ITT Trip Scheduling
.... building any DSS is planning. Planning is basically defining
the problem. The planning also involves an assessment of exactly what is needed.
In this case I deal with trip scheduling. In the case description this would
include: How many trips to offer, the days of the week to have particular trips,
and when to cancel trips. Obviously the scheduling ties to other information
such as profit and participation, but for this paper I will only cover the
scheduling portion of ITTs problem. Therefore I have defined the problem as a
basic scheduling problem. I see a need for ITT to better schedule trips using
the information they h .....
DVD VS. DIVX: Consumer Product Investigation
.... a year ago. DVD is DVD,
which stands for Digital Video Disc, Digital Versatile Disc, or nothing,
depending on whom you ask, is the next generation of optical disc storage
technology. It's essentially a bigger, faster CD that can hold video as
well as audio and computer data. DVD aims to encompass home entertainment,
computers, and business information with a single digital format,
eventually replacing audio CD, videotape, laserdisc, CD-ROM, and perhaps
even video game cartridges. DVD has widespread support from all major
electronics companies, all major computer hardware companies, and about
half of the major movie and music stud .....
Journalism On The Internet
.... then, universities have used it and it
has evolved into what it is today. It is a library that contains mail, stories,
news advertising, and just about everything else. "In a sense, freenets are a
literacy movement for computer mediated communication today, as public libraries
were to reading for an earlier generation." Now that the term "the net" is
understood lets look at some sections of the net.
An online magazine is a computer that lets users access it through the net.
This computer stores one or more magazines which users can read. "PC magazine
and other magazines are available on the Web" "Maclean's Magazine and C .....
.... of are, atoms of a gas, molecules in a
liquid, and ions in a crystal. Another component consists of some method of
introducing energy into the active medium, such as a flash lamp for example.
Another component is the pair of mirrors on either side of the active medium
which consists of one that transmits some of the radiation that hits it. If the
active component in the laser is a gas laser than each atom is characterized by
a set of energy states, or energy levels, of which it may consist. An example
of the energy states could be pictured as a unevenly spaced ladder which the
higher rungs mean higher states of energy and .....
Virtual Reality
.... In 1965,
computer scientist Ivan Sutherland published a paper describing "The
Ultimate Display" and set the stage for research on the technology of
Virtual Reality. Here's an excerpt from his paper:
"The ultimate display would, of course, be a room within which
the computer can control the existence of matter. A chair
displayed in such a room would be good enough to sit in.
Handcuffs displayed in such a room would be confining, and
a bullet displayed in such a room would be fatal. With
appropriate programming, such a display could literally be
the Wonderland into .....
Macintosh Vs. IBM
.... in electronic computers. Phoenix Technologies went
through published documentation to figure out the internal operating system
(BIOS) in the IBM. In turn, they designed a BIOS of their own which could be
used with IBM computers. It stood up in courts and now with a non IBM BIOS, the
clone was created. Many manufacturers jumped in and started making their own
IBM Compatible computers, and IBM eventually lost a big share in the desktop
While IBM was just getting started in the personal computer market, Apple was
also just getting on its feet. It was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
in 1976. They were both co .....
Which Computer Is The Fastest
.... computers account for 60% of the 5.9 million machines in U.S.
schools for the 1995-96 school year. Only 29% of schools use the Microsoft/Intel
platform, and DOS only accounts for a measly 11%. Also it was reported that
18.4% of 4 year college students own the Macintosh. 55% of college students own
a computer, and Apple's in the lead for that market too! The reason Apple says
for this continued success is the Mac's ease of use.
There is no doubt that the Macintosh is the easiest computer around. The
scrolling menu bar is the first example. If a Macintosh menu is too long to fit
on the screen, you can scroll down to see all .....
Making Utilities For MS-DOS
.... to the company that developed it?
Obviously, only the company that has developed that operating system will be
able to develop software for it. And this is a violation of the Antitrust Law.
And now I start having a suspicion that this is happening with Microsoft's
operating systems. It should be no secret to anyone that MS-DOS contains a lot
of undocumented system calls, data structures and other features. Numerous books
have been written on this subject (see bibliography). Many of them are vital to
system programming. There is no way to write a piece of system software, such as
a multitasker, a local area network, or another op .....
Computers: Productive Tools In Our Lives
.... source such as a floppy disk, a hard drive or a CD - ROM drive, in zillions of
1's and 0's. Each of these tiny little instructions makes up a bit. Then they
assemble to form a byte. Bytes make up a program, which you run to use the
computer's various applications.
Now that you know more about computers than Einstein did, let me tell
you something more about them, so that you will beat the President in the field
of computing. In your computer, you require a good amount of RAM, which is there
to randomly accesses memory. That is required to speed up your computer, so that
it gives you more error messages in less time. The faster .....
Seatbelts And Airbags: They Save Lives!!!
.... car. Car buyers also just plain avoid buying cars with a passenger
side airbag. Seatbelts, however, cannot be avoided. In the state of
Pennsylvania it is illegal to ride in an automobile without wearing a
seatbelt, yet we still do not wear them because they are uncomfortable. We
don't think about what can and will happen if we don't wear them.
Seatbelts should be worn at all times. On school buses that seat more than
24, however, seatbelts are not present. They should be!!! Even though the
seats are high and they look like they will stop someone from flying
forward, the passengers on the bus can still be injured in an .....
A Tour Of The Pentium Pro Processor Microarchitecture
.... work per pipestage for more stages. The Pentium Pro processor reduced its
pipestage time by 33 percent, compared with a Pentium processor, which means the
Pentium Pro processor can have a 33% higher clock speed than a Pentium processor
and still be equally easy to produce from a semiconductor manufacturing process
(i.e., transistor speed) perspective.
The Pentium processor's superscalar microarchitecture, with its ability to
execute two instructions per clock, would be difficult to exceed without a new
approach. The new approach used by the Pentium Pro processor removes the
constraint of linear instruction sequencing b .....
.... and all of
the inner workings of the chip as the various parts of a factory (Wyant and
Hammerstrom, 71-103). Basically a microprocessor can be seen as a factory
because like a factory it is sent something and is told what to do with it. The
microprocessor factory processes information. This most basic unit of this
information is the bit. A bit is simply on or off. It is either a one or a zero.
Bits are put into 8 bit groups called bytes. The number 8 is used because it is
offers enough combinations to encode our entire language (2^8=256). If only 4
bits are used only (2^4=16) combinations would be possible. This is enough to