Jesus & Buddha
.... on the present in a ‘still, unmoving state of mind' you have
reached enlightenment, where you will be beyond all emotion including
suffering and worry.
Jesus: That is not so. A search for the entire true of life can never make you
content in your life because you can never know everything there is. That
is for God alone to know. To enter the kingdom of heaven you must have
faith in our Father. You must trust in His wisdom even in hard times.
For to know all and understand all you would be a god. And putting
yourself on a platform with God is disrespectful and blasphemous. But if you
follow His laws your suffering will en .....
Book Of Job: Suffering
.... better people and grow as an individual. You find your
identity through terrible experiences. I have dealt with serious heartache and
do believe that I have grown from it. I have learned how to react to certain
situations and how to overcome them.
I looked up the word "suffering" in the bible, I was directed to Psalms
73:21-26. It states, “When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered, I was
senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you. Yet I am always with
you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and
afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And ea .....
Religion: Judaism Or Judaisms?
.... A brief conclusion
follows the discussion.
A Place to Call Home
No other religion has ever been so attached to its birthplace as Judaism.
Perhaps this is because Jews have been exiled and restricted from this place for
most of their history. Jerusalem is not only home to Judaism, but to the Muslim
and Christian religions as well. Historically this has made it quite a busy
place for the various groups.
Jerusalem is where the temple of the Jews once stood; the only place on the
whole Earth where one could leave the confines of day to day life and get closer
to God. In 586 BCE when the temple was destroyed, no Jew would have deni .....
.... renewed life. Also discussed in this paper is
Hanukkah, the festival of lights. Hanukkah stands for the temple that burned to
the ground. The Jewish people only had an oil lamp to provide light for six
nights and seven days. Therefore that is why they celebrate Hanukkah for six
nights and seven days. Passover is also discussed. It is a time where Jewish
families are to be fasting, no bread or meat. This last one week. Similar to
the Christian Easter celebration. When a Jewish boy turns, age thirteen into an
adult Jew they know it as a Bar Mitzvah. In order for this to happen a young
teenage boy must attend Hebrew school. .....
Mark's Theology Reflected In Writing
.... what he wanted to
impress upon his readers? In this, he tries to interpret the meaning of Jesus'
actions ... and does this in a misleadingway! For example: Mark 2:19, Jesus
regarding Fasting. Jesus makes a strong statement against importance to fasting,
but Mark (in 2:20) tags on: "But the days will come when the bridegroom will be
taken away from them, and they will fast in those days."
This blatantly shows that Mark held higher regard for the Old Traditions
of Fasting rather than Jesus' new teachings! This is also an example of
"ChristianizingJesus" according to traditions that have already earned
respe .....
Mind Over Matter
.... was outside my dorm next to a
tree. This proved to be a comfortable place, yet full of distractions. I have
meditated before in my martial arts classes, yet it was difficult calming my
mind. While concentrating on my breathing, I was easily distracted by outside
occurrences such as leaves falling and people walking by. The more I attempted
to shut out the outside world, the more my mind focused on the little things
around me. I gained immediate appreciation of the Buddhist monk's ability to
shirk the outside world and focus on his inner self. When I had meditated before
in my dojo, it was as a group and in silence. This greatly h .....
.... of conspiracy in trying to
finish off a dying religion. If that is not enough, they even tore down my place
of worship and built a church of their own in place of it (197). Now I must
travel two hours by horse just to fulfill my spiritual needs.
My wife, she cannot understand anything. We argue continuously over how
to raise our son. Before my church was torn down there was little to fuss over,
now all she does is complain. She says that it is to far of a trip for him to
journey with me every week, and that he should go with her to the Christian
church. She also protests that our ways are to barbaric, and he should not take
Monasticism And The Code Of Chivalry
.... monks the things that
they needed, and this was only the bare essentials. The monasteries made their
own money by owning land and selling surplus products. Thus, they became very
Chastity meant that the men and women would not have sex or get married.
This was said to have saved the monks from the "devilish acts" that happen when
sexual desires were exploited for selfish reasons. Obedience was essential,
each monk had to be absolutely obedient to their abbot. The purpose of this
obedience was to develop personal humility, and to become more holy by becoming
humiliated or less proud of one's self. Only making them .....
Mormons In Utah
.... is " the only true and living church upon
In 1820 , Mormonism was founded by a teenage Joseph Smith during the
19th century United States religious movement known as the "Second Great
Awakening". On April 6, 1830, The Book of Mormon was completed and a new
religion was born.
Mormonism attracted many people and the firs official home of the
Mormons was in Fayette, New York. In 1831, the Mormons moved to Kirtland, Ohio,
now known as Kirtland Hills. Other Mormon areas were being established,
especially in Mississippi. Newly proclaimed Mormons were rushing to their new
religious grounds, mainly in norttheastern Ohio and wes .....
The Mormons
.... a small group of followers who settled in Kirtland, Ohio, and
Jackson County, Missouri. Because of persecution, the church moved to northern
Missouri, then to Nauvoo, Illinois. The people of Illinois welcomed the
persecuted Mormons, and Smith began to construct a temple and a hotel there. In
1843, Smith secretly instituted the practice of plural marriage among a group of
his followers. This could be because he himself had 50 wives. The Mormons
lived in relative peace until 1844 when a group became mad about Smith's
practices. They started a newspaper called the "Nauvoo Expositor" and attacked
him, accusing him of pr .....
Notre Dame
.... by mortar, which was made by sand
and water mixed with lime.
Notre Dame is so tall, to make sure it wouldn't crumble, the builder had to
use framework to support their creation called a flying buttress. The roofs
were made from lead and gutters were placed to draw rain water from the walls,
The spouts to these gutters were stone "Gargoyles" that were carved to look like
monsters who spit water when it rained.
Prevent Coercive Prayer In Public Schools
.... they are Buddhist, Catholic, Muslim, or
Taoist. The practice of organized prayer in schools invades the student's right
to an education free of the discrimination which organized prayer would
Many people mistake the religious indifference of public schools for
hostility. Public schools must to be very careful to neither discriminate for
nor against any single religion, and people often incorrectly perceive the
schools' attitudes toward religion. The non-discrimination requirement may seem
wrong to many, but when religion has a home in public schools, it singles out
the students who disagree with the theology be .....