.... in my academic career had I had a teacher give out his or her home phone number. How many teachers do you know that give out his or her home phone number during your academic career?
One seemingly endless week passed. Even with a burst of effort on my part, I received a D on his quiz. With the paper in my hand, I nervously asked, "Mr. Johnson, my name is Sam. I am in your English class, I would like to talk to you about my grade for the quiz" looking at me with an understanding expression, he replied, "Sure, what about the grade?" A sensation of relief overcome my nervous body, I asked, "why did I get a D?" he gently reply, "May .....
Basketball Dreams
.... eventually pay off. He always drove me to watch the older kids play. He also encouraged to play with them so I could get tougher and better. I was very intimidated by the older kids, but he always encouraged me to keep on going and to never give up. The biggest lesson I learned from him was if I lost the game to keep my head held up high because I knew that I gave it everything I had and that next time I would be better.
When I got to middle school. My skills had improved dramatically. I began ti see a direct connection between hard work and success. That is when my grandfather said. There is no greater feeling then .....
Going Out On My Own
.... home cooked favorites such as boiled pot roast with new potatoes and honey glazed carrots, meat loaf with a spicy tomato sauce, and my personal favorite chicken fried steak. Our chicken fried steak was a half-pound monster that was double breaded, deep-fried and served with a white gravy made from bacon grease, French fries and Texas toast. It wasn’t very good for the heart but sure made your mouth and stomach happy.
Our clientele was an eclectic mix of business people, police officers, construction workers and college students. We had an odd group of about five regulars who would gather at Kelly’s every Tuesday and Thursday in a .....
My Friend's Battle With Anorexia
.... or problems. Overall, Laura had a great personality and always knew how to cheer any one of us up. All of this began to change after our best friend Lauren confessed that she had an eating disorder.
This news surprised us all. Lauren was really skinny, but so was her entire family. She always ate a lot, so we never suspected a problem. It made us all really upset, but Laura seemed to have a different view of Lauren's problem. I don't know if she was competing for attention or if she really wanted to lose weight, but Laura soon became obsessed with her weight. She went on diet after diet trying to lose weight. Instead .....
My Life In Vietnam And The Move To The United States
.... that I did not understand them at all, so they made rude remarks about me and my race. I understood them, maybe not completely, but I knew the intent of their messages. All that I had was my Apple II computer at which I just sat and programmed when I came home from school. At home, my parents pressured me to study all of the time, but I was frustrated and wanted to return to Vietnam. I wanted to go back and talk freely with my friends and play games with them and read comic books. My parents often told me that they decided to move here because of the educational opportunities, yet I continued to rebel and refused to liste .....
The Nasty Restroom
.... under the hot water, I blindly grabbed for a paper towel from the mold covered dispenser. In a rush, I attempted to dry my hands over the trash can when my ring slipped off my finger and into the disgusting pit of vile objects. At first I was upset at my loss, but then I became furious. I rolled up my sleeves and began to root through the sludge for it.
Inside, I witnessed a mass of matter I hadn’t until that day ever viewed so rank. First I cast aside a carton of milk from centuries ago, containing a small pool of remnant lactose, spoiled into a creamy matter. A cold shiver ran up my back as I heard the crinkle of my hand br .....
Employee Theft At Staples
.... of the guys claimed that the lack of proper wages justified the theft. “After all,” Doug said one day, “All we’re doing is stealing from Staples what they owe us anyway.” I was scared. Was there a chance of losing my job if I didn’t reveal the secret to a member of management? And if I did tell, would getting involved put me at risk? When is being moral wrong?
I decided that telling a manager would be the best thing to do. I chose one I thought I could trust not to release my name, and I told her everything. Her shocked expression told me that she was clueless to the situation. The tears beginning to accumulate in her eyes .....
A Picture Painted By Nature
.... commodity here. there must be at least a billion blades of healthy green sheathes penetrating up from fertile chocolate brown soil. the only discoloration that is visible on each blade occurs on their tops. these tops were once as green as the rest of their bodies, but are now brown and jagged from the centrifugal motion of the twin blades powered by a hungry lawnmower. stepping back, the brown tipped sheathes gives the lawn physical properties that allow it to resemble a large doormat. it looks like the type of doormat that you would find resting at the base of a restauraunts door, a mat that is green with a slight hint .....
One Afternoon
.... behind the nearby pines at the edge of his yard. Still waiting at least ten more minutes (to see if the old crab would emerge from his door) Ryan and I would plan our escape route. A quick sprint down the road would bring us to our destination: the backyard tree fort. It was a plan. A decent plan.
The tree house was where we spent most of our time. It served as our very own private room and office. There we'd plan "attacks," brush up on our carpentry skills, and spend hours on end perfecting each and every GI Joe base we had. Like any ordinary club or conspiracy group, our tree fort was top secret. To make sure tha .....
The Prison
.... was final, that was the day I stopped being Mrs. Tucker. But, I was told that was what I had to do.
There were other rules I was told about, such as inmates were not allowed to handle money at all. so, I had gave money as a refund, I was to never give any to an inmate. I was, to keep my stockdoor locked at all times. Which was an unusual rule because there were times that I was within 2 feet of the door but, it had to be locked anyway. On my way home that day, I fought back the tears. I was so intimated by what I saw there, that I did not want to return at all.
My boss told me he wanted me to go and sit and observe f .....
An Asian American In America
.... United State, so we made the long and tuff struggle to America.
We went to the Philippine Island for six months so that were medically prepared to go to the United States. After six months we were given a departure date. During these times, my parents struggle to keep us alive through any means. They wanted us to have a future, an education and a good job.
After years of hard work, I am on my way to achieving my goals and in the process, my parent’s goals. I graduated from High School and I am a freshman in the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth in the College Now program. I am planning to major in Business Adminis .....
My Vacation In Acapulco Mexico
.... providing the sound effects for the story. This was truly a great beginning to a wonderful afternoon. Behind the restaurant was a low mountainous area, accessible by walking trails only. We hiked one of these trails, observing the brightly colored tropical plants and trees that flourished on this well maintained terrain. A beautiful waterfall added to the splendor, and when we reached the top, a lookout provided a panoramic view of the entire bay. What a breathtaking sight! There was a bar here, and after a cool drink we decided to head down. We took a different trail down that brought us to the base of the mountain. In front .....