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People And Events Of World War II

.... 1943, shot down by the U.S. 13th Air Force in a surgical assassination strike. The last, Tojo Hideki, was born in 1884, and was the most violent of the three. He was the leader of the militaristic party that controlled the government from 1926 to 1945, and the one who commanded the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1937. He controlled all government and military campaigns until 1944, when, as a result of bad military defeats, he resigned as Prime Minister. Tojo was later arrested, tried, and convicted by an international military court for conventional war crimes, crimes against peace, and crimes against humanity. He was later e .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2259 | Number of pages: 9

History Repeats Itself

.... it moved on to become a great power. Holland had relied on seafaring and the economic success of Amsterdam until around 1620. "By mid-century, however, they had used their technical sophistication and control of vital raw commodities to build successful industries . . . and supported by Holland's bourgeois virtues, trading preeminence and credit, Dutch manufactures soon dominated a number of European markets" (BP 198). Holland remained in power until its decline began in the middle of the eighteenth century. In 1750, the Dutch started losing European markets but continued as the number one market country in Europe. The Britis .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1704 | Number of pages: 7

The Holocaust

.... And by no means is the genocide of European Jews, and other groups by the Nazi Germany during WWII. To me the Holocaust means the most current gigantic thing to happen to a group of people. In my opinion, not the last either. To those of you who say that there is no way this is going to happen again, I laugh at you. It is a fact that there is a religous war going on right now in the middle east, and has been going on for as long as people can remember. For those who say that what is going on in the middle east is not a genocide, I'll just say that you are right so far but I would call a nuclear bomb which is the hottest .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 473 | Number of pages: 2

Israeli Palestinian Conflict

.... but to a point there is agreement, it is upon three things: there should be a Jewish state; it should be permanent, independent, and secure; and Jews who are threatened anywhere in the world should be able to go there to be safe. All other issues--the boundaries of the state, the nature of government, relations with the Palestinians, relations with American Jews, religious law--are in dispute. It is important to understand the Palestinian views . Keep in mind two points. First, people respond to the circumstances in which they live. If one is rich, one sees problems one way; if one is unemployed, one sees it a second way; if one .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1262 | Number of pages: 5

Lenin And Problems After The October Revolution

.... “ saving the socialist republic” . One of the largest problems that Russia faced prior to the October Revolution was finally ended, though its effects were still to be felt. Almost immediately afterwards, in 1918, Civil War begins. The battling White Army divided amongst different leaders and interests left the Red Army, led by Trotsky victorious. Lenin does succeed in eliminating opposition to the Soviet Union in November of 1920. As in the case of the World War, a simple end to the fighting did not signify an end to the devastation that had been left as a consequence. The economic and social problems that arose from the e .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 766 | Number of pages: 3

The Neandertals

.... been found in the Neander Valley and Dusseldorf Germany, in Altamura, Italy and Vindija, Croatia. These are major sites for the European caves the Neandertals lived in. Although the Neandertals went to the southern tip of Italy, they never crossed the Mediterranean Sea to Africa. They migrated from central Europe to central Asia to the Middle East and always came back. Their main mode of moving around was on their feet, and they usually travelled in bands of no more than 30 people. The Neandertals had broad noses, and scientists think this was to warm the cold air. They also had thick browridges, receding chins, high forehea .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1084 | Number of pages: 4

Ancient Egypt

.... papyrus reeds or wooden planks(used after 3,000BC) were filled with different thing such as grains were floated downstream and carried by the current, or if they needed to be floated upstream, you would simply just raise the sails up and the ship would sail upstream, the Egyptians invented sails at approximately 3,200BC. Although the Nile is such an abundant source of life, it fertilize just a narrow strip of land, eventually the Egyptians built large irrigation systems which would carry water into the desert. Ancient cultures were often plagued with warfare and attacks from other cultures, Egypt's geography protected it from .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1995 | Number of pages: 8

Spanish Conquistadors: Heroes Or Murderers

.... all people hold close to their heart is their way of life whatever it may be. The Indians however were persecuted for their beliefs and either killed or converted to the “Spanish Catholicism” or many other varying ways of life. This conversion did not take place peacefully. Many resisting Indians died for their cause. The Indians of the Americas could no longer hunt and gather food freely. Nor could they farm just for their community. Strong men were taken as slaves either to Hispañola (Modern Day Haiti), Cuba or taken back to Spain. Such slaves were often worked to death, because of the seemingly endless supply of American Indi .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 811 | Number of pages: 3

The Battle Of The Spanish Armada

.... had established himself as the guardian of Christendom. He also had the dream of uniting all of the Christian European nations against the Turks and the Moors, who had been terrorizing Catholicism from one end of the Mediterranean to the other. However, his dreams were hindered with the coming of the Protestant Reformation, which split Christendom into two parts.(Marx 22-25) Philip II continued in his father's footsteps as the defender of Catholicism. After the Turks were defeated in a decisive sea battle in 1571, Philip turned his attention to another serious threat to Christendom: his Protestant neighbors. Devoutly religious .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 4044 | Number of pages: 15

The Congress Of Vienna

.... nationalism because of its threat to overthrow the traditional political order. The goals of the Congress of Vienna were the Balance of Power, which meant no nation would be too strong or too weak. Another goal was the Return of Monarchs. Louis XVIII issued a constitution to return. The Congress of Vienna wanted to redraw borders. The leaders payed little attention to the people when redrawing Europe. The Prince Metternich system was a system that made absolute rule return. Four nations agreed to act as the “Fire department” of Europe, this was known as the Quad Alliance. The Holy Alliance said that nations would let Go .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 361 | Number of pages: 2

The Downfall Of The Middle Ages

.... was the enforcement of Common Law, which applied throughout the kingdom. The effects of the Hundred Years' War hastened the decline of the feudal system. The use of the longbow and firearms made the feudal methods of fighting obsolete. Monarchs replaced feudal soldiers with national armies made up of hired soldiers. Finally, threats to the monarchy decreased as a result of the large number of nobles killed in the war. Another major factor that contributed to the end of the Middle Ages was the declination of the Church's power over the nation-states. Conflicts between the papacy and the monarchy over political matters resul .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 622 | Number of pages: 3

The Extermination Of The Jews

.... a dominate race of just Germans the "special treatment" and the answer to the "Jewish Question." After about a year or two 1.4 million Jews were killed by the Nazis or in death camps. Hitler's ideas also spread across Eastern Europe. Germany's army spread into the Soviet Union and the Netherlands. More Jews were killed there. During the whole time period of the Holocaust as many as 5.8 million Jews died. Just because the fact they were Jewish. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 316 | Number of pages: 2

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