Animal Farm: The Danger Of Ignorance
.... ignorant to see past
Hitler's ideas, he easily became dictator of Germany.
Manipulation in government is shown when the animals were forced to
build the windmill. The pigs manipulated the animals into thinking that it
would be beneficial, when in reality it turned disastrous. This idea is
also incorporated in the famous quote, "All animals are created equal."
When the pigs first introduce this idea of equality, all the animals praise
them, however, the pigs started to play favorites while still claiming "All
animals are equal." The pigs did such a good job manipulating the animals
that the pigs finally stated, "All animals are .....
Ambiguity And Equivocation In Macbeth
.... king. After Macbeth is made Thane of Cawdor, he realizes
that the witches were right, and immediately begins to ponder the other
part of their prophecy. "My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical,"
(I.iii.153) he thinks, bringing murder to the front of his mind almost as
soon as the witches are proven right. Later in the play, Macbeth's desire
for power, encouraged by the witches, leads him to kill the king and assume
the throne.
Macbeth and his wife use ambiguity and equivocation themselves in
pursuit of power.
All our service / In every point twice done, and then done
double, / Were poor and single busine .....
The Crucible: John Proctor Is A Hero
.... of goodness in John Proctor.” John rips up the
confession he has just signed when he realizes that what he is doing is
just going to make his family's lives worse.
John decides not to confess because he does not want to ruin the
Proctor name. He does not want to lose his reputation over something that
is not true. John does not want his name taken away. He says he will not
sign the papers. He says “No because it is my name! Because I cannot have
another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am
not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without
my name? I have given you my .....
The Different Kinds Of Advertisements
.... by
just looking at it because they don't show a lot of things in it. For
example, how do we know that the girls are wearing this kind of make-up?
Just because it said what kind of make-up and the names of each girl in the
corner, doesn't mean that they are actually wearing it. Although since it
does say there names it makes it a little more believable. Showing the
girls names actually makes them seem more like a regular person then just
someone in a magazine. Another thing is, how do we know if this is really
clean make-up? Just because it shows the girls outside doesn't mean that it
won't clog your pores, and it doesn't say it whe .....
The Changing Role In Viola/Cesario In The Twelveth Night
.... self, but rather his secret self, as he believes he shares with a
peer. So, she grows to love him. But, Orsino's motivation is actually not
love for Viola, but rather he seems to be in love with love itself. His
entire world is filled with love but he knows that there might be a turning
point for him, like when he says:
If music be the food of love, play on; give me excess of it, that,
surfeiting, the appetite may sicken, and so die. 1. (I,I,I-III)
This quote shows that he knows that he is so caught up in "love", that he
hopes his appetite for love may simmer when he takes more than he can
1. Shakesp .....
Julius Caesar
.... of them,
obviously including the sayer Caesar encountered, are indeed right on the
mark. Since they lack any formal office or shop, and they predict
forthcomings without fee, one can see quite easily why citizens would
distrust their predictions. Superstition, in general elements such as the
Feast of Lupercal, as well as on a personal level such as with the sooth-
sayers, is an important factor in determining the events and the outcome of
Julius Caesar, a significant force throughout the entire course of the play.
Before the play fully unravels, we see a few of signs of Caesar's
tragic end. Aside from the sooth-sayer's .....
Measure For Measure - Critique
.... is certainly one of the play's highlights, and is a model for many
modern humour pieces) which all serve to create a less than enthralling
afternoon of "not so high" drama. I will not attempt to explain the plot,
as one of the play's redeeming factors is the suspense created by the soap
operatic storyline. All in all,"MFM" is an average play written by an
exceptional writer, performed no more than competantly by gifted actors, on
a boring, uninteresting stage, thus we can equate : The God of Drama - less
than excellent play
-------------------------------------------------- = X
Excellent actors - poo .....
Falstaff And King Henry: Similar Characters
.... and the King live,to a great extent, by the
sharpness of their minds: Falstaff as a criminal, and the King as a
politician. Another similar facet of these two characters is their view of
bravery. Both the King and Falstaff subscribe to the theory that it is
better to avoid danger and thus avoid the possibility of harm than to take
risks. Falstaff does this on several occasions,such as when he played dead
during the battle to avoid injury. At this same battle, the King employed
similar tactics, when he had many of his men disguised to look like him and
thus him hard to find. It is in these ways that Falstaff and the King are
Julius Caesar: Brutus Is A Honorable Man
.... are serving the romans. If the conspirators
don't bind together, then each man will go his own way, become a weakling,
and die when it suits the tyrants caprice. Brutus is advocates peace,
freedom and liberty, for all romans, which shows that Brutus is an
altruistic as well as an honorable man.
Brutus also had a compassion for Caesar when he had killed Caesar. "If
then that a friend demand why Brutus rose against Caesar, this is my
answer: Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more"
(Shakespeare 421). Brutus had honored Caesar but Brutus felt that Caesar
was to ambitious. Brutus also felt that Caesar made the r .....
King Lear: A Shakespearean Tragedy
.... affects
everything below him. There must also be the element of chance or accident
that influences some point in the play.
King Lear meets all of these requirements that has been laid out by
Bradley which is the most logical for a definition of a tragedy as compared
to the definition of a comedy by G. Wilson Knight.
The main character of the play would be King Lear who in terms of
Bradley would be the hero and hold the highest position is the social chain.
Lear out of Pride and anger has banished Cordelia and split the kingdom in
half to the two older sisters, Goneril and Regan. This is Lear's tragic
flaw which preve .....
King Lear: Justice
.... the "Great Chain of Being" which states that no mortal will
abandon his position in the hierarchy of ranking set by God. Lear's
intention of abdicating his throne is apparent from the outset and is seen
in the following speech spoken during the opening scene of the play:
. . . 'tis our fast intent
To shake all cares and business from our age,
Conferring them on younger strengths while we
Unburdened crawl toward death. . .1
Evidently the splitting of Lear's kingdom and abdication of his throne
is not an act of necessity, but an act toward easing the remainder of his
life. Lear's disruption of the "Great Chain .....
King Lear: King Lear A Tragic Hero
.... takes
the action that produces the suffering and calamity which leads to death.
Other characteristics of a tragic hero are as follows. The tragic hero is
a person who is of high degree, and his welfare is intimately tied up with
the welfare of the state. The hero is an exceptional being, of high degree,
whose actions and sufferings are of an unusual kind, who possesses and
exceptional nature. His nature is exceptional in the sense that it is very
much like our nature, except that it is intensified.
The tragic hero is also involved in conflict, which could be either
conflict with someone else, or conflict within himself. Th .....