Gambling: Losing The Gamble
.... all sporting events combined. "In 1995, Americans spent more on gambling than the U.S. government budgeted for defense: around $500 billion in all, or $2,000 for every man, woman, and child" (Vogel 1). Gambling, or "gaming" as the industry calls it, is fast becoming a part of many people's everyday lives. For years, Nevada was the only place you could go for gambling, but now legalized gaming has spread throughout the country. Whether it is lotteries, horse racing, bingo or gaming, there is a game close to you. What is meant by gambling? "Gambling is to bet on an uncertain outcome, or to play a game of chance for stakes" (Com .....
Privacy For Public Officials
.... of the more interesting aspects of the recent coverage of political scandals has been the press' extensive coverage of itself. Not only has the behavior of political leaders been under fire, but also the media's reporting of it. Media outlets are now more plentiful than ever, with online news sources joining those established in radio, print and television and all are competing for breaking news. The pressure to get the story, some argue, has led to the reporting of rumor and unverified information, as well as extensive coverage of personal information that violates the privacy of public figures. In the light of the Clinton/L .....
Concepts Of Violence
.... the mosh pit. Rene Girard explains that it is only human nature to act in violence during the course of his life. Girard also states that people use this anger in other ways besides the devious.
People try to direct their violence into something constructive. When people do this, it is a perfect example of eustress. Eustress is converting stress into a positive manner. Violence is a form of stress because it weighs heavily on the mind and causes misinterpretations. Paul Tough shows that the people who are attending these functions are doing it in a manner to release aggression, but not to physically hurt anyone. When .....
.... individual rivals. The primary function of the aggressive acts is to intimidate and dominate these rivals. When violence is concerned, the victim is depersonalized and becomes, not the rival, but the ‘goal’ or the ‘paycheck’. In war, groups of men enter the battle with complete stranger in their sights. They have no personal knowledge of the enemy troops, who, if they can see at all, appear as no more than tiny impersonal specks in the distance. They are not killed through anger or personal rivalry, but through the need of each fighting man to support his country. Loyalty to the cause or the nation is always the most importa .....
Should Animals Be Used For Research Testing?
.... Vaccines against polio, mumps, measles, rubella, and smallpox would not have been possible without such experiments. Brain surgery, open heart surgery, organ transplants and correction of heart defects would not be as easy as they are now without animal research. The list goes on and on about the advances that have required animal testing. In other words to do away with animal research would be to slow down our society’s advancement of more medicines for our health.
There are no alternatives to the animal experimentation’s. Computers can be used to view the animal's body and internal features, but they can not give you r .....
Sexual Harrassment: We Need To Take Action
.... Companies must act before a problem occurs. The EEOC encourages employers to "take all steps necessary to prevent sexual harassment from occurring, such as affirmatively raising the subject, expressing strong disapproval, developing appropriate sanctions, informing employees of their right to raise, and how to raise, the issue of harassment under Title VII, and developing methods to sensitize all concerned. (" First, companies need a comprehensive, detailed written policy on sexual harassment. The CEO should issue the policy and make it a high priority of the company. Second, they need to di .....
Alienation Of Living Activity
.... becomes a condition for their physical and social survival. Life is exchanged for survival. Creation and production come to mean sold activity. A man's activity is 'productive,' useful to society, only when it is sold activity. And the man himself is a productive member of society only if the activities of his daily life are sold activities. As soon as people accept the terms of this exchange, daily activity takes the form of universal prostitution.
The sold creative power, or sold daily activity, takes the form of labor. Labor is a historically specific form of human activity. Labor is abstract activity which has only one .....
Road Rage
.... as one of the most serious transportation challenges facing State legislatures today. Ricardo Martinez, federal administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has declared that road rage is now the Number One traffic problem. The New York Times reported a poll in Washington, D.C., showing that 42% of the residents rate aggressive drivers as the biggest threat on the road, followed by drunk drivers (35%). The problem is so serious that insurance companies are devising ways to deny insurance to aggressive drivers and cut rates for peaceful drivers. (James PG)
Verbal road rage is the most comm .....
Affirmative Action Is Wrong
.... affirmative action, racism will grow and continue to grow until we history repeats itself and we end up living under Jim Crow laws again. That is an extreme possibility to end up und er Jim Crow laws again, but it is a definite possibility to end up somewhere close to Jim Crow laws again.
In addition to that, people say affirmative action is ok because it cures past discrimination (Keyes 1996, 1). Discrimination wasn't ok when blacks were the ones getting the short end of the stick. Therefore it's not ok when whites are discriminated ag ainst (DeWit 1996, 1). Two wrongs don't make a right. Therefore, affirmative act .....
Affirmative Action Policies
.... work under very low wages, under very dangerous conditions.--While millions of i=once better paid american workers have either unemployment and poverty, or jobs with much lower wages.
Affirmative action, if successfully implemented would tend to raise the level of wages and employment among minorites and women. That means, it would aslo benefit white male workers. Naturally, there have never been strong support for affirmative action from employers. Employers never support policies that tend to lower their profits by rasing wages.
A word on qualifications: they are bogus! Many studies have shown that sat's predict fa .....
Won't Libertarian Socialism Destroy Individuality?
.... capitalism standardizes it and so restricts it - that it survives at all is more an expression of the strength of humanity than any benefits of the capitalist system. This impoverishment of individuality is hardly surprising in a society based on hierarchical institutions which are designed to assure obedience and subordination.
So, can we say that libertarian socialism will increase individuality or is this conformity and lack of "individualism" a constant feature of the human race? In order to make some sort of statement on this, we have to look at non-hierarchical societies and organisations. We will discuss "primit .....
Mockery Of Native Americans
.... people were mocked with a doll with a big black head and huge lips to mock an African American. The African American people complained about it and the doll was terminated from society forever. Now the Native Americans are complaining that the mascots of collegiate and professional teams are mocking them and no actions have been taken at all. What they could have done instead of nothing at all was at least change some of the dances which are vastly affecting the Native American people.
There are also many hidden tensions in the Native American people. Hidden tensions because they are scared and do not know if they should .....