Alzheimer's Disease
.... that involves, but is not limited to, a loss in at least 2 of the
following areas: language, judgement, memory, visual or depth perception, or
judgement interfering with daily activities" (Institute,1996, p.4).
The initial cause of AD symptoms is a result of the progressive
deterioration of brain cells (neurons) in the cerebral cortex of the brain. This
area of the brain, which is the largest and uppermost portion, controls all our
thought processes, movement, speech, and senses. This deterioration initially
starts in the area of the cortex that is associated with memory and then
progresses into other areas of the cort .....
Alzheimer's Disease
.... which are not found in normal brain matter. These three are
called neurofibrillary tangles, neuritic plagues and granulovacuolar
A nerve cell has numerous axons and dendrites coming out of it. A
neurofibrillary tangle is when the neuron changes. A number of dendrites are
missing and the nucleus is filled with protein filaments resembling steel wool.
Although all elderly people has a few of these helix shaped bundles in
their brain for they are normal indicators of aging, Alzheimer's patients has
more than usual. Their presence usually in the frontal and temporal lobes is a
indication of AD.
Senile ne .....
.... are two of the main factors of early
intervention. Early intervention of cancer has proven to increase survival
rates and lower the length and severity of treatments. Detection and protection
are two types of ambulatory care for cancer that begin before the disease is
ever diagnosed.
Cancer often causes symptoms that you can watch for. These include:
change in bowel or bladder habits; a sore that does not heal; unusual bleeding
or discharge; thickening or lump in the breast or any other part of the body;
indigestion or difficulty swallowing; obvious change in a wart or mole; and
nagging cough or hoarseness. The .....
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
.... ALS emerged in 1938, and in 1939, he was diagnosed with the disease.
At that time doctors knew little to nothing about the disease and the only
suggested treatment was the untested vitamin E. So Gehrig ate a daily plate
full of garden grass, until June 2, 1941 when he died at the age of 37.
ALS affects approximately 1 out of every 100,000 people. In the United
States there are around 30,000 Americans affected by ALS, and 3,000 more are
diagnosed with the disease each year, with men being affected slightly more than
women, and in some cases, running in families. However while this is the same
number of new cases as Multiple Scl .....
Anabolic Steroids
.... up, which makes them last longer. It also allows
them to be detected in drug tests for a longer period of time.
How they work in the body:
When anabolic steroids are introduced into the body, under certain
conditions they increase: protein synthesis, lean body mass, and the nitrogen
balance in the body. A steroid receptor is formed which stimulates the
synthesis of enzymes. With the stimulus of enzymes in the body, protein
synthesis is also increased. One enzyme system that is placed into the body by
the receptor is the ribonucleic acid (RNA)-polymerose system. This system
promotes cellular protein metabolism and synthesis .....
Anger Management And Health
.... We only have to imagine a domestic abuse scene to immediately
condemn anger in all of its manifestations.
There is a reason why anger is viewed in a negative light. Nobody likes it
when someone is angry with them. We tend to avoid the wrath of those around us.
This is one reason we see anger as negative. Another reason may lie closer to
Plato's concept of imbalance. The negative perception of anger is evident in
the American Heritage Dictionary's definitions of the word anger (1): 1. A
feeling of extreme displeasure, hostility, indignation, or someone or something;
rage; wrath; ire. 2. (Obsolete) Trouble; pain .....
Angina Pectoris
.... homicides,
AIDS and so on. What a lot of people are not realizing is that coronary heart
disease actually accounts for about 80% of all sudden deaths. In fact, the
number of deaths from heart disease approximately equals to the number of deaths
from cancer, accidents, chronic lung disease, pneumonia and influenza, and
others, COMBINED.
One of the symptoms of coronary heart disease is angina pectoris.
Unfortunately, a lot of people do not take it seriously, and thus not realizing
that it may lead to other complications, and even death.
In order to understand angina, one must know about our own heart. .....
Angina Pectoris
.... with surgical procedures or, in some minor cases, corrective
procedures. Surgical procedures include bypass, laser and balloon surgery. In
bypass surgery a vein is removed from the lower leg and a clogged vessel is
worked around. Often in type of surgery the whole mid section of the body is
cut and the ribs are pulled back, very painful with a very slow recovery. Some
hospitals have now implemented a new technique where only a small hole is made
and everything is done via a view screen. In balloon surgery a balloon is
inserted into the vessel with the clog and is inflated. When this occurs the
vessel is damaged, this caus .....
Anorexia And Bulimia Nervosa
.... has gained a larger audience
within the last decade, the number of cases of eating disorders continues to
rise at a resounding rate. Today many scientists are looking into possible
causes for the onset of an eating disorder. The most prevalent and influencing
factor is the media and society's view. They act as a controlling presence for
susceptible individuals. “ The socioculture pressure on today's adolescent and
young women to be thin and attractive also play an important role in the
development of eating disorders. Thinness in today's society is associated with
self-control, attractiveness, intelligence, happiness , wealth and .....
Anorexia And Bulimia
.... but no clear picture. It is an over
simplification to blame the mass media's presentation to blame the mass media's
presentation of the ideal shape: though western society's increased emphasis on
the slim, fit body places pressure on many people.
We know there are many factors affecting the development of the
disorders- biological, psychological and sociological- so the relationship
between parent and child need not to be seen as the dominant cause. However the
reluctance to mature physically (sexually) and emotionally, and the issues of
personal control between parent and child, could contribute to some cases of
anorexia. .....
.... drugs to treat diseases and bacteria.
Over the years, numerous thousands of antibiotic material have been
found in nature as well as produced chemically but, there are few that are safe
and useful. However the ones that are safe and effective have saved many lives
and have helped extend life expectancy.
Right now, there is more than 70 different kinds of antibiotics in use.
Most antibiotics are used to treat infections, some for fungi and protozoa, but
antibiotics are not usually effective against viruses. So they have developed
other methods such as vaccines against viruses.
Antibiotics work by one of three ways, they can on .....
Artificial Heart Devices
.... exist moral, ethical, and economic factors that accompany these new
innovations to humanity. Who will receive these brilliant inventions?
Obviously not all of the patients will get transplants, so selection criteria
must be established. The high price of artificial heart devices and their
implantation will eliminate some candidates. Unfortunately, this is not fair.
The rich, in essence, can buy life, whereas the poor are abandoned to die in a
diseased state. A thorough analysis of the implications of the implantation of
such devices reveals not only selection and economic consideration, but
mortality and ethics as well. .....