Virtual Reality Technology And Society
.... Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
THE HISTORY OF VIRTUAL REALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Virtual Reality in the Past . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Virtual Reality in the Present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Virtual Reality in the Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
THE SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF VIRTUAL REALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
New Rules of Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Adverse Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....
Contrasting The Two Forms Of Mail
.... a pool table, for a price proportional to its size. In addition, the postal service can also transfer data if it is placed on a disk or a CD-ROM. However, speed is a problem, thus origin of the term snail-mail. For example, The smallest letter can take from two days to two weeks to deliver, depending on the locations of the sender and the receiver. Even sending a letter to the house across the street takes time due to unnecessary movement. The mail is taken to the nearest large post office, sorted there, then delivered to the post office closest to the destination, and delivered from there. In other words, mail that is sent across .....
Computers In The Workplace: Are They Used Ethically?
.... more highly than what used to be called humane qualities. As a result, many people believe computers have the potential to contribute to worker dissatisfaction.
Consider the potential for computer-based systems in business to be used to monitor employees. What if computers were (and some are already) programmed to check your speed, the pauses you make, the breaks you take, the rate of keying errors? Would it be fair for the company to do this to make sure it retains only the most efficient workers, and thus increase the value of goods and services it has to sell? Or would this detract from your dignity as a human being-y .....
The Pentium Computer
.... of human existence. With the development of the computer, the creation of a vast number of entertaining opportunities has materialized. Games, for example, serve as a powerful mind entrancing form of entertainment. Civilization, Leisure Suit Larry, Warcraft, Quake, Doom95 and Command & Conquer are just a few games that bring hours of entertainment to the magician. With use of a sound blaster and quality speakers, music can be played through your computer's CD-ROM. This enables you to listen to music while you spend time on your Pentium, easily switching CDs without having to get up from your seat. Some might say that .....
.... from its agencies. This material is not lawfully available through the mail or over the telephone, there is no valid reason these perverts should be allowed unimpeded on the Internet. Since our initiative, the industry has commendably advanced some blocking devices, but they are not a substitute for well-reasoned law.4
Because the Internet has become one of the biggest sources of information in this world, legislative safeguards are imperative. The government gives citizens the privilege of using the Internet, but it has never given them the right to use it.
They seem to rationalize that the framers of the constitu .....
The Invention Of The Telephone
.... people who were a long distance away. But since its invention, the telephone has allowed us to contact just about anybody with just the push of a few buttons. It has indeed revolutionized communication.
Without the invention of the telephone, there would in essence be no phone lines. Therefore, fax machines would be non-existent and the Internet wouldn’t even be a thought. The world that we would live in would be entirely unlike the one we have come to know. Businesses would operate differently and people who would usually be “surfing on the net” would have to hang ten and surf some waves instead. However, because of it .....
The Millennium Bug
.... history for several reasons. William Adams points out some of the most important ones. "Time is running out- the Year 2000 is inevitable! The problem will occur simultaneously worldwide, time zones withstanding. It affects all languages and platforms, hardware & software. The demand for solutions will exceed the supply. Survivors will survive big, losers will lose big. There is no 'silver bullet' that is going to fix things" (Adams 2). "It is too big and too overwhelming even for [Bill Gates and] Microsoft" (Widder 3). Separate, any one of these points makes Y2K, a common abbreviation for the year 2000 problem, an add .....
.... in the back seat.
If someone must put a child in the front seat, they may want to have an on/off switch for the airbag installed on the passenger side. On/off switches are used to prevent the airbag from going off in an accident, but they aren’t recommended for most people. You only need an airbag switch on the driver’s side if your legs are too short to reach the pedals and have your torso 10 inches away from the steering wheel. Passenger side switches should only be used if you always have to have a small child or infant sit in the front seat because they have a medical problem and need to be watched constantly. Airbag swi .....
Modernization Of Air Warfare
.... scale reconnaissance. Then people started to add bombs to aircraft and then airplanes started to become an essence of war. After World War 2, new bombers were developed with fast speed, and could travel far distances. They could also carry nuclear bombs and missiles. The use of the bomber aircraft then led to the fighter, which was equipped with guns and missiles. Helicopters were also found to be good strike aircraft. They were armed with cannons, machine guns, rockets, torpedoes, and a variety of missiles. Vertical takeoff made the helicopter an advantage.
The first flight of the F-117A was in June of 1981 in Gro .....
Privacy And The Internet
.... to Bill Eager, "The Information Superhighway refers to the multitude of technologies and businesses that encompass the eletronic distribution of video, data and voice via communications networks. Currently, for individuals, the Information Superhighway refers primarily to the use of personal computers (PCs) and modems to access information and services and to distribute messages and files via the networks" (3). This new medium allows information to be transformed at rates multiple times faster than ever before. The worldwide impact of such a communication breakthrough is unprecedented; information can be t .....
Auditing Computer Security
.... it, and finally view the results.
You can set up on audit policy for a domain to: track the success and failure of events, such as when users attempt to log on, read a file, make changes to user and group permissions, change the security policy, and make a network connection. Eliminate or minimize the risk of unauthorized use of resources. Track trends over time by maintaining an archive of security logs. Tracking these trends is useful in determining the use of printers or files.
Audits and volumes.
Auditing can be set up on any computer running Window NT. However, to audit folders and files, the folder and .....
Using Electronic Mail To Communicate With The Staff
.... Member Service & Education staff. 13 June 1998. Process Change - Residency Issue.)
The communication effort failed via memo in this situation. The memo was typed and distributed June 13th. The only time the ten Member Service Representative received their correspondence is when they need to come in for our monthly staff meeting. Unfortunately July's staff meeting was not held until the second Friday of that month due to the first Friday being July 4th weekend. The secretary did her part in transmitting the message. The problem was timing. Who should be left responsible for following up that the message was received in a timel .....