Invertebrate Vs Vertebrate
.... find a suitable shell, they come to live on land for the rest of their lives. Hermit crabs grow on land by shedding their exoskeleton. It takes about ten days for a hermit crab's skin to harden after molting. Shedding is a necessary part of their livelihood since they will grow back missing legs during this time. In the wild, hermit crabs can live up to 25-30 years. But normally in captivity they live around 1 year.
Hermit crabs can eat a variety of foods. In the wild they are scavengers and will eat about anything. Hermit crabs like a variety of fruits (apples, coconut, and grapes). Also, hermit crabs need salty foods in their .....
Coconino Sandstone
.... we can describe trace fossils in the Coconino and relate them to the physical environments of deposition. This provides us with more comprehensive reconstruction of the erg environments.
Although the cliff-forming nature of the formation can present certain logical problems, the exceptional three-dimensional exposures in the Grand Canyon give the sedimentologist and ichnologist the opportunity to examine the details of one of the more classic and interesting eolian deposits on the Colorado Plateau.
This layer averages about 260 million years old and is composed of pure quartz sand, which are basically .....
Acid Rain
.... can stay up in the clouds for a long time. These clouds can be carried off by the wind to other areas, sometimes hundreds of miles away, where they eventually fall to the Earth as acid rain or snow. This is called transboundary pollution. For awhile some people believed that by building high smoke stacks they would be sending the chemicals out of harms way. But all this did was push the emissions higher into the air, where they remain longer and travel further.
How Acid Rain Forms
This diagram shows one way that acid rain is formed. Two major causes of acid rain are the chemicals sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide .....
Dangers Of Methyl Bromide
.... the pesticide will cause will be economically disastrous, but clearly their view does not take into account the devastating effect on the ozone layer and the health of humans by the use of this deadly fumigant, the cost to the community far out ways the cost to the users.
So what is the alternative? There is no one single alternative for all of the uses of methyl bromide, but there are numerous chemical and non chemical pesticides available now which effectively control many of the pests for which methyl bromide is used. Carbonyl sulfide may be a technically and economically viable alternative to methyl bromide for use on .....
The Effect Of Temperture On Air Pressure
.... is:
1) Heat an ordinary pop can on a hot plate.
2) After about fifteen minutes take the can off the hot plate and put it upside-down in a pan of cold water.
3) Record my observations on a piece of paper.
4) Write my conclusions in my science fair logbook.
For the second experiment my procedure is:
1) Get an empty gallon milk jug at room temperature.
2) Heat to water to just before the boiling point on a hot plate.
3) Fill the milk jug about quarter of the way with hot water.
4) Put the lid on tightly
5) Wait one hour and record my observations and conclusions.
For the third experiment my proced .....
Homosexual Gene
Now scientists are attempting to find proof if the infamous “gay gene”. For years, the gay community has been trying to prove that they were “born gay” and that their lifestyle was not choice. The news media has a ridiculous double standard for the trait "sexual orientation" and every other trait. ABC's science journalist David Marash reported on Nightline that a gay gene "suggests that homosexuality may not be a choice." Marash is suggesting that unless we locate a gene for homosexuality, homosexuality is a choice (or, at a minimum, that we cannot know whether it is chosen or not). This is the equivalent of saying that sin .....
.... star is particularly massive, then its core will collapse and in so doing will release a huge amount of energy. This will cause a blast waver that ejects the stars envelope into interstellar space. The result of the collapse may be, in some cases, a rapidly rotating neutron start that can be observed many years later as a radio pulsar. As a result of gravitational forces acting against the nuclear structure of the core of a fuel depleted star, tremendous shock wavers are generated which cause the outside layers of the star to be blown away from the core. This can happen in one of two ways depending on the type of supernova.
There .....
Two Inventions That Changed European History
.... production of food because only half of the field was being used. This system of agriculture needed some minor adjustments to increase the production of food without destroying the soil in the process. This new system came about around the year 800. Farmers began to use a new system, the three-field system, to farm their crops. The three field system used one large field like it’s earlier counterpart. The only change, was that the field was divided into three fields. Instead of only getting food from one half of your land, you could use two-thirds of the land to produce your own food. The direct result was a greater food producti .....
Darwin's Theory And Modern Genetics
.... that determines characteristics in living species.
When you put these two discoveries together you really understand how animals have evolved to their currant state. When animals are born the have traits that help them live or inhibit their ability to live. If the die they cannot mate with other animals therefore they don’t pass on the traits that killed them. The animals that live pass on the chromosomes that helped them survive. In human populations this is also evident. In some areas of the world blonde hair is a common characteristic. These people have been breeding in the same population for years. Other characte .....
.... in their construction. Motivated by the search for the multiple use of water resources, including navigation, flood control, and irrigation, in addition to power production, the Tennessee Valley Authority, or TVA, started government participation in large-scale waterpower development in 1933.
Most major installations depend on a large water-storage reservoir upstream of the dam where water flow can be controlled and a nearly constant water level can be assured. In contrast to storage-type plants, which depend on the impounding of large amounts of water, a few examples exist where both the water drop and the steady flow rate ar .....
.... also has a jet stream. Saturn's magnetosphere consuts of a set of doughnut-shaped radiation belts in which electrons and atomic nuclei are trapped. The belts extend more than two million kilometers from the center of Saturn and even farther in the direction away from the sun, although the size of the magnetosphere fluctuates, depending on the intensity of the solar wind. Saturn like Jupiter has many storm systems on the planet. From Earth Saturn appears to be a yellowish object One of the brightest in the night sky. Observed from a telescope you can see two of Saturn's seven ring bands. Three U.S. spacecraft have enormously incre .....
The Prairie Dog: Friend Or Foe?
.... dependent on prairie dogs for prey and habitat are diminishing in direct relation to the decreasing number of prairie dogs. Unlike other species, which have declined because of habitat loss due to human activities, the loss of prairie dog populations is a direct result of governmental and private landowner efforts to eradicate them. Prairie dogs and their environment must be protected by law to preserve our native prairie ecosystem.
Tim Clark, a Yale University biologist and a veteran of years of observing prairie dogs and black-footed ferrets in the field, is quoted in National Geographic’s “The Vanishing Prairie Dog” .....