1984: Political Statement Against Totalitarianism
.... experiences as a citizen in war torn England and how he uses this in
1984. George Orwell is famous for two major novels which attack
totalitarianism. The first is Animal Farm a satire describing the leaders
of the Soviet Union as animals on an animal farm. The second novel is 1984
a story of dictators who are in complete control of a large part of the
world after the Allies lost in World War II . The government in this novel
gives no freedoms to its citizens. They live in fear because they are
afraid of having bad thoughts about the government of Oceania, a crime
punishable by death. This is the gem in Orwell's collection of .....
The Miracle Worker
.... the story.
Durring the story Annie had many strugles with Hellen. One of them
is when Hellen hi annie with a doll. Another one is when Hellen locked
Annie in the bathroom. She alos had trouble getting annie to eat with a
spoon and sit at the dinner table properly.sh kept stomping her feet and
being a little pest Finaly she had trouble teaching Hellen the language.
These are the strugles Annie had with Hellen durring the whole story.
These are the struggles that Annie had on the way to her rebirth.
She always seemed to get over them though. Annie was an incredible human
being and her overcoming these problems is a great exampl .....
Alice Walker's Everyday Use
.... the pride that could carry them through any
Maggie is a classic example of poor self-esteem. She has little
pride in herself. She is not as pretty or smart as her sister is. She was
also scared in a fire. She has spent her entire life playing second fiddle
or at least feeling like it. Dee wants the quilts that rightfully belong
to her but instead of fighting she only says, “She can have them Mama”.
Her mother describes her voice of one that has never won anything.
Maggie’s insecurities run far beyond the realm of her sister. I too
would shrink back from the character of the barber. However in Maggie's
case I believ .....
Hawthorne's Use Of Symbolism In Young Goodman Brown
.... goes on to say that he could not bear the shame of
betraying his faith while the Devil is naming people known and respected by
Brown to try to show him that it wouldn't really be that bad if Brown
joined the witches' coven. When Goody Cloyse is encountered, Brown learns
how she truly feels about him; also, Goody Cloyse freely takes up the
Devil's staff. Proud of himself for denying the Devil, while again using
his wife's name to strengthen his resolve, Brown discovers that his
respected Minister, Deacon Gookin, and even the Indians are all servants of
the Devil. When Brown learns that his wife has given into the temptation of
the .....
Warriors Don’t Cry: Integration In Little Rock's Central High School
.... on at
school. Her grandmother told her to be a warrior and not to cry, because
warriors don’t cry.
In the South, people were not treated equally in the 1950s. Jim
Crow laws stated that people were “separate but equal”, but that was not
the case. Finally the government decided that separate was not equal. So
they decided to integrate one of the best schools in the country. That
school happened to be in Little Rock, Arkansas where Melba Pattillo Beals
lived. There, whites hated blacks and blacks hated whites. There were
special restroom, restaurants, and schools for colored and whites. In
the North it was very different, every .....
Wuthering Heights Summary
.... tells her to go, even though she doesn’
t want to leave him. Linton once again acts cold and ignores her, and
Cathy demands to be told why he keeps begging her to come if he doesn’t
really want to see her. He confesses that he is a traitor, and that
Heathcliff will kill him if she leaves. He refuses to tell her anything
more, in fear of what his father will do to him. Heathcliff comes into the
room, and asks Nelly about Edgar’s condition. She tells him that he is
dying, and Heathcliff hopes that Edgar will die before Linton. Heathcliff
locks Cathy and Nelly inside Wuthering Heights. They try to escape, but
cannot. Heathcli .....
The Old Man And The Sea
.... because the size of the fish. He thought about
increasing the tension so it would hurt the fish and it would jump out.
But the line had been taut up to the very edge of the breaking point.
Then with his right hand he felt the difference in the pull of the line
before he saw the slant change in the water. The fish started to come up.
The line rose slowly and steadily and then the surface of the ocean bulged
ahead of the boat and the fish came out. He was bright in the sun and his
head and back were dark purple and in the sun the stripes on his sides
showed wide and a light lavender. His sword was as long as a baseball bat.
Ordinary People: Dysfunctional Family
.... furthermore, a perfectionist. "Everything had to be perfect,
never mind the impossible hardship it worked on her, on them all." Conrad
is not unlike his mother. He is an overachiever, an "A" student, on the
swim team and a list-maker. His father tells the psychiatrist, "I see her
not being able to forgive him. For surviving, maybe. No, that's not it, for
being too much like her"(147). In some cases weak people tend on to forget
what’s real and what’s not, “Depending upon reality one must face, one may
prefer to opt for illusion”(93). Perhaps Beth set limits to what she is
able to handle therefore when a problem that goes beyond her .....
In What Way Is Lizzy Newberry A Highly Unusual Woman For Her Time?
.... carried on here by some of the
people,’’ and ‘’It has been their practice for generations, and they think
of it as no harm.’’ Then to astonish Mr.Stockdale even more, she begins to
show him how to extract the liquor from the barrels, by tapping one of the
hoops around the barrel, forward using an awl, then making a small hole in
the part that was once covered by the hoop. Then Lizzy shows Mr.Stockdale
that she has to replace the liquor taken with water, other wise the buyers
will know that some has been taken. This knowledge that Lizzy has is very
unusual for a woman of her time, and Mr.Stockdale is very shocked about the
smugglin .....
To Kill A Mockingbird: A Summary
.... County. Heck Tate is the county law official.
I think the protagonist in the story is Atticus Finch because he
has the main part and he has the biggest decision to make. The decision
being whether to defend or not to defend Tom Robinson.
To Kill a Mockingbird is set in Maycomb County, an imaginary
district in Southern Alabama. The time is the early 1930s, the years of
the Great Depression when poverty and unemployment were widespread in the
United States.
The story begins during the summer when Scout and Jem meet a new
playmate named Dill who has come from Mississippi to spend the summer with
his Aunt R .....
The Battle For Your Mind: Persuasion & Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public
.... copies and give them to friends or
anyone in a position to communicate this information.
Although I've been interviewed about the subject on many local and
regional radio and TV talk shows, large-scale mass communication appears to
be blocked, since it could result in suspicion or investigation of the very
media presenting it or the sponsors that support the media. Some government
agencies do not want this information generally known. Nor do the Born-
Again Christian movement, cults, and many human-potential trainings.
Everything I will relate only exposes the surface of the problem. I
don't know how the misuse of these .....
The Lord Of The Flies: A Complex Web Of Symbolism
.... abilities and dreams. According to
historic documents, the boat shape of the island is an ancient symbol of
civilization. The boys were forced to look to themselves to solve the
problems of their own little society. “Nobody knows where we are. We may
be here a long time.” Piggy’s awareness to the reality of isolation was
announced at an assembly. The meeting was called to report that the island
was indeed an island. The harsh reality hit the boys hard. “ The silence
was so complete that they could hear the unevenness of Piggy’s breathing.”
Without grown ups, the boys were forced to face the facts of being alone to
fend for .....