Why Drugs Should Be Legalized!!!!
.... century provides the perfect historical support for the decriminalization
of drugs.
"Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species
of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that
it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of
things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very
principles upon which our government was founded."
The rise in violent crime over the years has been a concern to most. A major
cause of this increase in crime is the illegal trafficking of drugs. As violent
crime continues to increase, .....
Why I Think They Should Legalize Pot
.... as a cigarette, and weed isn't addictive. In fact,
there are very little bad sides to smoking marijuana. It doesn't even burn your
throat as much when you smoke it in a bong as do cigarettes.
Thirdly, if the price of pot went down quite a bit, then there would be
no crime because of it. Pot would be very good for our economy, and pot farmers
would make lots of money. It's easy to grow, hence the nickname "weed." And
the price would drop so much that a dime bag would be a penny bag, and a 100-
sack would be a dimer!
Finally, it's unconstitutional to limit our pursuit of happiness. When
I'm stoned, I'm quite happy. Every .....
Capital Punishment Deters Murder, And Is Just Retribution
.... favour of making examples
out of offenders, and that the threat of death will be enough to deter the crime
rate, but the crime rate is irrelevant.
According to Isaac Ehrlich's study, published on April 16, 1976, eight
murders are deterred for each execution that is carried out in the U.S.A. He
goes on to say, "If one execution of a guilty capital murderer deters the murder
of one innocent life, the execution is justified." To most supporters of the
death penalty, like Ehrlich, if even 1 life is saved, for countless executions
of the guilty, it is a good reason for the death penalty. The theory that
society engages in mu .....
The Death Penalty Should Continue To Be Used In The U.S.
.... that all human life has the right to be respected.
All human life does have the right to be respected but there is a point when
that right can be lost, if someone takes the life of another human being then
they have given up that right. Another claim the opposers to the death penalty
make is that the death penalty encourages more murders because if people see the
authority taking someone's life, then they will think they can do it too. This
is not true, if criminals see that more and more people are getting the death
penalty, this will cause them to think their actions over. The United Kingdom
abolished the death penalty in 19 .....
Drinking And Driving Offenses
.... and the defences you can make.
Driving a vehicle while your ability to drive is impaired by alcohol or drugs is
one of the offenses. Evidence of your condition can be used to convict you.
This can include evidence of your general conduct, speech, ability to walk a
straight line or pick up objects. The penalty of the first offenses is a fine
of $50.00 to $2000.00 and/or imprisonment of up to six months, and automatic
suspension of licence for 3 months. The second offense penalty is imprisonment
for 14 days to 1 year and automatic suspen-sion of licence for 6 months. The
third offense penalty is imprisonment for 3 months to .....
Should Gambling Be Legalized?
.... winning money are
habitually disappointed. As casino crime lord, Meyer Lansky's universal
gambling truth states; "Gamblers never win, the house never loses"2 Slot
Machines and most table games allow players to make bets where the probability
of winning is relatively high. Frequent wins are characterized by low payouts.
These frequent wins encourage further gambles with low payouts.
Frequent winning, low paying games are not the only way casinos get
people to keep playing. Nothing less that psychological warfare is going on at
casinos across the country. "The days of shaved dice, missing face cards and
rigged roulette w .....
Counterfeiting: We're In The Money
.... printer, these two
teenagers were able to create and pass their counterfeit twenty dollar bills
through the high school cafeteria but were later arrest by police after trying
to use their money at a local Taco Bell. If teenagers are finding ways to
counterfeit money, that should tell someone that we need to do something to
protect our economy for the future.
In attempt to enhance our currency system, the one hundred dollar bill
was completely redesigned last year and released at the beginning of this year.
This new bill contains a security thread, a watermark, a larger portrait,
varriable-color ink and infrared fibers. It is calle .....
Corporal Punishment
.... is not the best answer to enforce restrictions in society as they
feel,that pain is not the best solution.
Although Corporal punishment has its disadvantages it can also make people
aware of the fact that wrong doing results in pain and agony.As more people know
the effect of misbehaving,the fewer the mistakes there would be.Michael Fae for
example, used a paint canister to spray paint on cars for fun.The result for
this action was to be strapped four times on the back.Now he realizes what he
has to face if he were to do it again.
In the past,corporal punishment was used very often especially in
schools.Now corp .....
Gun Control
.... of having strict gun control laws? Through the analysis of
the writings and reports of academics and experts of gun control and urban
violence, it will be possible to examine the issues and theories of the social
impact of this issue.
Part II: Review of the Literature A) Summary
In a paper which looked at gun control and firearms violence in North America,
Robert J. Mundt, of the University of North Carolina, points out that "Crime in
America is popularly perceived [in Canada] as something to be expected in a
society which has less respect for the rule of law than does Canadian
In 1977, the Canadian gover .....
Police Brutality
.... time in federal court for
violating Rodney Kings civil rights. Both were convicted and sentenced to prison
terms {Brutality In Los Angles 7} The Rodney King video and trial sparked a
question in many peoples mind through out the nation, “How big of a problem is
police brutality? Little did they know that this would be the beginning of a
streak of police related violence.
Sandra Antor a Miami, Florida residence was driving through South
Carolina heading north on vacation. When she was stopped by a South Carolina
Highway Patrol officer. {Bruning 15} He dragged her from the car and cursed at
her. Once she was out of the c .....
Speeding Is A Dead End
.... gone
through a yellow light at a major intersection and when I looked straight ahead,
there was not a car in sight. Due to the fact that the road was “all mine”, I
was encouraged to travel twenty-five kilometers over the speed limit.
Admittedly, I almost heard my mother telling me to slow down. After my increase
in velocity, I noticed I was approaching a downhill. Since I was driving
downhill, I was forced to pick up speed and I reached approximately 100 km/h.
When I reached the level road again, I was able to see the road ahead. To my
surprise, I noticed an old, rotten car parked on the shoulder of the road and a
person w .....
The Need For Extreme Criminal Justice Reform In California
.... act, the State of California has acknowledged the
limitations of incarceration as both punishment and a deterrent to criminal
behavior. D. The legislature has in fact declared that "California's criminal
justice system is seriously out of balance in its heavy dependence upon prison
facilities and jails for punishment and its lack of appropriate punishment for
nonviolent offenders and substance abusers who could be successfully treated in
appropriate, less restrictive programs without any increase in danger to the
II. More facts, Opinions and Developmental Ideas
A. In essence, this law proposes a community based system of .....