Growth Of NYS Business
.... to produce
whatever products would leave him the greatest profit margin. The rise of the
dairy industry was by far the most significant development in the agricultural
history of the state between 1825 and 1860. Farmers discovered that cows were
their most relliable money-makers, since both the domestic and foreign market
kept demanding more dairy products (Ellis, 273). Price flucuations became
increasingly important for the farming population between 1825 and 1860. Prices
rose from the low level of the early 1820's until the middle 1830's and the
farmer's shared in the general prosperity (271). Although the rapid
industrial .....
The North American Free Trade Agreement
.... Gurtari met to discuss the
possibility of revising current trade policies. The thing that set the NAFTA
apart from other trade agreements historically was that it was to be the first
trade agreement entered into between two industrial countries and a developing
country. By much of the world the NAFTA is often viewed upon as North America's
answer to the European trading bloc. Many provisions of the NAFTA take their
roots in the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement which became operational January 1,
1989. A target objective was to create free trade between the United States,
Mexico, and Canada rather than a comprehensive economic uni .....
The St. Catharines Standard
.... has been previously
used paper that has been shredded, de-inked and then turned into pulp so it can
make paper again. This type of paper is used because its economical,
lightweight, recyclable and is available world wide.
3. What is the process of making the St. Catharines Standard?
The First step in making the newspaper is in the advertising department.
The workers in the advertising dept. sell space in the paper to local businesses
for ads. This pays for the paper to be made. Then the ads are produced and are
redied for the paper a day before it has to be made. After the ad space is sold
the paper is sent up to the edito .....
The Unemployment Rate
.... man who stole rice because he was too hungry and he did not
have money to even buy food! We can know how serious the unemployment rate is.
By the way, higher unemployment rate causes lower purchasing power of people. A
lot of kinds of business are affected. Many people lose confidence in economics
of Hong Kong. They do not believe unemployment will be improved. Some say that
the Government should provide immediate assistance for the jobless. Some also
say unemployment is due to the attraction of cheap labor across the border. The
Government can no longer play the role of a bystander.
All of these above show the influence o .....
The Welfare System Must Remain
.... levels. Furthermore, for each additional child, a mother can
expect an additional $90 of AFDC benefits, far too low to serve as any type of
incentive. In addition, those states that provide higher benefits do not
necessarily show higher birth rates among their welfare recipients. Families
receiving AFDC benefits have 1.9 children, just about the same as the national
average. (ACLU 1)
Another myth created by the media concerns the amount of money spent and
the results. It has been said that after spending billions of dollars since the
mid-1960's on anti-poverty programs, there have been little or no results. To
begin with, sp .....
Total Quality Management In Construction
.... and rewards. If
they are given little power in their jobs, they have little interest in
improving them. If leaders exhort the members for better output but reward
(promotions, bonuses, recognition) for mostly higher output, they get the
behavior they reward. Quantity over quality has been a common management
philosophy in the United States.
The first step in implementing TQM requires the an upper-management
change in both philosophy and behavior. Managers must adopt the objectives of
customer satisfaction and continuous improvement. They must implement the
change to achieve these objectives through their personal and con .....
The Trend Towards Fewer And Larger Farms As Economic Growth Occurs
.... 1980's. This number increased to 326,000 farms by
1991. The off of the farm income of this sector is only $20,847 per farm. The
total income per farm averaged $180,276 per year. This sectors main income
comes from farming and very little of its income comes from off of the farm jobs.
This sector is growing because there is becoming more big farms that produce
most of our food.
The second sector is called the declining sector. This sector includes
the farms that sold products between $20,000 and $99,000 worth of products a
year. Those farms decreased from 637,000 in 1980 to 549,000 in 1991. These
farms produced only 16% .....
Economics: Turn Around Is Fair Game
.... dumping. The post World War II infusion of subsidized Japanese-made
televisions, terminated the United States(U.S.) television manufacturing
industry. In the late 1950's, half a million units crossed our borders, tax and
tariff free. These television sets were made using cheaper components and
cheaper labor. However, the cost of transportation, which would normally
escalate each individual price, was paid for by the Japanese government. The
pioneering inventors of the electronic marvel were forced out. No longer able
to compete by meeting rapidly declining prices, companies had to stop production,
liquidate all available a .....
.... only a short time. This type of unemployment could be reduced somewhat by
more efficient placement services. When workers are free to quit their jobs,
some frictional unemployment will always be present.
The second form of Unemployment is structural unemployment. Structural
unemployment arises from an imbalance between the kinds of workers wanted by
employers and the kinds of workers looking for jobs. The imbalances may be
caused by inadequacy in skills, location, or personal characteristics.
Technological developments, necessitate new skills in many industries, leaving
those workers who have outdated skills without a job. A pl .....
.... shows that 4.3 percent of
Vermont's citizens are unemployed. That is about fourteen thousand people in
just this one small state (Griffin 1). Think of how many people are unemployed
in the entire United States. That would be over five million people. If people
wanted to get out and get a job, they probobly could pretty easily. Instead of
waiting for theirchecks from the government,they could get a job and bring home
more money than the government sends considering that they have the proper
education. One way to decrease unemployment would be to get the proper
education to be successful in the job industry.
For my soluti .....
U.S And Japan Car Industries
.... Three have generally confined their efforts to sending models that they
have made specifically for Americans. Bill Duncan, the head of the Japan
Automobile Manufacturers Assn. states that "it was the basic principals of
competition that made the Japanese automobile industry strong."
One example which reflects the short-sightedness of the Big Three is the
insufficient number of right-hand models available in Japan. Since cars in Japan
are driven on the left side, all domestic makers produce right-hand drives. It's
simple, the inconvenience of a left-hand drive, at tolls, parking lots or when
overtaking another car is too dangerou .....
US And Russia Relations After The Defeat Of The USSR:
.... changes in its economy since the Russian
Federation took over the Soviet Union. "An economy devoted almost entirely to
the production of military goods was forced to begin to provide what its
citizens demanded, not what its rulers ordered" (Pickering 100). But it wasn't
that easy. Russian government appeared to be unexperienced in modernizing the
economy. Most of the people in government came from the school of the Soviet
Union, so they were unable to do anything without somebody's help. "... the
United States provided Russia with massive augments of experience, delivered
through government and private sector advisors as well as b .....