Fantasy's Integral Role In The Creation Of A Killer
.... were brought up in and to believe is true so it is what they have
been conditioned to believe. Or you could take the approach that the killer
feels they are being threatened by their victims so they had to be removed from
the picture altogether. Or finally it might be the killer is so mentally
unstable that they have very little to no consciences awareness of what they are
doing. But what if they do feel sorrow? Can a serial killer feel sorrow? One
researcher says no. "The inner workings of the mind of a serial killer cannot
grasp the feeling of any kind of sorrow or remorse". Therefore a serial killer
is hate manifested int .....
Fitting In
.... the crowd. People say that a first impression is the most
important one so people try to make the best first impression by dressing up or
showing someone there not. Some people try to stay in fashion, they do this to
stand out or be noticed. A huge role in fitting in is changing or, in other
words, being someone you are not. To describe this I think of putting on a mask
over your whole body. Some people just spend all day "lying there and thinking
about all the stupid things I've done today."
Lastly, being liked by other people is what "fitting in" is all about.
Like I said before, you change yourself, dramatically sometimes, jus .....
College Fraternities
.... were
founded, but none of these were permanent. By the end of the nineteenth century
there were over thirty general fraternities in the country.
Today's fraternities still have the characteristics of past fraternities.
These characteristics include "a ritual, oaths of fidelity, a grip, a motto, a
badge , friendship and comradeship (Klepper 1937:56) . During membership one
must learn leadership skills. For this reason fraternities embrace these
offices held by members: President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Scribe, etc.
Since membership is seen as a great achievement by other organizations, every
brother must be able to .....
.... not see for the first time until
the schools ten year reunion.
Second, there are former friends. These are the ones taht grew up in
ones neighborhood and moved away. These are the friends who will bring back
memories that people thoght were forgotten. One might be embarassed at first
about seeing their former friend, but as soon as conversation begins all the
embarassement will be a thing of the past. Former friends are the ones that
little secrets about meaqningless ideas were told to as a child, or the person
who spent countlerss nights at ones house sleeping over. These are the people
that knew ones parents very well, almo .....
Generation X, Less Happy, Why?
.... only nine was the only girl so they made her make the
beds and clear the table. Those three weeks were hell, for all of them. For my
grandpa it was difficult to take care of everything and work over forty hours a
week. For the children it was hard to be separated from mom. All my
grandmother did was worry the whole time about the kids, the house and my
grandpa probably having a nervous breakdown.
It was very difficult, but this incident brought all of them closer, in
a way. My grandmother missed her family as much as they missed her. My mom and
uncles also became a lot closer to my grandfather. Overall this experience
sh .....
Hate Crimes
.... who belongs
to a group, simply because he belong to that group, and therefore presumes to
have the objectable qualities ascribed to that group'(Lang)23"
The most common way prejudice works is by stereotyping people, that is
putting everyone form the same ethnic group together and assuming they all have
the same negative characteristics or behave in the same way. This does not only
apply to ethnic groups but also applies to race, religion, and other minorities.
Hate crimes are so hard to count because it is not certain whether a
crime is being committed out of hate.
In 1989-1991, a study done by Southern Poverty Law Cen .....
Homeless: What Has Been Done To Decrease The Problem?
.... right to security in the
event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack
of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
This is a step in the right direction. However, this is not enough. These
rights are subject to the discretion of the government of the country who
decides to obey these universal rights. How much is "adequate"?
The government, both at the federal and municipal levels, is currently working
on new spending cuts. These cuts also include spending on welfare, unemployment
and social services that are geared towards helping the homeless. Spending cuts
can be seen as a necessity .....
The Homeless In England
.... war veterans and most of them from Vietnam. They are
mentally traumatised by their war experiences, some of them are disable and
others are just unable to find work so they can pay a rent.
25% of the homeless are children and many of them are alone. They're maybe run-
aways who left home because there was no food at home, or because they're
victims of rape, incest or violence. Many of them are "throwaways", whose
parents tell them to leave home or won't allow them to return home once they've
Many of the homeless are elderly people with fixed income, and I guess that's
not the traditional image of homeless people. They rece .....
Social Acceptance Of Homosexual Marriages
.... a family. Perhaps, if we can answer these questions, we
will find the solutions we need to fulfill the doubts in our minds.
Should we ever condemn someone for loving? When we judge, is this what morality
is?? I think not! If we would teach our children to accept "love" as that
which it is, a mutual feeling of love and respect, perhaps the prejudice and
conclusions that society sees will change. We must teach that "gay" is not a
"bad" word, it is merely the same love as others feel, but done in a special way.
Identities And How They Are Formed
.... may be at a
disadvantage to a child like my brother who is getting the same social education
from my parents and the society we live in.
Charles Harton Cooley also touched on the idea of identities. He
believed that identities are formed from interactions with people in society.
This would mean that the more interactions one has the more choices that have to
form there own identity. In a sense my upbringing and my brother's can be
dangerous in a way because our parents have to be careful not to shelter us too
much form parts of society. Otherwise we create one sided identities and
opinions of ourselves and others. I feel that .....
Social Environment And Its Effect On One's Life
.... another from a small, middle-class suburb and the other from a
graffiti-ridden slum. All three of these students have exceptional GPA's and
scored very well on standardized testing. The student from the upper-class
community will have the best chance of succeeding. Tuition will never be a
problem and chances are that those parents have some pull because of who they
are. The middle-class student won't have a great problem but there is still the
fact of paying tuition, which would limit the options quite a bit. One may be
smart enough to get grants but the family makes too much money. Also, if he
sought admission in .....
How To Communicate In A Relatioship
.... present thoughts and ideas as clearly as
Sarcasm is often a pitfall for communication. When a person states an
idea one way but means it in a totally different way, it is no wonder that he or
she will be misunderstood. With just a slight change in the tone of voice, which
many times may go unnoticed, the sarcasm might lose its' humorous connotations
and accidentally become hurtful.
This is also true with facial expressions. They can be misinterpreted
and then become a stumbling block for the rest of the conversation. When
talking with your partner keep in mind that 75% of what we communicate is body
language. Be car .....