"Computer Security" By Time Life Books
.... every few minutes. These
numbers make the password one needs for the next few minutes in order to access
the computer. This password method is somewhat new. It is also better, for the
previous password method is not totally fool proof. This is because the
passwords are stored in the computer and if a computer literate person was to
access this information, they could get into a computer and enter it looking as
if they were someone else for they have obtained someone else's password. In
the future when technology increasingly gets better there are possibilities that
a computer could use you hand, inner eye, or voice print. Curre .....
The Computer Revolution
.... after they introduction of the BASIC system, Apple
introduced a new line of computers called the Macintosh. These Macintosh
computers were extreme easy to use, and were about the same price of a computer
that used BASIC. Apple's business exploded with the Mac, Macintosh were put in
schools and millions of homes proving that the computer was an extreme useful
tool after all. The Macintosh made such an impact on the computer industry that
IBM and Microsoft joined forces to produce the MS-DOS system. The MS-DOS system
was the basis of the Windows program, which made Bill Gates the multi-
billionaire that he is. With windows and t .....
Computer Protection
.... some money from one of his
customer's account to his own account. Nonetheless, the most dangerous thief are
not those who work with computer every day, but youthful amateurs who experiment
at night --- the hackers.
The term "hacker "may have originated at M.I.T. as students' jargon for
classmates who labored nights in the computer lab. In the beginning, hackers are
not so dangerous at all. They just stole computer time from the university.
However, in the early 1980s, hackers became a group of criminals who steal
information from other peoples' computer.
For preventing the hackers and other criminals, people need to set up .....
The Arrival Of Email
.... as digital "smoking guns" . . . Trustbusters say electronic
messages, perhaps more than any paper document, could help them prove that
Microsoft sought to crush competitors and monopolize access to the
Internet." However, Microsoft is not alone. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.
recently agreed to settle a discrimination lawsuit initiated by employees.
"The smoking gun: an E-mailed joke, playing on stereotype s about African-
American speech patterns, that a colleague had zapped around the office."
("When the Devil is in the E-Mails," BusinessWeek, June 8, 1998, pp. 72-74)
The critical problem facing companie .....
New Eye Tracking Techniques Improve Realism Of Aircraft Simulators
.... from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada.
Their eye-tracker can record and analyze accurately up to 500 eye
positions per second. The system works by means of capturing and processing
the reflections of a low-level beam o f invisible infra-red light shone
onto the eye.
Multi-element arrays capture the image of the eye and digitize the
information, which is then processed in real time by a fast, dedicated
signal processing unit. The difference in position between the ligh tre of
the pupil reveals the instantaneous direction of gaze.
Developments by the IBME team have significantly increas .....
.... marveled the human
mind and body throughout the centuries. From out of the dark depths of the
mind have sprung explosive ideas, producing inventions that have
transformed minute villages into gigantic civilizations; stimulating
population increases throughout the world. Simple tasks such as the
automatic traffic signal, and railway air brakes (the first safe method of
stopping trains) have advanced growing cities tremendously. As the
technology increased, so did the business.
Western civilization was the heart of industrial commerce. Men and
women from all over the world traveled thousands of miles to the United
States .....
Ultrasonic Radar For A Home PC System
.... Just to impress a
neighbour or friend is reason enough to build your own ultrasonic radar
Similar to that of a Polaroid, ultrasonic transducers are used in this
type of radar. A rangefinder emits a brief pulse of high frequency sound
that produces an echo when it hits an object. This echo returns to the
emitter where the time delay is measured and thus the result is displayed.
The Polaroid rangefinder is composed of two different parts. The transducer
(Fig. 1) acts as a microphone and a speaker. It emits an ultrasonic pulse
then waits for the echo to return. The ranging board is the second part
(Fig. 2). This b .....
Computer Literacy
.... check e-mail and access the Internet.
Personal computers now have a tremendous entertainment value due to
their versatility. Not only can a computer do all the things that are unique to
computers, it can be a television and a radio as well. Computers have also
attracted millions of people with games galore. Immersive, three-dimensional
games such as Doom 2, Quake, and Duke Nukem 3D can keep people glued to their
computers for hours. With current technology, two friends can connect from
anywhere in the world via modem and play a blazing fast two-player game against
one another. With the recent emergence of the Internet, friend .....
Will Computers Control Humans In The Future?
.... take less time than reading books and memorizing
something that would take almost no time using a computer in the futuristic
world that Asimov describes. Humans might began to rely on computers and
allow them to control themselves by letting computers educate people.
Computers would start teaching humans what computers tell them without
having any choice of creativity. Computer ould start to control humans'
lives and make humans become too dependent on the computers.
Another point that is criticized by Asimov is the fact that people
might take their knowledge for granted allowing computers to take over and
control their li .....
Computer Languages
.... and between others are somewhat similar. When programming in Basic the
user has to type in line numbers before each new line of code. In an updated
version of Basic called QBasic, numbers are optional. Turbo pascal does not
allow the user to input numbers, it has preset commands that seperate each part
of the program. This is similar to QBasic, but is much more sophisticated.
Instead of using the command gosub in Basic, the user would make a procedure
Another new language is C. C is a spinoff of turbo pascal but is
capable of doing more things than turbo. The format and layout are similar, but
the syntax is muc .....
The Bulgarian And Soviet Virus Factories
.... are
not experienced programmers.
A few months later, in the fall of the same year, two men came in the
editor's office of the magazine and claimed that they have found a computer
virus. Careful examination showed that it was the VIENNA virus.
At that time the computer virus was a completely new idea for us. To make a
computer program, whose performance resembles a live being, is able to
replicate and to move from computer to computer even against the will of
the user, seemed extremely exciting.
The fact that "it can be done" and that even "it had been done" spread in
our country like wildfire. Soon hackers obtained a copy of .....
.... no signals are detected. This is known as Carrier Sense. After
checking to see if more than one signal is present they transmit. This is
called Collision Detection. When a collision occurs the station then has to
retransmit. The most important part of CSMA/CD access method is collision
detection. Workstation may simultaneous transmit causing a collision. A
method was needed to prevent this from happening. After a workstation
transmit a signal within a matter of a second they can tell whether a
collision has occurred because they do not receive their own transmission.
When a collision has occurred each station must wait for a short .....