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Should Athletes Use Creatine?

.... blood into skeletal muscle through the activity of muscle surface transporter molecules. (Dr. Omar, 3) Creatine Monohydrate involves a workout with. You can’t just take it and expect to see results. One of the myths that have appeared around Creatine is that it is only beneficial for weightlifters. (Zeibak, 1) That is not true. It’s just that weightlifters were the first to discover creatine’s ability to extend workout time and decrease recovery time. Other sports such as track, swimming, cycling, football, tennis, baseball, hockey, rugby, and soccer are all beneficial. (Ziebak, 2) Creatine is well known and used with the .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 653 | Number of pages: 3

Ban Smoking In Restaurants And The Workplace

.... Protection Agency found classified second hand smoke to be a Class A Carcinogen, meaning that is proven to cause cancer in humans. Second hand smoke kills more than 3,800 people each year in the United States alone. It KILLS thousands of people each year! Second hand smoke is serious a serious matter. It contributes to millions of cases disease and disability, as well as thousands of deaths of American children. Lung cancer, heart attacks, low birth weight infants, sudden infant death syndrome(SIDS),bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, chronic respiratory problems, eye and nasal irritation, and middle ear infections are all .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1159 | Number of pages: 5

Things That Affect And Influence Our Health And Our Lives

.... high-protein diet, thus enabling my body to stop burning the energy from the high-carbohydrate foods I eat to the fat cells in my body. Also, instead of snacking on ice cream or candy, I ate much more vegetables and healthier fruits such as bananas, apples, and oranges. As I began changing my dietary habits, I began seeing a change in my in my physical self as well. After maintain the diet I no longer crave any food and I am eating healthier meals and being satisfied with them. It really made a difference in my life. I also made sure that I drank enough water. Although water is the most abundant resource on the Earth, I p .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2449 | Number of pages: 9

Biologic Nutrition And Nutrients

.... as constituents of enzymes, those organic catalysts which enable biological processes to take place. It is totally impossible to imagine life without vitamins and enzymes. Through enzymes, vitamins stimulate metabolic processes, converting food to energy and accelerating biological functions. They are truly vital or “life-giving” as the first part of their name implies. They create blood, skin and bone, release energy, and enable reproduction to take place. Vitamins are not a part of the body’s structure. They are just agents that help to regulate its maintenance and activity. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 952 | Number of pages: 4

The Ebola Virus: One Deadly Disease

.... one hundred and forty-nine workers that had worked with the monkeys were not effected by the virus at all, although two have developed antibodies from the Ebola Reston. Many other countries have been affected with this deadly disease and are spreading rapidly. Like many things, the Ebola Virus is a member of a family. It comes from RNA viruses know as filoviruses. Marburg virus and four Ebola viruses: Ebola Zaire, Sudan, Reston and Tai are the five different viruses that have been known to cause disease in humans, while Ebola Reston only causes disease within monkeys. Filoviruses, arenaviruses, flaviruses, and bunyaviruses are .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 872 | Number of pages: 4

Eating Right And For The Right Reasons

.... a private and exclusive education at Catholic school. He does work a little and he gets most of his money from his school loans or from his parents. Once a week he goes home to get his food and laundry for the week which is prepared by his parents. He is 5’11” and weighs 205 lbs.. Male B is Filipino and is 24 years old. He came from a lower-class family. He lives with two other guys from his fraternity. He works about 30 hours a week and goes to school part-time. He supports himself and is just an average guy. He is 5’11” and weighs 250lbs.. HYPOTHESIS My hypothesis was that both girls would act and eat the same bec .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1292 | Number of pages: 5

The Heart And Its Functions

.... with the upper border of the third costal cartilage. Its lower border (apex) corresponds to a line drawn across the lower end of the same bone, near the xiphoid process. Its upper surface is rounded and convex, directed upwards and forwards, and formed mainly by the right ventricle and part of the left ventricle. The posterior surface of the heart is flattened and rests upon the diaphragm muscle. Of its two borders, the right is the longest and thinnest, the left is shorter but thicker and round. In an adult, the heart measures about five inches in length, three and a half inches in the broadest part of its transverse diamet .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 3425 | Number of pages: 13

Psychoanalysis And Treatment

.... and, using these theories, telling his patients through interpretations what was going on inside the unconscious part of their minds, thus making the unconscious become conscious. Many hysterias were cured this way, and in 1895, Breuer and Freud published their findings and theories in Studies in Hysteria. CLASSIC PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY Traditional psychoanalytical theory states that all human beings are born with instinctual drives that are constantly active even though a person is usually not conscious of thus being driven. Two drives--one for sexual pleasure, called libido, the other called aggression--motivate and propel most .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2220 | Number of pages: 9

Dead End: Teenage Suicide

.... want the unhappiness and strains in their live to end, but they really do not want their lives to end. When I was in High School at the age of fifteen, I tried to commit suicide. I was looking for a way out of my sad, impoverish, lonely, single-parent life. I thought that the easiest and most convenient way out was to commit suicide. That way I would no longer have to deal with the pressures of home and school. In the end I survive the overdose and went on to live a regrettable, happy productive life. If only I would have known that there was help out there for me, somebody I could have talked to, maybe my teens years would .....

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.... punishment, war, and suicide. The issue of “assisted suicide” has been the subject of intense national debate. In June 1997 the U.S. Supreme Court handed down decisions in two cases challenging the legality of state bans on “assisted suicide”. In both cases the Court found that there was no constitutional right to assisted suicide and turned the matter to states to decide whether to ban or legalize assisted suicide. The use of euthanasia in the Netherlands was first permitted in 1973. Currently, the state of Oregon is the only state to permit physician-assisted suicide in limited circumstances. Although euthanasia is wide .....

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For Active Euthanasia

.... are killed then they have no chance to get better. According to the American Medical Associates doctrine that was adopted, killing someone is wrong but letting someone die is allowed. The American Medical Association’s doctrine should sanction active euthanasia so it can be used in certain situations that require it. There are three reasons why active euthanasia should be favored over passive euthanasia. Passive euthanasia could make the patient suffer longer than if active euthanasia was used to stop the suffering. The American Medical Association’s doctrine leads life and death decisions to be made on irrelevant grounds. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1211 | Number of pages: 5

Doctor Assisted Suicide

.... time in the history of nations, that each person exists as an end in himself. This basic truth which finds political expression in the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness means in practical terms that you need no one's permission to live and that no one may forcibly obstruct your efforts to achieve your own personal happiness. But what if happiness becomes impossible to attain? What if a terrable disease, or some other desaster, drains all joy from life, leaving only misery and suffering? The right to life includes and implies the right to commit suicide. If you have a duty to live, despite your better judgment .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 412 | Number of pages: 2

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