.... the world. "When God acts in history, He leaves behind His ‘fingerprints'. By examining the biblical record we can discover those distinctive characteristics of God's imprint" ( Geiser 1988:24). Raising of the dead is an event that shows the power of God. The most compelling act recorded in the Bible is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. This is the foundation of Christianity and our relation to God ( Romans 10:9-10). The Bible has several other instances in 1Kings 17:22, John 11:43-44, 2 Kings 4:33-34, and Matthew 27:52. These miracles show that God has power over life and death. The demonstration of this sup .....
The History And Progress Of Wrestling
.... are dated as at least 5000 years of age. (Menke)
The Greeks, who regarded a discus thrower as the best type of athlete, placed the wrestler second. Sometimes it is difficult to separate their mythology from historical fact. For example, we know that the Olympic Games were first held in 776 B.C, but it is also said that Zeus and Kronos wrestled for possession of the art on the peaks near Olympus and that the games were held in honor of the victor Zeus.
There were two basic styles that came from the ancient Greeks, the Prankration and the Greco standing style. The Pankration was a submission sport and there were only two me .....
The Very First Wonder Of The World - The Great Pyramid
.... feet in the air above the base, it commands a view of the surrounding and desolate Egyptian desert. The base of the Great Pyramid covers thirteen and one-half acres, approximately seven square city blocks.
What was it that has attracted this man like a magnet? What was the force that drew these men to the great pyramid? What did these men find, to their own satisfaction, that could have affected this strange and dramatic change in their life patterns? What unexplained force surrounds the Great Pyramid and, acts like a giant cosmic magnet draws some men to it and repels others? What obviously physical force had c .....
Fraternities: Hazed & Confused
.... were permanent. Then, in 1825, the Kappa Alpha Fraternity (now Kappa Alpha Society) was born at Union College. Two years later, Sigma Phi and Delta Phi had been founded at the same college, constituting the so-called Union Triad which was, in a large measure, the pattern for the American Fraternity system. By the end of the nineteenth century there were over thirty general fraternities in this country (pg. 18). Today's fraternities still have all the characteristics and precepts of the their past fraternities: "the charm and mystery of secrecy, a ritual, oaths of fidelity, a grip, a motto, a badge, a background of high idealism, .....
The Changing Office
.... Reiss and Dolan (1989, 529) identify two categories of electronic mail services:
1. In- house electronic mail. (E-mail which is run on a firm’s computer system.)
2. Commercial electronic mail. (E-mail which is supplied by organizations such as General
Electric Information Services and MCI Communication.)
Desktop publishing and electronic Mail are but two of the changes which are shaping the future of information processing. Each year new technology enhances the ability of office personnel to produce quality information in less time.
Works Cited
Reiss, Levi, and Edwin G. Dolan. Using Comp .....
The Game Of Basketball
.... of the court, in the size of the backboard, and in the distance of the 3-point line (from beyond which a score counts for 3 points) from the basket. For example, the 3-point line in high school and college games is 19 ft 9 in (6 m) from the basket, while in international play it is 21 ft 6 in (6.6 m) and in professional play it is 22 ft (6.7 m). In all variations of the game, the backboards, originally used to prevent spectators from interfering with play, are connected to cast-iron rims, or baskets, that are 18 in (45.7 cm) in diameter. Each basket has a white, nylon-mesh net 15 to 18 in (38.1 to 45.7 cm) in length connected to i .....
.... seams, connect to metal rings on the parachutist's harness. The parachutist wears the folded parachute in a canvas pack that flies open when he or she pulls the ripcord. Parachutists pull the ripcord about three seconds after they jump, to make sure they are clear of the plane when the parachute opens. Parachutists descend at about 5.2 m (about 17 ft) per second.
To date worldwide there are 540,000 skydivers and there has been 5,563,000 jumps made. To jump there are some thing one must know and do.
Every skydive starts before you board the airplane. Before you get on the airplane, you should be totally prepared for the .....
To Fly Has Been A Dream
.... pieces of equipment are a helmet, gloves and a skydiving suit. Some jumpers like to perform a pre-jump on the ground. It's most commonly called a dirt dive. They walk through the skydive on the ground while talking about what they will do on the jump and then what they will do if the jump doesn't go as planned.
The Jump Master is a highly skilled skydiver. The Jump Master has over 500 skydives and licensed by the United States Parachute Association. The Jump Master is in charge of the jumper on the aircraft at all times. He notifies the jumper of the drop zone approaching by giving a one minute warning, a 30 second warnin .....
The Voisey Bay Project
.... This is obviously very profitable for the companies involved but also for the shareholders in the companies involved. With industry consuming 60 percent of the world’s nickel, Voisey Bay now provided a stable supply for the next 10 to 15 years. (Flanagan 1995) And as for the town, there are many economic benefits to this find, as well as it provides jobs for the residents. For these reasons, Voisey Bay project should continue.
There is, however, controversy. Out of the 1100 residents of Nain, only 18 of them have found employment with the project. (Flanagan 1995) This does not seem to be quite the number that would be thoug .....
Sports In Rome
.... and between men and wild animals. The gladiators were mostly men, who were slaves, condemned criminals, prisoners of war, and sometimes Christians. They were forced to learn how to fight and attended schools called ludi. Special measures were taken to make sure they would not commit suicide. A successful gladiator was praised by poets, his portrait was put on gems and vases, and patrician ladies pampered him.
According to their arms and methods of fighting, the men were divided into various light and heavy-armed classes. For example, the retiarius, clad in a short tunic, attempted to entangle his fully armed opponent .....
Possible Origins Of The Vampire Legend: An Accidental Exploration Of The Human Psyche
.... especially since it was thought that vampires spread the disease. When people began to die in great numbers, graves became in greater demand, and dead bodies would be left out for days at a time. Eventually, the body would decompose and exhibit what is called "skin slippage", where the top layer of skin would begin to flake away, making the hair and nails appear to have grown. Also, as the insides of the body began to decompose, blood would escape the mouth and the body would bloat with gases, making the corpse appear to be full of the blood of his victims( pathway1)
Another condition that is strikingly similar to our mod .....
The Suspension Bridge
.... towers are needed to hold up the cables, and they can be placed far apart to keep the river open for boat traffic. Finally in 1867 The New York Bridge Company made John A. Roebling engineer. In just three months he produced all drawings, cross sections, location plans, preliminary surveys, estimated cost, took sounding, and wrote his proposal. In June of 1869 John finished the design for the bridge. He and Washington climbed out onto the end of a pier to determine the exact location of the Bridge. He was so intent on what he was doing that he ignored the whistle of an aproaching ferry. Washington shouted a warning but his fath .....