The True Meaning Behind That Layer Of Blue Nail Polish
.... similar responses such as: “It looks cool”; “If I wore red I would just
feel like another ordinary person, but if people see your blue nail polish, they
do a double-take”; “It's a little new, something different”.
Unfortunately, many youths have been raised in a society where they have
been conditioned to fear doing anything that will have them come across as a
freak to others. In today's society, nail polish is one of the few things that
come between the limits of someone who may be considered a “dull dresser” or a
“freak-show”. It is understandable why the more all-around fashion-conscious
youths might be attracted .....
Winning Isn't The Most Important Thing
.... Boston Marathon runners have
dropped out of a 10K due to it's intense strain. I was on hand to witness the
race and saw many great athletes finish the race with great times. These are
runners who put every day into running and run every race. Soon after these
runners had crossed the finish line and been handed their trophies, the last
runner in the race came through the finish line with his hands in the air and to
thunderous applause. He was 87 years old, and had taken up the sport after his
doctors told him he had a cholesterol problem when he was 67.
The runner in this story was not out to win the Mayor's Cup 10K, he
wasn't .....
"Boys And Girls: The Development Of Gender Roles"
.... parent
of the same sex and, as consequence, the child's gender identification.
I would agree with Freud's statement that children undergo a certain
emotional crisis after becoming aware of their genitals. It must be somewhat
frustrating for, e.g., a three year-old to realize that reaching a pleasurable
emotional state does not necessarily have to originate from her/his mother.
Unable to cognitively create an explanation to a new, unexpected flow of
circumstances and feelings, the child is most likely to end up confused. This
confusion will inevitably provoke anxiety, and the anxiety will build up an
emotional tension.
However, .....
1963: The Hope That Stemmed From The Fight For Equality
.... white men. In the time that the Negroes occupied these positions, southern
whites developed a deep hatred and animosity for Negroes. From that day forward
the strain between blacks and whites grew.
Racial discrimination appeared to be eternally present. Hope looked
slim as the years wore on, and little progress was made toward freedom. Tension
came to a head in 1963 as Negroes grew tired of silent acceptance of racial
discrimination. Demonstrations, sit-ins, peace talks, and marches graced the
front pages of the newspapers in major cities in the south and in the north.
The hope of a future for African-American people in Ameri .....
Although Short, John Updike's "A & P" Is Big On Enjoyment
.... than mature, so I was able to relate more closely
to the work. I found that there were many thought processes that are similar to
an adolescent boys, rather than to a more experienced adult. A good example of
this can be seen toward the end of paragraph 2 when he gives his interpretation
of what happens in a girls mind. He makes a simile to a bee buzzing in a glass
jar. A mature person would never make a statement that is so thoughtless. I
enjoyed it very much.
I'm able to make a few emotional connections to Sammy, the main
character, as well.. In the story, there are many clues that point to him as a
girl watcher / adm .....
A Comparison Of Arthur Becomes King And David And Goliath
.... he will
fight him. A desperate King Saul learns of this and prepares David for battle.
Arthur is trying to find a sword for Sir Kay. When they become heroes, both
David and Arthur save an entire population. By defeating Goliath, David saves
all of the Israelites from the Philistines. By coming to power, Arthur saves a
kingless England. Both stories have someone who is jealous of the rightful
king. Saul tries to kill David in order to prevent him from becoming king; Sir
Kay tries to tell his father that he is the one who pulled out the sword. Both
David and Arthur stand for something. David fights in the name of God, and
Art .....
A Comparison Of Contemporary And Romance Literature
.... returns home, plunges into a chair, and begins to sew.
While he sews, Rosicky lets his mind run back over his life. He has had many
memorable experiences. Rosicky has lived in London, New York, and now in
Nebraska. Rosicky, formerly a tailor, now makes a living farming with his
children. Rudolph, Rosicky's oldest son, has some trouble supporting his wife,
Polly. Rosicky makes many sacrifices to help Rudolph's marriage stay together.
He loans the family car and gives some money to Rudolph, even though Rosicky is
very poor himself. Spring arrives, and his children are busy working the fields.
When no one else is around, Ro .....
Acronyms, Idioms And Slang: The Evolution Of The English Language.
.... the two today is the technological evolution of English. When the current
scope of a given language is insufficient to describe a new concept, invention,
or property, then there becomes a necessity to alter, combine, or create words
to provide a needed definition. For example, the field of Astro-Physics has
provided the English language with such new terms as pulsar, quasar, quark,
black hole, photon, neutrino, positron etc. Similarly, our society has recently
be inundated with a myriad of new terms from the field of Computer Science:
motherboard, hard drive, Internet, megabyte, CD, IDE, SCSI, TCP/IP, WWW, HTTP,
DMA, GUI and l .....
John Stubbs' "Love And Role Playing In A Farewell To Arms"
.... with their
As far as Stubbs is concerned, Hemingway is quite blatant in letting us know
that role-playing is what is occurring. He tells that the role-playing begins
during Henry and Catherine's third encounter, when Catherine directly dictates
what is spoken by Henry. After this meeting the two become increasingly
comfortable with their roles and easily adopt them whenever the other is nearby.
This is apparent also in that they can only successfully play their roles when
they are in private and any disturbance causes the "game" to be disrupted. The
intrusion of the outside world in any form makes their role-pla .....
Analyzing The Struggle For Power In Four Novels: Fahrenheit 451, Invisible Man Lord Of The Flies And Julius Caesar
.... will rummage
through all of one's property, at times, destroying everything in their path.
On the opposite side of that spectrum, there is a struggle for power by the
people as well. There is the woman who hid several thousand volumes of books in
her house. She loves these books so much that when the firemen ransacked her
house, she went down with the books without hesitation. In another example of
this ongoing struggle for power, some people's lives were actually transformed
into books. Their names changed to the title of the book, and they had to
memorize every single written line of text. These people were so determined t .....
Excellence Is Your Best Weapon For Fighting Racism
.... or you can use them to play the books.
Playing on the playground might give you some hours of immediate enjoyment, but
playing the books will give you long-term gratification.
African Americans and other minorities can no longer use the excuses of being
poor or living in a bad neighborhood or small town to keep us from achieving
excellence through education. In some cases, the poorer you are the more
educational opportunities that are available to you. Poverty should not be an
excuse for not working up to your potential. No matter how poor you think you
are, there is always someone who is poorer.
Please do not be embarrasse .....
Crime And Punishment And Othello: Comparison And Contrast Essay
.... about his confession. Similarly, Desdemona's willow song
foreshadows her own death. In this way we realize Othello must be extremely
unbalanced if his wife can foresee her own death when they are still newly wed.
Both foreshadowed events would usually be considered as negative. The main
difference is that while Raskolnikov's imprisonment is temporary, Desdemona's
death is permanent.
The interesting thing about both foreshadowed events is their irony.
While both events are usually construed as negative, good things come from both.
Not until he has been in Siberia a year does Raskolnikov finally renounce his
ov .....