Japan On Its Way To Be The World's Largest Economy
.... there exists an instinctive respect for
institutions and government, for the rules of etiquette and service, for social
functions and their rituals of business. Japan is a traditionally crowded island,
the people are forced to share the limited space with each other and to live in
harmony.. The Japanese are very protective of their culture. They are very
conservative to outside intrusion. Their distinctive ways are a source of pride
and national strength."2 Japan's striving for purity is very different form a
North American idea of open doors and diversity as strength. Japan is relatively
closed to immigration to outside countr .....
How Do Dixons And Tandy Add Value To The Products They Sell?
.... to account for these
differences, by deducting the price that it would cost to upgrade on the Tandy
machine. So, to give the Tandy computer Internet capability would cost £150, so
that was deducted, and the multimedia software would have cost £50, so that was
deducted. The computer specification I aimed to have as a common platform was an
Intel Pentium 120MHz machine, with 8MB RAM, a 14" monitor, at least a 1 GB Hard
Disk and MPC level 2 capability (i.e. be able to use CD-ROM Multimedia titles).
The mail order supplier I chose to match these specifications with was Computer
Trading, as they offered a system which was a close match .....
How Employees Affect Consumer Behavior
.... because of the way I was treated. I know I am not the only person who
does this, so I feel it is very important to have a work force that helps market
your products, by being friendly and knowledgeable. This will prevent customers
from turning away from your products and services. Ask your workers if they
would recommend your product or service to their family and friends. If your
people lack confidence in your company, you need to find out why and fix it.
You want them to be proud to use your product or service so they can convey this
feeling to the customers.
Some of the things that turn off consumers ar .....
Import Substitution
.... is no need for high protection at the first stage of import
substitution in the replacement of the imports of non-durable consumer goods
(clothing, shoes, household goods, textile fabrics, leather, wood and other
types of inputs) since these commodities exist in the developing countries that
are at the initial frontier of industrialization.
The commodities I mentioned are intensive in unskilled labor, the scale
of output is relatively low, and costs do not rise substantially at lower output
levels. The production of the commodities do not involve the use of
sophisticated technology or highly educated workers and suppliers for part .....
Inaccuracies Of The Consumer Price Index(CPI)
.... however, assumes that the increases in prices is a result of
inflation rather than quality improvements which is false. Here also, the CPI
overstates the rate of inflation.
Many consumers do not mind the overcompensation of the CPI because in
most cases it means more money in their pockets, but there are some consequences.
This may cause an ongoing inflation trend. The reason why the government does
not restrict it is because they are worried about getting re-elected. Even if
the President does call for a revision of the CPI, Congress would defeat it to
keep their positions.
Another consequence of the overstated CPI involves the .....
The Investment Industry
.... RBC Dominion, Evergreen, Scotia McLeod and
Nesbitt Burns respectively. In addition, the aforementioned chartered banks have
also branched into the discount brokerage sector.
As of December 1994, the Securities Industry as a whole included 158
firms, directly employs over 24,000 people, has operating revenue of $5.1
Billion and operating profit of $1.2 Billion (Appendix A). Within this industry
the largest firms ranked by revenue are: RBC Dominion Securities ($1 Billion),
Midland Walwyn ($480 million), Burns Fry ($416 million) and Nesbitt Thomson
($335 million) (Appendix B). It is evident that the industry is highly
concen .....
Information Technology Outsourcing
.... that the employee know what they
are doing.
Some of the problems IT outsourcing may encounter are, loss of strategic
control, risk of technological obsolescence, limiting of long-term flexibility,
difficulty in benchmarking initial contract, hostage to additional charges,
high exit or switching costs, limited choice of vendors, the fixed nature of
legal contracts, legal exposure, from dissatisfied former employees, and
cultural conflicts.
The people doing the outsourcing for the companies are sometimes the
life's-blood of that company. If the outsourcers want more money, then they are
almost obligated to give that money. This .....
Increasing Shareholder Wealth
.... labor. A sweatshop is a manufacturing facility that operates
below minimum standards of safety and/or wages and benefits. Sweatshops
flourished in the United States in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
This paper will examine the re-emergence of sweatshop manufacturing in
the U.S. and abroad, and its impact on how manufacturers do business. Two U.S.
corporations will be discussed in detail. And the issue of utilizing low cost
labor domestically and offshore, including arguments for against this practice,
will be discussed.
Since, by definition, sweatshops violate the basic rights of workers, a
brie .....
.... inventories of
certain purchased components. Gross margin for the fourth quarter of 1994
included the impact of a $475 million charge, primarily to cost of sales, to
cover replacement costs, replacement material and an inventory record related to
a divide problem in the floating point unit of the Pentium microprocessor. As a
result of the above factors, the gross margin percentage was 52% in 1995 and
1994, compared to 63% in 1993.
Quarterly unit shipments of the Pentium microprocessor family passed those of
the Intel486 microprocessor family during the third quarter of 1995. The Company
helped accelerate this transition by offerin .....
Internationalization Of Accounting Standards For Consolidation - Japan: A Case Study
.... the largest standard
setting organization which is characterized by high standards of professionalism.
But, even the rules of the United States exhibit compromises between different
interests of a kind which could have reasonably been decided otherwise.
Furthermore, no unanimity exists among U.S. accountants about the merits of the
precise details of the compromises that have been struck. For example, the
recent discussion memorandum on consolidation outlines three different methods
which are GAAP in the US (Beckman, 1995). No one nation has a clear right, on
the basis of existing achievements, to be regarded as predominant in ac .....
Interview To Dow Jones
.... providing information essential
to an ever expanding and increasingly interconnected worldwide business
Q. What is the strategy behind your television operations?
A. Dow Jones aims to provide business news in any form customers want it.
When we looked at our operations a few years ago, television was the missing
means of delivery for our business news. We began by pioneering with Asia's
first business channel, Asia Business News, in late 1993 and followed with
Europe's first business channel, European Business News, in early 1995. Both
have achieved significant distribution success and viewer acceptan .....
Introduction To Business
.... valuable. Operating in a political and economic climate that supports
individual rights, American business has as its guiding principle the right to
private ownership and profit. The amount of goods produced depends upon the
number of resources available for use. This idea is commonly known as "Supply
and Demand". Businesses must attempt to reach an equilibrium between the two
which will directly impact the price of the products produced. If something is
heavily demanded and at the same time, it's resources are limited, the price of
the product will rise. This idea of course works both ways. The easier it is
to produ .....