Creative Writing: The Inferno
.... laugh at me as I foolishly try to climb them to rid myself of
its presence. Yet there is no escape. I have inflicted more pain upon myself.
Nothing is soft in here; everything is jagged. My un-sanded wooden dresser
rests on the right side of the doorway. Figures of dancers with invisible
partners lie atop the uneven surface. They seem to move slowly across the
dresser, like seaweed drifting aimlessly across the sea. My unpleasant and
discomforting bed of stone rests in the center of the room. It is not the usual
shape of a bed. Rather, it seems as if it were molded to fit my body alone. Is
there no solace? The close .....
Creative Writing: Inn From Hell
.... like most people Doctor Bleed just had to get his drink of water in
the middle of the night or or or .......Well thats funny I dont think that he
has ever not had his refreshing drink of water in the middle of the night. Oh
well, I sure hope he gets it. Like normally the Doctor woke up at about 2:00
A.M., now with the doctor not knowing the house he just took off in any old
direction which he should not have done because he did not know what he was
about to get himself into. As the doctor roamed the inn he started to swear
like a mad man because he still could not find any water. He thought to himself
"What kind of an In .....
Their Common Enemy
.... to stay
together by agreeing with one another. Whenever the topic comes up, their moods
totally change and even though they might not know it; they act as if paying
their mortgage is their favorite thing to discuss.
"WILLY: `Well, that's a great thing. To weather a twenty-five year
mortgage is ------ .'
LINDA: `It's and accomplishment.' (73). When they are almost done paying
they are very happy and even Willy makes a comment; but he stops himself from
expressing his true feelings. Why? Why does Willy prevent himself from being
happy with the good things that he has in his life? He tries to live a life
that doesn' .....
Declaration Of Independance From Puberty
.... of people because of
this episode may turn into a social disaster. A first love, the initial
kiss, and the inaugural date may reveal the most embarrassing and
detrimental things about one. Not to mention the ratical change in one's
behavior, the shouting becomes explosive and the argument so much to bare.
This immense torment of mother nature must be halted.
The teenagers of this world will bond together, to remove the torment
mother nature has given. The genetics must be changed, mother nature must
be denied the right to give each teenager the torture of the adolescence
Creative Writing: The Miller's Tale
.... on her, if I do say
so myself. She all of her teeth except for three but in this time that's not
bad. I soon put on my Sunday best and headed straight for the castle in which to
meet the King himself. We came in the back just as told and soon were met by
three guards dressed in black and silver. They said to me, " Wait here, the girl
goes with us." Well, I'll be damned if I'm going to let these people not let me
see the King! When I asked they said, "Sorry but the King won't allow it." Well,
what could I do? Absolutely nothing is right. The King sure is a bum when it
comes to privacy and such. I sat outside the back entrance to th .....
Creative Writing: The Nightmare
.... put her down to watch some TV. Then the phone rang and Susan and I looked
at each other, seeing who was going to answer it.
I answered the phone but no one was there. I said hello again, but
still no answer. All I could hear was someone breathing heavily. It was loud,
gasping, and very frightening. I said hello again and heard a faint, masculine
voice. As I began to tremble, the voice whispered, "I'm coming."
All of a sudden the lights went out. Susan, Julie and I let out a loud
shriek. I ran over to Susan and Julie and hid my head. Susan started laughing
and told me it was probably because of the storm outside. .....
Emily Dickinson On Drugs?
.... I
could not stop for Death," Dickinson is writing about her death, only she's
talking in the past tense like she's already dead. Depression? Withdrawal?
Crack? Will someone please tell me what the hell is wrong with this woman?
This lady is obsessed with her own death; my suggestion to her is to get a
life before she really does die. Obviously Emily is on some kind of mind-
altering drugs. Otherwise, she would not be constantly writing about her
own death; she would be writing about trees and birds, love and happiness.
Creative Writing: The Pearl - Continuation
.... would
gladly take care of him. She thanked them and went back to Kino. He had just
finished packing. He then grabbed a few corn cakes and they started on their
long journey.
As they arrived in the city they had found that it had almost entirely
changed. The streets were more crowded, the stores were getting more business,
and all in all was more modern. Kino walked up to a young looking man and asked
where the pearl buyers were located. The man didn't answer he just walked away.
Kino thought that this particularly strange. Back at La Paz anyone would have
been glad to give Kino directions. Juana told Kino that she would try and t .....
Creative Writing: The Person Behind The Mask
.... who would
say; "How are we today?" His colleagues envied him, so they froze him out. He
could see the guys meet in a corner. Whispering and giving him looks. He tried
to be a pal, but they didn't want him to. He was the average guy, with average
pay and an average apartment. But he wasn't miserable. Of course he'd like some
friends and a girlfriend to talk with, but since he didn't have any, he thought
it was the way it was supposed to be. His job was to earn money and sit behind
his desk smiling to everybody.
Since nobody cared, they didn't know about his hobby. For a few years ago, a
dream of his had fulfilled when he got a .....
A Modern Interpretation Of Everyman (the Excerpt)
.... good to keep these events in mind_[Cue Energetic Dance
ROOF FOR GOD!!![Disco Call][Exit Sports Commentator. Enter God]God. What
in the Hell was that?[Dance music abruptly stops]God. Ya' know, I
see here,in all my splendor, how the people do not remember. The ways and
methods of olden days, when they didn't have so much personal grandeur.
They've forgotten me, oh yes they have, and I don't appreciate it one bit.
Especially since I was the one, who created (and maintain) every .....
Creative Writing: The Present
.... "Go down town and pick up some eggs would ya?"
"Yeah sure Dad."
As he walked down the street Billy pondered if he was really doing the
right thing. He had convinced himself that since Christmas was the time for
giving and he was just getting a little extra cash so he could give some more
to his girlfriend; he was doing the right thing. As he looked around the normal
hang out spots like the barber shop, he noticed the grim look on all the old-
timers and could not really put two and two together to figure out what was
going on. He saw the peoples' faces drop lower and lower. No, he thought it
isn't me, I have nothing .....
Creative Writing: The Quest
.... that defeat behind us, we continued on our quest for some American
money. Eventually, by wandering aimlessly about the mall, we managed to find an
information desk. I walked up to the woman behind the desk, and said,
"Hi, would I possibly be able to exchange my Canadian money for some
American money?"
With a really confused look on her face she responded with, "What do you
I reached into my pocket, and pulled out my twenty dollar bill. Waving
it in her face, I repeated the question. It took a few seconds, but she finally
seemed to figure out what I was saying.
"No, but you can exchange your money at th .....