Cystic Fibrosis
.... 1989, researchers fond the abnormal gene that causes cystic fibrosis.
This gene is located on chromosome 7 . A person who has two cystic fibrosis
Genes has the disease . A person that carries one of the genes does not have the
Genetic disease, but is a carrier.
The symptoms of cystic fibrosis sometimes occur immediately after birth.
Mucus secretions may appear in the baby’s intestines, which can cause
Obstruction in the intestines. In all cases, the child will gain little weight
Right from birth, because the pancreas is not producing enzymes. Little to no
Nutrients are absorbed in the child’s system. A child with cystic f .....
Development Of The Human Zygote
.... develops to form the morula (Fig. 1). The accumulation of fluid
inside the morula, transforms it into a hollow sphere called a blastula, which
implants itself into the inner lining of the uterus, the endometrium (Fig. 1).
The inner mass of the blastula will produce the embryo, while the outer layer of
cells will form the trophoblast, which eventually will provide nourishment to
the ovum (Pritchard, MacDonald, and Gant, 1985).
Figure 1:Implantation process and development during
embryogenesis (Pritchard, MacDonald and
Gant, 1985)
During the second week of development, gastrulation, the process by
which the g .....
.... comes on so gradually that symptoms
might not even be recognized.
Diabetes can occur in anyone. However, people who have close relatives
with the disease are somewhat more likely to develop it. The risk of getting
diabetes also increases as people grow older. People who are over 40 and
overweight are more likely to get diabetes. So are people of African-American,
Hispanic or Asian heritage. Also, people who develop diabetes while pregnant are
more likely to develop full-blown diabetes later in life.
There are certain things that everyone who has diabetes, whether Type I
or Type II, needs to do to be healthy. You need to have .....
A Study Of Depression And Relationships
.... style of attachment, and 3. attachment style would affect relationship
functioning more than depression.
The research was conducted in two independent studies. The first study
sampled 204 college women. Women were studied based on the very plausible
assumptions that women are more susceptible to depression than men and
relationships carry more significance with women than men. The women were
screened using the Beck Depression Inventory, a popular method of testing
consisting of 21 multiple choice questions to be administered by a clinician.
The questions range in scope from feelings of sadness to loss of libido. From
th .....
The Digestive Track
.... food.
The small intestine undergoes continual muscular contractions called
peristalses. This action pushes food into the large intestine. This surface of
the small intestine has a large number of threadlike projections called villi.
The digested, liquified food is absorbed through the villi, and passes into
capillaries that are inside the villi. Now the food is in the bloodstream. Not
all parts of the BIG MAC can be digested.Those parts which are indigestible pass
through the large intestine to its lower part, called the rectum. Eventually,
the indigestible food is eliminated from the rectum through the anus. This .....
Early To Bed
.... but who can really
learn that early in the morning?
Who exactly is going to become wealthier as a result of going to sleep
earlier and waking up earlier? I think that the average business person would
become less wealthy as a result of going to bed and getting up early. It would
be pointless for a company to open before the average consumer is even awake and
it would be foolish to miss out on business due to closing early so one's
employees could get to bed early. I suppose that if one were a cat burglar one
might become more wealthy by conducting business while most of the world is
still in asleep, but I think most of the wo .....
Discovering Sicke Cell Anemia
.... where malaria was a problem,
to be able to survive against that disease. What happened to those children?
They grew up, had their own children and ended up passing the gene for sickle
cell anemia onto their offspring.
This disease is a hereditary blood disorder that affects the red blood cell.
Red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin which transports oxygen from
your lungs to every part of your body. Hemoglobin's oxygen carrying ability is
essential for living but if there is a structural defect on the pigmented
molecule, it can be fatal. When a normal red blood cell distributes its oxygen,
it has a disc shape .....
FGM: Female Genital Mutilation
.... they want to do to their bodies and minds.
I know, "these women that are being circumcised, aren't freely deciding
on this to be done to them, they don't know any better, they've been
brainwashed". I have two responses to this. The first is, if they have grown
up in this culture all their lives, and this procedure has been done to their
mothers, sisters, great grandmothers, etc. on the fear that if it is not done,
something tearable will happen, there is no way they would not want it done; no
matter how much pain it causes, and besides those that are able to break away
from the thought of why it must be done, will do so .....
Diseases: Sex Linked And Sex Influenced
.... bleeding disorder. In red/green color blindness, the
broadest form of color blindness that affects six percent of the population, the
cones in the retina that receive green light do not function properly. Unlike
sex linked diseases, sex influenced diseases are not reserved solely for the
male. However, the diseases occur in males much more frequently than in females.
This is because sex influenced diseases occur from imbalances in testosterone,
much more highly concentrated in males. Baldness and gout are two diseases that
are a result of these hormonal imbalances. Baldness is defined as the lack or
loss of hair. Permanent b .....
.... digestive system will
suffer from disuse. The result will be Mr. Smiths deteriorating health. Levin
incorporates the evolution process into this example. He states that Mr. Smith
descended from creatures who enjoy the use of such parts. Creatures who do not
enjoy using such parts of their bodies will tend to be selected out. In
particular, human males who enjoyed inserting their penises into each other's
anuses have left no descendants. Homosexuality is likely to cause unhappiness
because it leaves unfulfilled an innate and innately rewarding desire (Levin
Mohr takes a completely different stance on homosexuality. A .....
.... to establish the
emotional state of their potential partners. As psychology becomes more and more
accessible and understandable to more people, I feel that it will begin to
influence our lifestyles more.
From a personal stand point, this has been a very difficult exercise.
This is a new area for me, so I have been unable to write from a professional or
work experience perspective only from a purely academic view.
'Psychology' literally means 'study of the mind'. Psychology as a
separate discipline is usually dated from 1879 when Wundt opened the first
psychology laboratory, devoted to the anal .....
Down Syndrome: An Informative Essay
.... is hereditary. A perfectly healthy
mother could have a Down Syndrome baby even though there was never any sign of
the disorder in her pedigree. There are however, three different kinds of Down
Syndrome. 95% of Down Syndrome babies have Trisomy 21. This is the presence of
extra genetic material on the 21st pair of chromosomes. Around 4% have what is
called Translocation. This is where the extra chromosome 21 decided to break
away and attach itself to another chromosome. The last 1% is made up of those
with Mosaicism. This is where some cells have Trisomy 21 while others do not.
There is no cure for Down Syndrome. There is also not .....