Addiction And Heath Professionals
.... professionals seems to affect the public as most of us seek healthcare at one time or another in our lifetimes.
First, the definition of impairment must be addressed. According to the American Medical Association’s Council on Mental Health, impairment is "the inability to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reasons of physical or mental illness, including alcoholism or drug dependence" (Ariseiguieta, 1998). IN fact, 80-94% of all cases investigated by state physician impairment programs involve alcohol and drug addictions (Centrella, 1994). Drug or alcohol impairment not only hurt the user bu .....
Alternative Medicine
.... hostile to them. The skepticism is well founded.
Those skeptical about the value of alternative medicine claim that the Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM) does not take the proper unbiased, scientific stance but acts instead as an advocate for alternative medicine. Skeptics point to studies supported by the OAM that do not use the rigorous scientific methods of conventional medical research. Alternative medicine experts claim that the usual scientific methods, which include ensuring that everybody gets the same treatment in the same amount, are not applicable to alternative therapies that are often custom-tailor .....
.... Even groups like athletes can thrive on a vegetarian diet if they are well educated to the bodies' dietary needs and are well aware of the limit-less choices available on a vegetarian diet. What follows in this essay, is first: a brief, yet insightful look at the vegetarian diet (the nutritional aspect) and then: an analysis of how this diet may, in fact, be a good choice for an athlete.
The first thing people need to realize is that there is more than just one type of vegetarian diet. In fact, there are three basic vegetarian diets to choose from. The first is the lacto-ovo diet. This diet includes the use of eggs and dairy .....
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
.... the combinations of many syndromes. Such as: gastroesophageal reflux mixed with respiratory disease. #3
One of the newest ideas that researchers have suggested may be the cause of SIDS is “Vertebral Artery Compression Resulting from Head Movement”. This concept suggests that the rotation and extension of an infant’s neck during sleep may result in vertebral arter compression. The function of this artery is that it controls the blood flow to the brainstem. Compression, from the head being bent for long periods of time, may cause brain damage and death.
Compression on this artery may by because the infant ahs tried to clear .....
AIDS: Is It A Modern Plague?
.... care of the matter.
However there is a much more severe and indiscriminate tyrant, with enormous corrupting influence, capable of infiltrating all of civilization. Scientifically, it is a submicroscopic pathogen consisting of a particle of nucleic acid, enclosed in proteins, and able to replicate only within a living cell. Socially, it is responsible for an enormous amount of chaos and fear in the world today, and pronounces the human fault of ignorance. Can it be considered to be a modern plague?
This complex and confusing king of all tyrants is called Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV. HIV is a retrovirus. Retroviruses are .....
The Effects Of Teenage Alcoholism
.... for them to stand up and walk. Alcoholism also effects a person’s reaction time and hand-eye coordination, which can often lead to serious accidents. High concentrations of alcohol can cause your breathing to slow and eventually stop. Alcohol slows a person synaptic transmission which slows breathing. This slowed breathing often ends in death.[Coping with] Alcohol can also have serious effects on a person’s ability to reproduce. Sexual potency and sperm count are greatly reduced in alcoholic males. Alcoholic women often produce infertile eggs.
There are many deadly diseases caused by alcohol abuse. These diseases are often ex .....
Essay On Human Sexual History
.... Even still, sexual liberty was small, and a “non-ethical” (meaning non- conservative) discourse on sex was prohibited. This type of regard to sex was also true in the eighteenth century. By the nineteenth century, sexual propaganda was created and fed to the masses.
One memorable time period that transformed society’s views on sex, was the feminist movement in the 60’s and 70’s. Sexual images were allowed to be seen outside of the privacy of one’s home, even more so than before, which in my mind, is a symbol of a new sexual freedom most people had access to. Of course the feminist movement carved the way for women’s .....
The Molecular Biology Of Cystic Fibrosis
.... and subclinical cirrhosis of the liver . However, as the severity of these symptoms varies in different patients, and because of the presence of normal lungs after birth, it is difficult to make an early accurate prognosis (Bunch 95). The presence of mucus in the lungs provides a site where bacteria or viruses are easily caught, but which are not removed from the lung by the action of the bronchial cilliary epithelium (Figure 1).
Figure 1 - In CF the mucous layer becomes so viscous that
the cilia can no longer move it.
This leads to supradded infections. Progressive airway obstruction and inflammation causes hypoxi .....
.... administer rabies vaccine to prevent the development of rabies.
What Can Be Done to Prevent Rabies?
Since there is no treatment for rabies the major emphasis is am preventing it. Below is a list to some ways of limiting the spread of rabies:
1. Domestic cats and dogs should be currently immunized
against rabies. Check with your veterinarian about current
recommendations for rabies vaccine (periodic booster shot
are required).
2. If you have livestock you should check with your
veterinarian about rabies virus shots.
3. Teach your children not to approach or play with wild
animals of any kind. Tell them th .....
.... to find the coherence" (78).
Since 1853, when REM, or the dream state, was first recognized about thirty studies have explored gender differences in dreaming. These research studies on the gender differences in dreaming reveal some very curious observations.
Women's dreams have been found to differ from those of men in a number of areas including physical surroundings, dream characters, social interactions, and achievement outcomes. Compared to men, women are more likely to report dreams occurring in indoor, residential settings familiar to the dreamer; they also report a greater number of references to clothing's and hous .....
Obstetrician Vs. Midwife
.... is a word that comes from the old English words mit wif, literally "with woman." A midwife is a person who is "with woman," especially during the period of pregnancy, birth, and caring for the newborn. Some people also use the word midwife as a verb, meaning to help give birth, as in "She 'midwifed' the project." The things that midwives do is called "midwifery" (pronounced mid-whiff-err-ee).
There are many types of midwives throughout the world. The World Health Organization recognizes the importance of midwives in promoting the health of women and babies throughout the world and strongly encourages that midwives be .....
Comparing Treatment Approaches
.... as there are no major symptoms of withdrawal that the patient is trying to combat by self-administering more of the drug. By making the drug ineffective in the blood stream, addicts would not receive what is thought to be positive reinforcement through cocaine's effects on the dopaminergic systems in the brain, but there is no evidence to prove that it would therefore stop them from taking it in increasingly higher doses, until the amount of drug in the system outweighed the ability of the immunological response produced by the therapy.
Conversely, Mello views the addiction to cocaine in terms of positive incentive. She an .....