Macbeth And His Lady
.... commit the act and not feel guilty afterwards. Lady Macbeth is further characterized and begins to make her thoughts known to Macbeth when she greets him with, “Great Glamis! Worthy Cawdor! Greater than both, by the all-hail hereafter! /and I feel now the future in the instant.” (I: v: 55).
Lady Macbeth’s depravity and lack of morality begins to have an affect on Macbeth as he progresses from a ethical man to one willing to commit murder. Lady Macbeth is deeply loved by Macbeth as evinced by Macbeth calling his wife, “My dearest love,” (I: v: 57). Love oftentimes causes blinders to be put on, as a person will do just about anyt .....
“The Devil’s Own”
.... its authority on which political parties are allowed to run for election during the period when the movie took place. The British government also does not allow the territory the right to vote on its own sovereignty. The British government official depicted in this film is of the strong overpowering domineering type that will go to all lengths to maintain its hold on the Northern Ireland Territory.
3. Economics.
The movie reflects an average middle class life style for this period of time. Despite the unrest, it appears that people are able to maintain a somewhat normal lifestyle and standards of living. The people appear .....
Antigone: Creon
.... because he was already punished since he was dead. Creon strongly disagreed with Tiresias and got angry when Tiresias said, “…He is a fool, a proved and stubborn fool…” (p.237). The comments concerning Creon all prove that he is a foolish leader.
During Creon’s life his views on things change and his conscience finally comes into place in the end. Talking to Haemon about dictatorship regarding Antigone, Creon says, “Do I rule this state, or someone else?” (p.223). This means that he is the only one whose opinion matters in decision regarding Thebes. Once tragedy strikes, Creon looks upon others for advice. He asks the Leade .....
King Lear: Illusion
.... flattery brought on by him saying
Which of you shall we say doth love us most,
That we our largest bounty may extend
(King Lear I.I.51-52)
This vast reward he offers in return for the confession of love is bound to induce an exaggerated version of feelings to maximise the reward, as Goneril says
Sir, I do love you more than word can wield the
(King Lear I.I.54-55)
She then continues with
No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour.
(King Lear I.I.58)
Regan then backs up her sister with
Sir I am made of that self mettle as my sister,
And prize me at her worth. In my true heart
I find she nam .....
Work In The Media
.... paragraph, I will show how the movie portrays educated work. Educated work is the work of scholars, people who have graduated college, the educated people. These people will have the best jobs, the biggest houses, and the nicest things. Unlike the menial work, the only physical labor these people will have to do at work is to get up from their desks to go to the bathroom. For example, the man who discovers Will Hunting’s talents is Gerald Lambo, a professor at Harvard University. He teaches his lesson for the day and when he is done with his lesson, he leaves, and has his assistant take care of the questions the students mig .....
Macbeth: Macbeth's Conduct And Personality
.... great deed: The service and the loyalty I owe, In doing it, pays itself.
But while he destroys the king's enemies, such motives work but dimly at best and are obscured in his consciousness by more vigorous urges. In the main, as we have said, his nature violently demands rewards: he fights valiantly in order that he may be reported in such terms a "valour's minion" and "Bellona's bridegroom"' he values success because it brings spectacular fame and new titles and royal favor heaped upon him in public. Now so long as these mutable goods are at all commensurate with his inordinate desires - and such is the case, up until he covets .....
Macbeth - Nature Vs. The Unnatural
.... did shake. (65)
The earth shaking symbolizing the humans fear and shock of the recent events.
Not only did the murder effect Macbeth (and nature of course) and people close to the King, it effected the whole kingdom. An old-man talks about his experiences and reactions to the death. He makes a connection to nature when he talks about the owl again. He talks about how an owl killed a falcon, which in the food-chain is quite unnatural:
‘Tis unnatural,
Even like the deed that’s done. (73)
The owl, which usually catches mice on the ground, went up instead of down, and killed a falcon. The Owl and Falcon symbolize people .....
The Development Of Juliet In Romeo And Juliet
.... at the Friar*s cell.
Juliet is forced by a series of crises to grow up rapidly, and we can see her gathering strength to face each one. The pain of Romeo*s banishment is immediately succeeded by the horror of her father*s plans for another wedding. Juliets father, the Old Capulet, startled by the rebellion of Juliet who had been an obedient, beloved, and his only child treats her with cruelty. Juliet*s mother, Lady Capulet, abandons Juliet. And her last hope, the Nurse, advises her to betray her husband. She doesn*t have her family, friends nor husband to support her "My dismal scene I needs must act alone" (IV.iii.19) Juliet .....
Forever Swing
.... did an outstanding job of using propaganda to deny the truth about the camps. When the reports about the camps were believed, the government quickly went to work to repress the terror and convince the German population that nothing horrible was happening.
In the film Swing Kids, the main characters are Peter, Thomas, and Arvid. They, along with many other German youth, maintain their “business as usual” by attending legal swing parties. Most of the music was banned by the government, but the swing kids insisted on not letting them take musical expression away from them. Record stores changed the labels on records so they .....
Shakespeare's Henry V: Two Views Of War
.... 1944, at the closing of World War II, Laurence Olivier adopted William Shakespeare's script of Henry V. Using the setting, costumes, and music in his film, Olivier presented an overall idealized view of war. The cartoon-like opening, when the field of Agincourt is shown as a grassy land against a picturesque sky, sets the mood of the movie. The audience sees a pleasing picture which lightens their general feelings towards war. Next, the viewer is presented both the British and the French armies. We see the English on their white and brown horses wearing ornate chain-link armor. The white British flag with a red cross is fl .....
Lady Macbeth And Macbeth's Reactions And The Plot
.... The ultimate injustice that he commits is the murder of Lady Macduff and her young son. There was no motive, and their deaths did not advance his position in any way. Furthermore, he reveals that “ the very firstlings of my heart shall be the firstlings of my hand.” From now on, he has vowed to act simply on impulse without even thinking over his next action.
Before Duncan’s murder, Lady Macbeth seems to be the stronger one in her marriage. However, this view is incorrect. She is pushing for Duncan’s murder, but she can not commit the murder because he “ resembled my father as he slept.” This shows weakness because she all .....
Movie Review Of It’s A Wonderful Life
.... to "Pottersville" and showed him what the world would be like if he was never born. That saved George in a way as well. George learned what he had to be thankful for.
I thought this film to be very intellectual. It told a wonderful story, yet taught valuable lessons. Clarence taught George that there is more to life than money, and to end his life because of money was silly. Clarence gave George his book, and in it was written: "Remember no man is a failure who has friends. That was a lesson that George learned. His friends helped him in a time of need, just like George had done for them their whole lives. George lea .....