.
There are quite a few people that have difficulty concentrating. When you sit
at your desk you find yourself daydreaming, staring into space, looking at
pictures of your boyfriend/girlfriend, etc., instead of doing the task. Your
environment is distracting and noisy. You keep running back and forth for
equipment .....
.... practically
with the naked eye.
Hypothetically speaking, let's say you had a worm and a razor blade. Let's
also hypothesize that this particular worm is two inches long. Now if you were
to cut this worm exactly in half you should have "two worms" each one inch long.
If you then took one of those one inch pieces and cut it in half you would
then have two pieces each one fourth of an inch long-I don't really know how
many times you can cut a worm in half before it stops becoming two worms and
just becomes pieces of worm.
Theoretically, if you had the right tools, you should be able to continue
cutting that worm i .....
U.S And Greece: Differences And Similarities In Education
.... learn to run the house because of the male dominated culture.
Only the boys went to school, and at first the rich boys only went to school.
Only men learned to read and write. All schools were private schools and
family's would have to pay the school expenses for the education. They believed
music was necessary and they had a high value on physical fitness which the U.S.
doesn't. For people who could not afford school they would train in the city to
be a soldier.
The schools in Greece and in The United States of America both have a
great impact on the success of the country's. Even though they both are very
different they bo .....
Schools Should Prepare Children For Life In Society
.... that is generally seen as positive, but what almost makes this
impossible is the number of students in a class and the time frame of just 45
minutes, which is short if you are going to hear all the different opinions of
all the students.
If we accept that there do exist problems in society that need to get fixed, we
also have to see that it is not school's job to do this alone.
Schools just cannot make decisions for society, but they should work on
"producing" individual, critical and creative thinkers with a strong social
conscience. However other institutions need to support schools in doing that and
I think it should specifi .....
Discipline In The Classroom: Past And Present
.... school to school, but often included length, width and thickness of the
paddle or any other weapon used, the amount of times the student may be struck
by the weapon, and other minor details about other types of physical punishment.
The list of weapons that were acceptable for teachers to use include long:
rubber hoses, leather straps and belts, sticks, rods, straight pins, hard
plastic baseball bats, and arrows. If at the time a teacher did not have
his/her weapon, they would often resort to punching, kicking, slapping and
shaking as ways to "get children's attention". Besides these common manoeuvres
of punishment, othe .....
Principle Of Management Course: My Experiences
.... as I learned that there are three different perspectives that are
used to analyze an organization.
There are three different perspectives used to view organizational
behavior and processes: Strategic-Design, Political and Cultural. Initially, I
was looking at the organization and the process of management from the political
perspective. This perspective deals with the use of power and influence
throughout the organization. However, I also had to learn about the strategic-
design perspective, which dealt with the differentiation, efficiency, strategy,
coordination and integration of various tasks within the organization. .....