David Burn's Feeling Good: Depression
.... have not specifically stated that depression is the only risk factor
of committing a suicide. They did not even suggest that depression is the
heighest weighted risk factor in committing a suicide. The impression the
reader gets after reading the introductory paragraph of the Feeling Good book is
that severe depression will inevitably result in suicide unless it is cured.
Implying that if a person has a depressive disorder, it will lead to a suicide
can be dangerous and counterproductive for a person who already feels hopeless;
this may reaffirm their belief of hopelessness and the inevitability of the
Once .....
Biological Determinism
.... almost as long as the history of the world .
The author insists that there is no connection between environmental
differences and genetics. In support of his idea the author state that any
Canadian student can perform better in mathematics than some ancient professors
of mathematics. The author comes to the conclusion that changes in a cultural
environment are the main factor that determines level of intellectual
performance, not inherited combination of parent's genes . He argues that
genetic differences that appear in one environment may easily disappear in
another. A theory that twins were raised in different social condi .....
Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead"
.... of thought, thus the ideas within
a philosophy.
The Ideals warp between the covers of, The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand's
philosophical revolution of Individualistic power, is her solution to society's
request for a cure. She believe that the highest order of power stands above
all alternatives as the power belonging to an individual and her mission is to
prove the greatness of individualist power within the hero she christain the
name Roark.
Rational thinkers, do not make decisions in a give or take scenario, but instead
they carefully distinguish between be extremes of the Black, the White, and the
median Gray. The Fountainhead, .....
Hands: Paranoia
.... effort to carry a dream into the young minds."(p.
884) This is a man that was run out of a town for something that was not a bad
thing. Nor was this something intended the wrong way. Mr. Myers did touch only
to pass on something great, a dream. Mr. Myers was run from a town. "They
intended to hang the school master."(p. 885) "As he ran away in the darkness
they repented their weakness and ran after him."(p. 885) Mr. Myers was so
paranoid about touching someone he would do anything to keep his hands from
doing so. "When he talked to George Willard, Wing Biddlebaum closed his fist and
beat with them upon a table or on the wal .....
Siddhartha: Overcoming Misfortunes Of The Past
.... the situation Siddhartha had with Brahmin would be
The quote can also be interpreted as a metaphor for time. Obvious
recurrences can be noted in time, suggesting that time repeats itself. Instead
of a river, another symbol can be used for time, perhaps a pool. According to
this quote, things repeat themselves in time. In a pool objects float around
until they finally make their way to the outlet. Events swirling around in time
without reconciliation are “trapped” until they are dealt with. The entire pool
makes up all that time is. All the experiences and thoughts of past, present,
and future that have not been dismiss .....
Silence Of The Lambs: The Battle Between Two Evils
.... of others. He gets into their heads and
plays with their minds, internally torturing them. He is a sick man and needs
therapy and constant care in a hospital because he is too sick to help himself.
On the other hand, Dr. Chilton is capable of changing, if only he could realize
his evil ways. He is blinded by his own power and greed which he obtained
through his job.
Unlike Dr. Lector, Dr. Chilton has total control of his actions.
Another difference between the two, Chilton does not set out with doing evil in
his mind. He has become so evil that he is not even aware of his evilness. It
almost seems like a natural and everyda .....
B.F Skinner's Waldo Two: Positive Change In World Through Manipulation Of Behavior
.... for creating this utopian society.
He declares that all that is necessary is to change the conditions which
surround man. "Give me the specifications, and I'll give you the man" is his
simple yet remarkable message. He claims that by controlling what a person's
environment is, it is possible to craft a man to behave in any way. Skinner
wants to use this notion to create a world without pain and suffering. In
Walden Two, he systematically describes what conditions are necessary to create
a world of happiness.
Skinner proposes that to create his perfect society, one needs only to
come up with the characteristics of wha .....
Tale Of Two Cities: Roots Of Revolution
.... a balloon, it
will pop and all the air will gome rushing out at once after too long but you
can let the air out gradually through the place where you blow it. If the
nobility has lessened the oppression and created more humane environment then
they probably would not have lost their heads. The strength and will power of
the poor is far greater than that of others and the peasantry in France clearly
had a greater will and strength than the nobility.
Technology In A Brave New World
.... toy with the embryos,
cutting off oxygen to those predestined to become lower caste members. Those
chosen to work as rocket plane engineers were in constant rotation during the
embryonic phase of their life. "Doing repairs on the outside of a rocket in
mid-air is a tickish job. We slacken off the circulation when they're right way
up, so that they're half starved, and double the flow of surrogate when they're
upside down. They learn to associate topsy-turvydom with being well-being."
These procedures would be considered morally incorrect today, however, in the
future the lack of ethics allows this to be a normal procedure. .....
The Canterbury Tales: The Perfect Love
.... Diana, the goddess of chaste, " Well you know that I desire to be
a maiden all my life; I never want to be either a beloved or a wife." This is so
ironic because Arcite and Palomon are about to kill each other for her love and
she doesn't want to beloved by either of them. She enjoys the thrills of maiden
hood too much to have them ended by marriage.
While all this is going on, no one stops to think that neither Arcite
nor Palomon has ever even spoken to Emily. When Palomon and Arcite are in jail
Palomon says, " The Beauty of the lady whom I see wandering yonder in the garden
is the cause of all my cries and woes." This is not s .....
"The Republic" By Plato
.... find it necessary.
Adeimantus another philosopher and Socrates elder brother brought up
the fact that we should take a look at the kinds of things people actually say
when they get praised justice and condemn injustice. Adeimantus explains by
saying that fathers tell there sons to be just because of the good reputations
and social prestige that attaches to justice. So it is not justice itself that
is recommended, but rather, the respectability that it brings with it. He
believes that the son will realize to be just is only worth it if you can get a
good reputation. Unless you are truly just the gods will punish you but a .....
The Allegory Of The Cave: Turn Around
.... the puppeteers have servants who hold his head in
place. One day, a situation arises where he finds that the chains are broken,
and he stands. This is against the will of the servants, but they have no
physical power over him, if he does not allow it. He turns round and sees the
fire and the puppeteers and then he realizes that all has been lies. He is not
what they have told him. He does not feel what they have said he does. The
fire blinds him. The puppeteers, seeing they have lost another to knowledge,
quickly get rid of him by pushing him into the dark cave that looms off to the
side, hoping for his demise. The man is .....