Deliverance: The Establishment Of "Masculinity"
.... having any talent, as he would be the
first to tell you, Drew played mighty well, through
sheer devotion.
(Dickey, 11)
For Drew the highlight of this trip is his duo with Lonnie, an uneducated banjo player. Drew obviously finds this the most exhilarating part of the adventure in that he is the center of attention and is playing very well with a talented young man.
I had never heard him play so well, and I really
began to listen deeply, moved as an unmusical
person is moved when he sees that the music is
meant….I could not see Drew's face, but the back
of his neck was sheer joy…I was glad for Drew's sak .....
Billy Budd
.... appearance. In the following text, Billy is appropriately named for his attributes by the narrator: "The moral nature was seldom out of keeping with the physical make. Indeed, except as toned by the former, the comeliness and power, always attractive in masculine conjunction, hardly could have drawn the sort of honest homage the Handsome Sailor in some examples received from his less gifted associates" (6). When the text of Billy Budd is read through a Christian interpretation these attributes of purity and perfection point towards another person in Christian tradition who was also both pure and perfect. Jesus Christ of .....
Animal Farm: Utopia
.... be o'erthrown,
And the fruitful fields of England,
Shall be trod by beasts alone.
Rings shall vanish from our noses,
And the harness from our back,
Bit and spur shall rust forever,
Cruel whips no more shall crack.
Riches more than mind can picture,
Wheat and barley, oats and hay,
Clover, beans, and mangel-wurzels
Shall be ours upon the day...(p.22-23)
After the song the animals were even more excited. They sing the song so loud it wakes Mr. Jones up. Mr. Jones starts firing his gun into the darkness. This quickly scatters the animals.
Three days later Old Major dies so Snowball and Napoleon take o .....
Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl
.... “middle class Americans had rising incomes, expectations, and living standards” (p.67). The atmosphere was charged with growth and transformation.
It was out of this shift in society that the “cult of true womanhood” was born. This idyllic view of women’s appropriate sphere “celebrated the new status of the middle class woman, along with her distinctive vocation, values, and character” (Woloch, p.68). True Women reigned in the domestic realm, whereas men controlled the outside world of politics, business, individuality, intellect, etc. True Women were submissive to men. Their purpose was simply to provide a warm, happy, com .....
Sister Carrie: People Driven By Desire
.... courting women. For him this is almost a natural instinct, as soon as he saw Carrie on the train he felt an obligation to introduce himself. “He loved to make advances to women, to have them succumb to his charms, ...his inborn desire urged him to that as a chief delight.” He is moderately wealthy and therefore can afford to support women periodically. Drouet constantly desires female companions, even if he is already engaged in a relationship. Towards the end he does proclaim true love for Carrie, but we can infer that the cause was her recent fame. Drouet is shallow and will always be a bachelor due to his desire for many .....
The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer: Twain Revealing His Own Childhood
.... “that work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do, and that play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do.”
The other characters in the story revolve around Tom’s character. Tom lives with his Aunt Polly because of the death of his mother. She tries to keep Tom in line, but she struggles because she has such a soft spot in her heart for Tom. When she does discipline Tom, she feels terrible, and in a way, she punishes herself.
Sidney is Tom’s half brother who seems to always be making Tom look bad. While Tom is the so-called bad boy who is always getting into trouble, Sidney is the good boy who always do .....
Animal Farm: Power's Corruption
.... follow this portrayal perfectly. In the story, they begin to discriminate against the other animals. They show this by establishing the rule that if a pig and another animal meet on a path, the other animal is to move aside and let the pig pass. 'About this time, too, it was laid down as a rule that when a pig and any other animal met on the path, the other animal must stand aside: and also that all pigs…'(116). This is shown in real life too. Such as when the whites had their own stores, restaurants, etc.; and if a black was to enter they would be arrested or abruptly thrown out. Or, when a black and a white were on a bu .....
Moll Flanders
.... no good issue
came and all my seeming prosperity wore off and ended in misery
and destruction;..."
Whenever Moll would have kids she would sell them or give them away. Moll saw children as a biprouduct of having sex. The choice of going to whoredom, however, was only because she felt the need to survive. Most animals have this instinct to survive. Whenever she would marry a man he would pay her to have sex, but his life would be short. This caused her to have to find another person in order to have money to eat and a place to stay. This was because the legal system in the 18th century did not all .....
Comparative Analysis: Cinderella And Snow White
.... and ends around the house, and other busy-work as in "Cinderella." Behaving just as her counterpart, Snow White complied without protest of any sort, becoming the domesticated servant of the dwarfs' abode (Grimm 3).
The two critics of "Cinderella" also agree that Cinderella was degraded by being slandered by her sisters, mistreated by her parental figure, and forced to sleep near and in the hearth of the chimney. Again, this seems to be a paradigm for Snow White as she was degraded by gullible, disobedient, and ignorant behavior. She was depicted as gullible when fooled three times by her mother dressed in costume pretending .....
The Great Gatsby: “The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil"
.... to spend time with another who has grown up with everything that they ever wanted. While the more fortunate person may not be thinking about it, the less fortunate person feels inferior. The backgrounds of the people are so different that they just cannot comprehend how the other’s life works. If this barrier was not there, a friendship could have easily blossomed.
Greed is something that seems to come along wherever money is. Some people just cannot get enough money and they do not care who they hurt as they try to obtain it. This corruption because of money is a form of evil because it seriously hurts people. Not al .....
The Influence Of Paradise Lost And Frankenstein
.... to any other human being...I was wretched, helpless and alone. Many times I considered Satan as the fitter emblem of my condition (pg. 135-136)
Other echoes of Paradise Lost are as follows:
Frankenstein hopes to be the source of a new species, but ironically his creature evolves into a self-acknowleged Satan who swears eternal revenge and war upon his creator and all the human race. The monster reflects that hell is an internal condition which is produced and increased through loneliness. His only salvation is the creation of a mate, his Eve.
In the later part of the book, Frankenstein refers to the monster in terms .....
The Goal: Book Review
.... and research in order to figure out just how to express his goal in terms of these measurement.
In addition to expressing the goal, the manager is troubled by whether employees, robots, and machinery actuall need to be running at all times. At first glance many managers seem to think that an idle worker is an unproductive worker, but Goldratt shows us that in reality a plant in which everyone is working all the time is very inefficient. The manager in the book soon comes to realize that machines don’t run themselves -- it takes people to create excess inventory, so sometimes when a worker is taking a break, thereby leav .....