Summary Of El Cid
.... He is always fearless before going
into battl; he does not even consider that he might not be victorious.
When El Cid is badly outnumbered his tactics and battle plans always cause
him to come out hte clear victor. An exampe where El Cid shows his
supperior tactics is in page 53, verse 27. El Cid was encamped in front of
Alcocer for fifteen weeks. El Cid realizes that Alcocer was not going to
give up without a fight so he devises a plan. He tricks the people of
Alcocer to come out. El Cid began picking up parts of his camp and leaving
as if he was out of reserves. The people of Alcocder fall for this trick,
and they think E .....
The Portrayal Of Women In The Novels "One Hundred Years Of Solitude" By
.... service whether solely as a wife and mother or as
a nanny or a combination. Religion played a very important role in this
predominantly catholic area. The role of women as portrayed by the church
was somewhat of a paradox, simultaneously acknowledging and praising women
for the gift of child bearing and yet depicting them as the root of all sin,
as the temptress inducing thoughts of fornication as well as causing the
original sin, that being Adam eating the fruit in the ‘Garden of Eden'.
Despite Marquez's well documented anticlericalism this idea in
church ideology of the temptress is paralleled in One Hundred Years o .....
Babbitt: Conformity
.... In fact
the readers first encounter with Babbitt sees him praising modern
technology. "It was the best of nationally advertised and quantitatively
produced alarm-clocks, with all modern attachments, including cathedral
chime, intermittent alarm, and a phosphorescent dial. Babbitt was proud of
being awakened by such a rich device."(Babbitt pg.3) Babbitt praises the
technology of his alarm clock only because it is a symbol of material worth
and therefore social status.
All of Babbitt's actions and thoughts are controlled by the
standards of Zenith. "His every action is related to the phenomena of that
society. It is no .....
The Power And The Glory: The Whiskey Priest A Saint?
.... he bore no grudge because he
expected nothing else of anything human...” (P. 198) This shows that that
whiskey priest is a forgiving man and this indeed helps to validate that
the whiskey priests statement is inaccurate.
Graham Greene portrays to the reader that the whiskey priest thinks
of others before himself. This is clearly evident when he goes to help the
child's dyeing mother even though he knows that he will miss his boat:
But the stranger got up as though unwillingly he had been summoned
to an occasion he couldn't pass by. He said sadly,
“It always seems to happen. Like this.”
“You'll have a .....
A Modest Proposal: A Different Version
.... and careers is to place table top dancers in every classroom.
I have worked out the details entailing the added cost of these daily
dancing ladies. A well-known friend of mine, who owns a nightclub off of
Harry Hines, was kind enough to divulge the rates per hour that dancers, he
could find for Jesuit Prep, would accept. The amount I was told is $5.00
per hour, ensured that this was a very generous deal by my friend. This
meager hourly wage, times the 7 hours of school, times the 30 classrooms,
and times the 180 class days of school equals approximately $200.00 added
towards each student's tuition. Each student's tuition, .....
Catcher In The Rye: Corruption Of Holden
.... These
experiences are what frighten Holden because this boy of sixteen has
already been involved in many of the pleasures and problems that come from
these experiences. Holden's "catcher in the rye" analogy shows how he wants
to save the children from this corruption but he never will. Holden wants
to be the great savior of a helpless cause and does not realize he has
fallen into the evil hands of corruption.
Holden idolizes Allie is little brother who died. The reason for this
idolization is that Allie will never become corrupt. He will always be in
Holden's mind a little boy not affected by the dirty hands of society.
Pheobe, .....
The Puritan Society In N. Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter"
.... by the Holy Spirit,
so that the believer's heart is turned from sinfulness to holiness, is
another indication that one is of the elect. Faithfulness and piety, rather
than good deeds are what saves people. If someone has sinned, public
confession is believed to take some of the burden of this sin off him.
The initial reason for the Puritans to leave their homes was the treatment
they had to suffer from in their native England. They were brutally
persecuted and were not allowed to practise their religion, because they
said that the beliefs taught by the Anglican church were against the Bible.
When they arrived in the New World, t .....
The Realization Of Passion In Jane Eyre
.... Eyre strongly adheres to
the Victorian morality which was dominated by the Anglican party of the
Church of England in which passion and emotion were kept concealed. Jane's
instinct for asserting herself was stifled at an early age and could only
be expressed through defiance. The defiant declaration of independence from
Mrs. Reed , “You are deceitful”,(v.i.37) gives Jane the power of freedom
and opens up a life of “unhoped-for liberty”,(v.i.37).
Through the preceding years Jane develops into a highly educated,
well spoken and strong willed woman . She is taught to be patient and
thoughtful during her years in Lowood , and i .....
The Great Gatsby: The American Dream
.... or chewing, Read one improving book or
magazine per week, Save $3.00 per week, Be better to parents" (page 181-
182). Nick says "I became aware of the old island here that flowered once
for Dutch sailors' eyes-a fresh green breast of the new world"(page 189).
This quote shows the pristine goals of where the possibilities were endless
and one could accomplish anything through hard work.
The American dream became corrupted, its main aims were wealth and
power. Gatsby became corrupted because his main goal was to have Daisy.
The only reason he want Daisy was that she symbolized wealth and took on
the characteristics of money. "He .....
Book Report On "The Red Badge Of Courage"
.... into his book, first with his power
of describing details so eloquently, and second by telling us very little
of the young soldiers' life, leaving him a mystery. Crane may have even
been generalizing all the young soldiers into one. Although he does tell
the reader his name, Henry Flemming, he usually refers to him as “The
soldier.” He also tells the reader parts of his life up until present, but
most of the character is left very much in the dark. It is known however
that Henry grew up on a small farm in New York, where his father had died
early, and he had grown up fairly sheltered. His mother brings this fact
out by per .....
Enduring, Endearing Nonsense Of Fairy Tales
.... who had read and loved the little handwritten manuscript he had
given to Alice Liddell. He expanded the story considerably and engaged the
services of John Tenniel, one of the best known artists in England, to
provide illustrations. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel
Through The Looking Glass were enthusiastically received in their own time,
and have since become landmarks in childrens' literature.
What makes these nonsense tales so durable? Aside from the immediate
appeal of the characters, their colourful language, and the sometimes
hilarious verse ("Twas brillig, and the slithy toves/did gyre and gimble .....
Loves Music, Loves To Dance: Summary
.... down on the couch
and steps on something almost completely covered by the fringe on the rug.
Ignoring it, she sits down and begins shaking uncontrollably. While
shaking so badly, Darcy accidentally spilt some sherry on the rug. As she
dabbed the wine up with a napkin, she noticed Erin's ring. She thought, “
Erin's ring. Erin had been here. Erin had answered Michael Nash's ad”
(p.279). This is the key scene because this is where the novel becomes
very suspenseful. Here, you realize that Michael killed Erin and now it's
Darcy's turn. Since this story is written so well, the writer made it
even more suspenseful by putting Darcy .....