Bill Of Rights
.... nor
should they be considered patriots." Bush has not retracted, commented on,
or clarified this statement, in spite of requests to do so. According to
Bush, this is one nation under God. And apparently if you are not within
Bush's religious beliefs, you are not a citizen. Federal, state, and local
governments also promote a particular religion (or, occasionally,
religions) by spending public money on religious displays.
FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION: Robert Newmeyer and Glenn Braunstein were jailed
in 1988 for refusing to stand in respect for a judge. Braunstein says the
tradition of rising in court started decades ago when .....
Communism Is A Better Form Of Economic Organization Than Capitalism
.... is denied the essentials of
One of the most fundamental human rights is access to adequate health
care. In Communist countries the right of access to health care is very
well practiced, because no one is denied health care. In a Communist
country you could go to the Doctor for lets say a Flu shot or a complicated
procedure such as a triple coronary bypass surgery and the government will
pick up the tab, because in communist countries every life is valuable.
Economic systems which operate in a Communist manner consider first
what is good for society. The decisions which are made especially when
their about politics .....
.... sedition (resistance against lawful
authority), and draft violations. The passage of the National Motor Vehicle
Theft Act in 1919 further broadened the Bureau's jurisdiction.
After the passage of Prohibition in 1920, the gangster era began, bringing
about a whole new type of crime. Criminals engaged in kidnapping and bank
robbery, which were not federal crimes at that time. This changed in 1932 with
the passage of a federal kidnapping statute. In 1934, many other federal
criminal statutes were passed, and Congress gave Special Agents the authority to
make arrests and to carry firearms.
The FBIs size and jurisdictio .....
Governement's Bureaucratic Half-Witted Laws
.... an ordinance that makes it illegal for anyone to try to stop a child
from playfully jumping over puddles of water. The fine for such a crime is
fifty dollars and up to ten days in jail. Once again a government decided it
didn't have enough power and thought that it might as well impose a new law to
show its "immense" power over the people.
In Connecticut you can be stopped be the police for bike riding over
sixty-five miles an hour. You can also be arrested for walking across a
street on your hands. These laws will probably not be enforced due to the
fact that the odds of biking over sixty-five miles an hour or walking .....
Greenspan - The Case For The Defense
.... to the most
diversified of criminal charges, to the most uncanny regions of law ever dealt.
It was this thorough look at Greenspan's life which impressed me the most. It
was quite clear that after the fourth page, I came upon the conclusion that this
casebook would create a most influential reaction to anyone who had displayed
any interest towards our Law system in general.
In Part One of the novel, No Little Clients, presents the reader with
the author's proposed thesis. His ambition is to defend innocent people accused
of crimes. Whether they are innocent or guilty without being proven guilty is
irrelevant to Mr. Greenspa .....
The Rise Of Communism In Russia
.... in France and Germany, it was brought into Russia in
the middle of the nineteenth century and promptly attracted support among
the country's educated, public-minded elite, who at that time were called
intelligentsia (Pipes, 21). After Revolution broke out over Europe in
1848 the modern working class appeared on the scene as a major historical
force. However, Russia remained out of the changes that Europe was
experiencing. As a socialist movement and inclination, the Russian Social-
Democratic Party continued the traditions of all the Russian Revolutions
of the past, with the goal of conquering political freedom (Daniels .....
History Of Turkish Occupation Of Northern Kurdistan.
.... over eight billion dollars or twenty percent of her GDP to combat the ever
deteriorating predicament in northern Kurdistan, and should spend more in the
future(Laber). Because of the violence, the once prosperous tourist business of
Turkey, has now lost about $1.5 billion dollars annually since 1990. Many people
now talk openly of another possible military coup, there were three major
military coups during the last thirty years (Alister) These circumstances in the
state of Turkey have also hurt her chances of ever joining the ever wealthy
European Union and battering its ailing economic situation. The depth of
Turkey's domestic an .....
Court Trip Essay: Efficiency And Effectiveness Of Our Criminal Court System
.... clerk and recorder
seem to know each other very well. They joked openly, even while the court
was in session, the defence lawyer asked if he could persuade the judge
into a lighter sentence after the judge had already made a decision in a
very easy and friendly tone of voice, something seemly unprofessional that
caused chuckles throughout the courtroom. Where in the Ontario Supreme
Court the atmosphere was much more serious, professional, strict and at
times high in tension.
Our current bail system, in either monetary terms or personal
recognizance, seemed pretty successful in Provincial Court, though not
observed in the Onta .....
.... shot
and the public was behind her. It was a case of public revenge where the mind-
set was "We're going to get the guy that did this horrible crime. It doesn't
matter that he was defending his home." This type of public revenge could
include the execution of Shively. No matter what verdict would have been
handed-down, someone, somewhere would have been unsatisfied. If Shively were
sentenced to be executed, then his family and friends would have had to fight
for justice until the day he died. As the verdict of "not guilty" arrived,
Paterson's family, many police officers, and friends of the family cried for
justice. Yet, just .....
Juvenile Justice
.... mens rea. Thus, from almost the beginning children have been
treated differently from adults who commit the same acts.
The origin of juvenile corrections in the United States goes, back at
least to the opening of the New York House of Refuge in 1825. This house of
refuge was established to meet the same kinds of needs the JJS of today tries to
meet, including avoidance of harsh criminal penalties for unfortunate children,
segregating "predeliquent" children from hardened delinquents, providing
"proper" moral, ethical, political, and social values and role models for
deprived children, and treating such children as victims rath .....
Presidential Debate `96
.... touched was scandals such as Watergate, etc.
The debate was key in helping me decide a now important part of my
life. I have decided that I am a Democrat. I found most of what Clinton had
said to be closest to what I believe, but there were a few points where I
did agree with Dole. Particularly on the quality of life discussion.
Clinton argued that the United States was better off, and Dole agreed, but
not exactly. Dole brought up the point that there were around 10,000
bankruptcies filed last year, and that taxes were higher, and people were
working harder for the same wages. Another Policy of Dole's that I agree
ver .....
Maritime Law
.... which specifies:
"1- The name of the insured, or of some person who effects the insurance on his
2- The subject matter insured and the risk insured against.
3- The voyage, or period of time, or both, as the case may be, covered by the
4- The sum or sums insured.
5- The names of the insurers."
The promissor in an insurance contract is called the insurer or underwriter, the
person to whom the promise is made is the insured, assured or the policyholder
and finally the contract is referred as the policy.
In order to avoid these situations marine cargo insurance has different coverage
for different pur .....