One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest: Power
.... His very first bet though was that he could get the best of nurse
Ratched within the week, and he did. She wasn't going to back down though.
To try and stop all the gambling going on she rationed the cigarettes, so
they no longer had anything to bet, but that never stopped them, they used
money instead.
The patients admired McMurphy because no one had ever stood up to
her before, and he would do things for them such as arranging basketball
games. He was also the one who enabled the patients to use the tub room
for card games, and so they could get away from that horrifying music that
the nurse always played. The tub room .....
The Great Gatsby: Daisy's Love
.... and everyone
that she surrounds herself with, including her daughter, seem to accept
this as mere fact with her. She lives in one of the most elite
neighborhoods in the state, in one of the most elegant houses described in
the book, and intends very much for her daughter to grow up much like she
has. "And I hope she'll be a fool -- that's the best thing a girl can be in
this world today, a beautiful little fool." (Fitzgerald 24) She raves
repeatedly of boats and large windows and halls where many a extravagant
party is held. This only stands remind of her reliance on material goods
and her stories of her gowns and home furnishin .....
The Canterbury Tales: Wife Of Bath
.... the Wife states that ther are no
other arguments “Eek wel I woot he [Jesus] saide that myn housbonde/Sholde
lete fader and moder and take me,/But of no nombre mencion made he [Jesus]-
-/Of bigamye or of octagamye” (P30). She maintains her position and
dismisses the one contention in the Bible by stating in relation to the
above quote “Wat that he mente therby [she] can nat sayn,/But that I axe
why the fifthe man/Was noon housbonde to the Samaritan?/How manye mighte
she han in mariage?/Yit herde I nevere tellen in myn age/Upon this nombre
diffinicioun” (P20). A true account of her brashness is when she states
that sex organs ar .....
Dandelion Wine
.... confronted Douglas. There were many
deaths, Great-Grandma, Helen Loomis, Colonel Freeleigh and Elizabeth Ramsal,
which were friends and neighbors of Douglas. A good friend of Douglas,
named John Huff, moved away to Milwaukee because of a job opportunity for
his father. Also, Douglas got extremely sick and was dieing and there was
no information on what kind of illness he had. Douglas took these problems
hard. To many things where going bad in too short of a time. His family was
always there for him. He got well and soon forgot about the deaths in his
life, he knew that there was nothing to be sad about and he was thankful
that .....
Death Of A Salesman: Willy Loman
.... stops seeing the truth at one
point of his life and he relies on his own lies to numb his pain. The pain
of knowing he cannot and wont be able to become Dave Singleman. He is
Willy Loman, who is good at fixing the house. He is not cut out for
travelling from city to city and selling goods to people he has never met
before. Willy dramatically dies living out his dream, the dream that never
suited Willy Loman.
Willy does not allow people to tell him what to do. He believes
that he cannot be bossed around and that he is too important to fall under
anyone's authority but his own. Willy teaches Biff and Happy not to take
orders .....
Critique Of "Death Of The Author"
.... have read the story, absorbed its content, and would not have
given it a second look. The story could be summarized into 3 lines and
thus reduce the amount of paper it is replicated on the amount of
bandwidth required to transmit it, the space it takes, and the time it
takes to read it. I came to this conclusion after reading "The Death of an
Author" for the fourth or fifth time. I began to wonder why does this man
write this way? What caused him to have so much distrust toward the
critics? Those are the thoughts he was trying to persuade us not to think.
Barthes wanted the author of the story to be no more than a name prin .....
Analysis Of The Ending Of "Death Of A Salesman"
.... past, he continues to lie to himself by
saying that his funeral will be a big event [2], and that there will be
guests from all over his former working territory in attendance. Yet as was
to be expected, this is not what happens, none of the people he sold to
come. Although perhaps this wrong foretelling could be attributed to
senility, rather than his typical self-deception [5]. Maybe he has
forgotten that the "old buyers" have already died of old age. His imagined
dialogue partner tells him that Biff will consider the impending act one of
cowardice. This obviously indicates that he himself also thinks that it's
very probable th .....
Cooper's "Deerslayer": View Of The Native Americans
.... for their path" (Cooper, p.
5). Bewley states that this meeting is symbolic of losing one's way
morally, and then attempting to find it again through different paths.
Says Bewley, "when the two men emerge from the forest into the little
clearing we are face to face with... two opposing moral visions of life
which are embodied in these two woodsmen" (cited in Long, p. 121).
Critic Donald Davie, however, disagrees. His contention is that
the plot is poorly developed. "It does not hang together; has no internal
logic; one incident does not rise out of another" (cited in Long, p. 121).
But according to Robert Long, Bewley ha .....
Definition Of Integrity
.... is asked to pardon the accused,
he refuses saying that he can't because twelve have already hung for the
same crime, and he refuses to let asnyone off. Even though he knows what
is right and that they are innocent he won't because it would ruin the
integrity of the court, and his own recitude.
Indictment: The McMartin Trial, also has many characters who
posses a great sense of integrity. For instance the McMartin family sticks
together even when they are being accused of the horrible crime of child
molestation. They also will not confess to the crime because they know
they are innocent and that it wouldn't be right t .....
Describing Biblical Parallels In Hawthorne's "Rappaccini's Daughter"
.... was the way God made it. The
plant in Rappaccini's garden was forbidden because it was poisonous. The
only people immune to the poison of this plant were Beatrice and Dr.
In Hawthorne's story, a parallel between Giovanni and Adam is
established. Both are young men, and each was tempted by a woman.
Giovanni in Hawthorne's story was lured into the garden by Beatrice;
however, Beatrice was attempting to make Giovanni immune to the poison of
the plant, so they could be together forever. Beatrice and Eve also share
similarities. They both are the ones that first fall to temptation and
which ultimately leads to each of .....
Madame Bovary: Destiny
.... sensitive and loving,
with the last characteristic being the one she lacks most. Soon after Emma
marries Charles we see her unhappiness, and we are faced with a dilemma,
why did she marry him? There are numerous possible answers to this, but
the end conclusion is the same: if she had not married him it would have
been better for both of them. Emma would not have been so miserable and
depressed throughout her life and Charles would have found someone who
would return his love and who would appreciate him. Throughout the novel
Emma never expresses her appreciation for her husband. On the contrary, she
often expresses her .....
The Significance Of Food In "Like Water For Chocolate"
.... in the
story, which revolves about Tita, third daughter of a Elena.
The time is the early 1900's and the Mexican Revolution is raging,
but in the kitchen of the family ranch, the emphasis is on cooking. The
family servant, Nacha, Tita's surrogate mother, teaches the her secrets and
makes her the next in an ancient line of great family chefs. From Nacha
and her mother Tita learns the art of cooking. While all the food did not
center around Tita, most of it was. Even from the time of birth of Tita
she was a part of the cooking, for example when she was born and Nacha
scooped up the salt left behind from the broken water of Mam .....