The Effects Of Antibiotics On Bacterial Growth
.... known as bacilli; corkscrew shaped bacteria are
spirilla; and filamentous is the term for bacteria with a threadlike appearance.
Hans Christian Joachim Gram, a Danish microbiologist, developed a method
for distinguishing bacteria by their different reaction to a stain. The
process of applying Gram’s stain is as follows: the bacteria are stained with a
violet dye and treated with Gram’s solution (1 part iodine, 2 parts potassium
iodide, and 300 parts water). Ethyl alcohol is then applied to the medium; the
bacteria will either preserve the blue color of the original dye or they will
obtain a red hue. The blue colored bacteri .....
Bacteria Classification By Gram Staining
.... agar jelly in an incubator at 25°C for 24 hours. 2.
Obtain a microscope slide and with a toothpick, smear a thin coat of the
bacteria sample onto the slide 3. Cover the smear with a drop Crystal Violet
and leave standing for 20 seconds 4. Wash off the stain with distilled water;
drain and blot off the excess with bibulous paper. 5. Apply Gram’s Iodine on
the smear and leave to stand for 1 minute. 6. Drain the excess iodine and apply
95% Ethyl alcohol for 20 second duration or till the alcohol runs clearly from
the slide. 7. The smear should rinsed for a few seconds with distilled water to
stop the action of the alcohol. 8. .....
.... fingers. The thumb is
short and used for climbing or walking. The fingers are long and thin.
Interlocking the fingers is the wing. This set up of having the fingers in the
wing gives the bat amazing flight maneuverability (Honders 22). These bones
look similar to a human hand. They are connected by rubbery skin to the bat's
body enveloping all the fingers but the thumb (Bats in CT 1).
Bats have a "sixth sense" called echolocation. This was first proved by
Donald Griffin. Bats produce ultrasonic sound waves and then use the echo of
the returning sound to sense the world around them and in particularl .....
Becoming An Ecologist Is An Exciting Venture
.... to maintain a successful career.
One of these characteristics that is the most important is patience. Patience
is important because as an ecologist a person will have to at some point in
their career talk to another person who knows nothing of or about ecology.
Another reason why patience is important is because through the first years of
being an ecologist finding and possibly attempting to tag an animals or
gathering research material will be the main jobs of that person and will take a
very long time to accomplish. For a person who is just starting out as an
ecologist, manual dexterity is just as important as patience. Howe .....
The Big Bang
.... the perfect cosmological principle. This principle
says that the universe is the same everywhere on the large scale, at all times.2
It maintains the same average density of matter forever.
There are observational evidences found that can prove the Big Bang model
is more reasonable than the Steady State model. First, the redshifts of distant
galaxies. Redshift is a Doppler effect which states that if a galaxy is moving
away, the spectral line of that galaxy observed will have a shift to the red end.
The faster the galaxy moves, the more shift it has. If the galaxy is moving
closer, the spectral line will show a blue shift. .....
Star Mars
.... Spielberg and George Lucas try to convince
us with hundred million dollar movies that we are not alone, engineers and
geologists like from the NASA-Stanford University team pursue, based on true
evidence, the idea of possible life on Mars. However, the burden of proof is
sometimes too heavy even based on real evidence. The tough debate started on
August 1996, when scientists from the NASA-SU team announced that a meteorite
found on the Antartica contained evidence of past life on the red planet. They
supported their conclusion on the basis of organic molecules, carbonates, and
minerals found inside the rock, which are basi .....
.... to remain at the same level of knowledge (status quo)?
Bioethically speaking, how far can we go in the study of the human
without crossing the line? The fundamental question is, since we are the ones
drawing the line, where do we draw it?
The purpose of this essay is to provide a clear sense of the present law
on this issue. Second, to review the problems raised by experimentation on
animals. To show some different examples of bioethics. Third, to show the
biblical view of the matter. Finally, to bring the reader to his or her own
clear conclusion, without a bias opinion on the matter.
Bioluminescence In Fungi
.... as well as heavy
metals. On going research involving bioluminescence is currently underway in
the areas of evolution, ecology, histology, physiology, biochemistry, and
biomedical applications.
History of Bioluminescent Fungi
The light of luminous wood was first noted in the early writings of
Aristotle which occurred in 382 B.C.(Johnson and Yata 1966 and Newton 1952) The
next mention of luminous wood in the literature occurred in 1667 by Robert
Boyle who noticed glowing earth and noted that heat was absent from the light.
Many early scientists such as Conrad Gesner, Francis Bacon, and Thomas Bartolin
all observed and m .....
Biome Broadcast
.... was such a beautiful day we all decided to take the third
trail that was four miles long.
We started hiking around 11:00 AM. While we were hiking we heard wings
flapping, we all turned and saw a robin fly towards the ground, pick up a worm,
and feed it to her babies. Everyone thought that it was cute. After, we
watched the robin for a while we continued hiking until 12:30 PM.
Everyone was hungry so we decided to find a spot to eat our lunches. We
found a perfect spot, it had a great view, a patch of beautiful dandelions, and
a big beautiful maple tree to sit under.
A picture of the great view we had during lunch.
A picture .....
.... The alterance of nature is un-natural, and creates
an unbalancement in life. When we use this technology towards the
wrong side, we may all be burned. You see, Biotechnology has the
ability to altar what diseases we humans are susceptible to, and when
scientists create something to eliminate immunities to diseases, it may
result in a mass destruction of the evolved living being known as
the human. This may sound tragic, but this is what Biotechnology is
all about; changing genes so that they may fit our societal and
economic needs. The government has probably taken this germ-warfare in
to consideration, and is leading to an unhapp .....
.... that
birds evolved from reptiles. Because of birds mainly delicate bones, few fossils
have been left behind for scientists to study. The earliest bird fossils come
from archaeopteryx. The fossils that have been discovered from archaeopteryx
include six partial skeletons and one single feather. Archaeopteryx , unlike
modern birds, had teeth, a reptile like tail, and three claws on each wings.
Scientists think it could fly, but only weakly.
Approximately 85 species and 50 sub species have become extinct in the
last 300 years. Over half of them occurred in the 1800’s. Another thirty percent
occurred in the 1900’s. Over ninety .....
Roswell Incident
.... this afternoon something very
strange was about to happen. In the clear skies of Roswell a very large craft
ended its flight. Was this a weather balloon or an Unidentified Flying Object?
There were many eye-witness reports of alien creatures lying next to
their destroyed crafts. One or two may have survived for a few days. The
military quickly cornered off this area, removing the particles and the bodies.
A local funeral director got a call for numerous child size coffins. He was to
deliver them to the rear of the military base. Major Marcel was an officer on
the scene who took part of the ship home. He spoke to the pres .....