Bob Dole: A Race To The Top
.... Under Dole's
tax cut plan, a family of four with an annual income of 31,000 would see their
tax bill drop from $2,000 to $800, a difference of $1,200. "The way the tax
cut was packaged shows that they were still sensitive to the old anti-Reagan
argument that tax cuts just benefit the rich and they tried to show that their
plan would benefit everybody," remarked Rick Grafmeyer, a tax partner at Earnest
& Young, a national accounting firm (Barnes, 1996, 29).
While Dole flaunts the benefits of his tax-cut proposal, he fails to
mention what will suffer in order to activate his tax cuts. First of all, Dole
made no mention of ho .....
Susan Smith
.... South Carolina. On
October 25th Susan Smith explained that she was "heading east on Highway 49 when
she stopped at a red light at Monarch Mills about 9:15 p.m., and a man jumped
into the passenger seat." She described the man "as a black male in his late
20s to early 30s, wearing a plaid shirt, jeans and a toboggan-type hat." She
said that the abductor held her at gun point and told her to drive. She drove
northeast of Union for about 4 miles. Then the man suddenly told her to stop the
car. Mrs. Smith said she asked if she should pull over, but the man said for her
to stop in the middle of the road. She claimed that she begge .....
Woodrow Wilson And His Ability To Be An Effective President
.... while in school, he showed
a poor ability to be a lawyer. During this time he was in and out of sickness.
Wilson did not really want to be a lawyer. His main area of interest was
in politics. His first taste of politics was during his term as Governor of New
Jersey. He took this seat in office with sites of presidency two years later.
He let this be known in a letter he wrote to a friend in June of 1910. In the
letter he said this "It is immediately, as you know, the question of my
nomination for the governorship of New Jersey; but that it is the mere
preliminary of a plan to nominate me in 1912 for presidency."(En .....
Albert Einstein
.... key. A year later, in 1904 they
had a child, Hans Albert. In that same year, he recieved a job at the swiss
patent office.
In 1905, three of Einstein's 4 famous papers; "about a 'heuristical'
perspective about the creation and modulation of light, about the movement of in
still liquids mixed objects supported by the molecularkinetical theory of heat
and about the electrodynamics of moving objects". In autumn of 1922 Einstein
received the Nobel Prize for Physics, for his work on the photoelectric effect.
He did not receive the prize for his "theory of relativity" because it was
thought that at the time it did not meet the crit .....
Apollonius Of Perga
.... of theorems in Book 3 and the greater part of Book 4 are
new, however, and he introduced the terms parabola, eelipse, and hyperbola.
Books 5-7 are clearly original. His genius takes its highest flight in Book 5,
in which he considers normals as minimum and maximum straight lines drawn from
given points to the curve ( independently of tangent properties ), discusses how
many normals can be drawn from particular points, finds their feet by
construction, and gives propositions determining the center of curvature at any
points and leading at once to the Cartesian equation of the evolute of any conic.
The first four books of .....
Blaise Pascal
.... this
room he figured out ways to draw geometric figures such as perfect circles, and
equilateral triangles, all of this he accomplished. Due to the fact that É
tienne took such painstaking measures to hide mathematics from Blaise, to the
point where he told his friends not to mention math at all around him, Blaise
did not know the names to these figures. So he created his own vocab for them,
calling a circle a "round" and lines he named "bars". "After these definitions
he made himself axioms, and finally made perfect demonstrations." (P 39,Cole)
His progression was far enough that he reached the 32nd proposition of Euclid's
Boo .....
Blaise Pascal
.... conic
sections; and in 1641 at the age of 18 he construced the first arithmetical
machine, an instrument with metal dials on the front on which the numbers were
entered. Once the entries had been completed the answer would be displayed in
small windows on the top of the device. This device was improved eight years
later. His correspondence with Fermat about this time shows that he was then
thurning his attention to analytical geometry and physics. At this time he
repeated Torricelli's experiments, by which the pressure of the atmosphere could
be estimated as a weight, and he confirmed his theory of the cause of
barometrical variati .....
Carl Friedrich Gauss
.... -- dealing with the relationships and properties of integers. This book
set the pattern for many future research and won Gauss major recognition among
mathematicians. Using number theory, Gauss proposed an algebraic solution to the
geometric problem of creating a polygon of n sides. Gauss proved the possibility
by constructing a regular 17 sided polygon into a circle using only a straight
edge and compass.
Barely 30 years old, already having made landmark discoveries in
geometry, algebra, and number theory Gauss was appointed director of the
Observatory at Göttingen. In 1801, Gauss turned his attention to astronomy and
Karl Gauss: Biography
.... was made a member of the Royal
Society in London, and was invited membership to the Russian and French
Academies of Sciences. However, he remained in his hometown in Germany until
his death in 1855.
During his Teen years, Karl Gauss developed many mathematical theories
and proofs, but these would not be recognized for decades because of his lack of
publicity and publication experience. He discovered what we now call Bode's Law,
and the principle of squares, which we use to find the best fitting curve to a
group of observations.
Having just finished some work in quadratic residues in 1795, Karl Gauss
mo .....
Frank Lloyd Wright
.... .....
Carl Friedrich Gauss
.... In 1793-94 he did intensive research in number theory, especially
on prime numbers. He made this his life's passion and is regarded as its modern
Gauss studied at the University of Gottingen from 1795 to 1798. He soon
decided to write a book on the theory of numbers. It appeared in 1801 under the
title 'Disquisitiones arithmeticae'. This classic work usually is held to be
Gauss's greatest accomplishment. Gauss discovered on March 30, 1796, that circle,
using only compasses and straightedge the first such discovery in Euclidean
construction in more than 2,000 years.
His interest turned to astronomy in April .....
.... and is regarded as its modern
Gauss studied at the University of Gottingen from 1795 to 1798. He soon decided
to write a book on the theory of numbers. It appeared in 1801 under the title
'Disquisitiones arithmeticae'. This classic work usually is held to be Gauss's
greatest accomplishment. Gauss discovered on March 30, 1796, that circle, using
only compassses and straightedge the first such discovery in Euclidean
construction in more than 2,00 years.
His interest turned to astronomy in April 1799, and that field occupied his
attention for the remainder of his life. Gauss set up a speedy method for the
complete det .....