.... of life when one is not considered a adult; a young person”
III. Our current juvenile justice system is no longer adequate for
today's hardened young gang members. Demographics indicated this problem is not
going away. In fact, only will get worse. This is a serious problem that can
not be left unchecked. If this is not addressed it will only lead to the decay
of our society. We must take action to combat gangs in a new way. Vice
President Albert Gore recently told the White House press corps, "Gangs have
been a major cause of the growth in violent crime in the past decade." He cited
a Treasury Department report that fo .....
Animal Rights
.... we have gained in human health with the use
of animal experimentation. To date some forty-one Nobel prizes have been
awarded to scientists whose achievements depended on laboratory animals.
Vaccines against polio, diphtheria, mumps, measles, rubella, and smallpox
would not have been possible without such experiments. There also would
not be such important techniques such as open heart surgery, brain surgery,
coronary bypass, microsurgery to re-attached limbs, organ transplants, and
correction of congenital heart defects. The list goes on about the medical
advances that required animal research. Insulin to control diabetes and .....
Medical Testing On Animals
.... for solutions to AIDS, cancer, heart disease, aging and congenital
defects. Lastly they insist that, the result of these experiments has been
the elimination or control of many infectious diseases. This has meant a
longer, healthier , better life with much less pain and suffering. For
many patients, it has meant life it self.
However, there should be other means of research because the whole
process of animal research remains cruel and inhumane. Animal rights
activists have gathered much information that has closed down laboratories
that violate anti- cruelty statutes. "This includes a 1984 videotape
stolen from the Uni .....
Nuclear Power: Cons
.... i.e. plutonium,
is extremely radioactive, which may cause the people who are working or
living in or around the area of storage or use, to acquire leukemia and
other cancers. They also show how billions of dollars are spent yearly on
safety devices for a single reactor, and this still doesn't ensure the
impossibility of a "melt down." Two examples were then given of Chernobyl
and Three Mile Island, in 1979, when thousands of people were killed and
incapacitated. Finally, the environmentalists claim that if society wastes
less energy, and develops the means to use the energy more efficiency, then
there would be a definite decre .....
Dress Codes And Hair Restrictions Are Vital
.... giving each person similar
styles making everyone feel more at ease. The overall integration helps
the students realize that although people may look similar, the idea that
everyone exhibits will be greatly different. These different ideas are
present in everyone, and the dress code and hair restrictions help
illustrate that just because someone looks the same, they do not think the
same. When the students get jobs or find careers in their future, it will
be helpful to know that even though all their co-wor s seem similar, they
are in actuality very different. This approach to future jobs and careers
will give the students an .....
Staying In School
.... involves
parties, football games, and drinking beer with your buddies as well as an
education. As you get into the entire experience and enjoy college, you
will understand and appreciate what a college offers.
The ideal time for college is now more than ever as you also have
scholarships and your parents to help with the expensive money arrangement
which is needed. Parents can be a great help in paying for your college,
and may be willing to pay much more immediately after graduation from High
School, than paying 2 years afterwards. Scholarships are always helpful to
students, paying for a little bit of an expensive college .....
It All Begins With Attitude
.... Buddha also said, "It is a man's own mind - not his enemy or
his foe that lures him into evil ways." A person's attitude, what Buddha
was speaking of, is the very foundation on which his or her life's
experience has been, is, and will be built. Every part of reality is the
result of a person's attitudes. In simple terms, our attitudes reflect
what we expect from life. This shouldn't be confused with what we want,
dream or hope for. No one wants to be unhappy, lead a boring life or look
back over the years with remorse and regret. Yet, so often rather than
expecting the best life has to offer, people expect much the opposite. .....
Culture Awareness
.... didn't need, nor did they demand, any laws requiring acceptance into
society. Kindness, tolerance and respect are things that can only be earned,
not handed down by legislative decree. Those things mandated by law never
reach into the fiber of our country. They never take root in our psyches.
In fact, as we have too often seen, legislative decrees that mandate how we
should act or feel lead to only more dissension and divisiveness. Great
strides have been taken on the road to equality. Despite claims to the
contrary, women have more opportunity now to succeed than ever before.
Today, fifty percent of law school graduates .....
Reverse Discrimation
.... "the admissions program
violated his rights under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th
Amendment"1 The clause reads as follows:
"...No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the
privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor without due
process of the law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the
equal protection of the laws."2
The court ruled that race could not be a factor in admissions.
However, they did not force the admittance of Bakke because the court could
not know if he would have been admitted if the special admissions program
for minorities did not exist . Bakke .....
Notes: Americanization Or Candaisnism?
.... was
interfearing with the Canadian opinions and that tried to shape
it. -The group of Seven showed a distinctive American culture. -Groulx
fought children of Quebec cinemas to stop the influence
of American movies on them. He tried also to censor American
imported books and magazines.
-The munnition boards were shut down causing lots of workers to
hunt for jobs. -The labour were not paid well and the veterans wanted
their $2000
bonus. -Employers had low profits and wanted higher authority. -The
Russian revolution encouraged unionist ideas. -In Calgary, march 1919, the
unions .....
Censorship Of Rap Music
.... driving his late model Jeep
in Palms, California. He met up with Philip Woldemar iam, who according to
Snoop's attorney, had a long history of threatening Snoop. Snoop's
bodyguard shot Woldermariam twice in the back, killing him. On December
eighth, Snoop was arraigned for murder, but later found innocent. Many of
the lyrics in Snoop's songs degrade women, encourage the use of marijuana
and glorify violence against authority.
Another publicized case involves rapper Tupac Shakur. Many know him for
his starring role in the movie "Poetic Justice" with Janet Jackson. Tupac
Shakur's song "Keep Ya Head Up" contains such lyrics .....
.... what makes a thing
obscene? It is Something too vague perhaps to be defined. It's an elusive
term we use, but can't explain. Different people often see things
differently. Some see obscenity in nude pictures, statues, paintings, etc.
While others find less obscenity in these things. All the same, "obscene"
isn't the same as "wrong" or "bad". Clearly obscenity is not identical with
evil. It only covers a single segment of it. But what is that segment? A
look at the words "obscenity" and "pornography" suggests that it is a
segment that didn't worry people very much till relatively recently.
Though censorship was known in eng .....