Billy The Kid: The True Story
.... with all classes and ages, especially the old and the young. And he most loved his mother. He loved and honored her more than anything else on earth. But what was to come in the next few years were not for the best. Billy had been known to say that his home was not a happy one. He often said that the controlling discipline and cruelty of his stepfather drove him from home and his mother, to going to the bad.
This was only one side of Billy the Kid; he had another side, which was much more terrible. This side was one that not many of the loved ones around him ever saw. He had a terrible temper, and when he was in a .....
Life Of Julius Caesar
.... in 82 BC on the latter’s return from the East. On each occasion the massacre of political opponents was followed by the confiscation of their property. The proscriptions of Sulla, which preceded the reactionary political legislation enacted during his dictatorship left a particularly bitter memory that long survived. Caesar left Rome for the province of Asia on the condition that he divorce his wife because Sulla would only allow him to leave on that condition. When he heard the news that Sulla had been killed he returned to Rome. He studied rhetoric under the distinguished teacher Molon. In the winter of 75-74 BC Caesar was captur .....
A Critique Of C. S. Lewis
.... of three separate radio broadcasts. One of the broadcasts was titled The Case For Christianity.
In The Case For Christianity, Lewis discussed two crucial topics in his apologetic defense of Christianity. They were the "Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe" and "What Christians Believe". This critique will address the first chapter. "Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe", can be broken into three parts. The first deals with moral law and its existence. The second addresses the idea of a power or mind behind the universe, who, is intensely interested in right conduct. Also that this .....
Frederick Douglass
.... of this land. Indeed I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one, for calling the religion of this land Christianity. When Frederick was younger he remembers watching from a cupboard one of the women slaves being tied up by their master and then being beaten till there was no flesh left one her body. He remembers being so scared that he stayed in there for fear if he came out, he to would be beaten.
Frederick said "He who proclaims it a religious duty to read the bible denies me that right of learning to read the name of the God who made me. He who is the religious advocate of marriage robs whole millions of its sacred .....
John Wilkes Booth
.... near Bowling Green, VA. Booth refused to be taken alive and was shot by one of the soldiers, or more likely by his own hand. He died on the morning of April 26. His body was brought back to Washington where it was secretly buried in a warehouse and then buried in a common graveyard for criminals. In 1869 the body was removed to the family plot in Baltimore.
John Wilkes Booth became an important part of U.S. history because he was the first person to assassinate a U.S. President, Abraham Lincoln. John Wilkes Booth approved of slavery and sympathized with the south in the civil war and believed that Lincoln was responsible for .....
Is It Really Bad To Disobey?
.... up. He was haunted by this early nightmare for most of his life.
The early backgrounds of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were largely responsible for the distinct different responses to American racism. Both became the image of the African- American culture and had a great influence on black Americans. Martin Luther King believed that through peaceful demonstrations, blacks would be able to someday get full equality with whites. Malcolm X’s despair about life was reflected in his angry belief that equality was impossible because whites had no moral conscience. King basically adopted a belief that blacks and whites .....
Princess Diana
.... they now still live.
Diana attended finishing school briefly in Switzerland. Then she returned to London where she became a nanny. Diana loved children. After her nanny work she became a kindergarten teacher. She had a reputation of a hardworking, gentle, warm hearted and patient person. In Charles's words "She was jolly, amusing, and attractive."
Diana's sister was married to Robert Fellows, who was the assistant secretary to the Queen. Charles and Diana first met through her. Diana's grandmother was best friends with Charles's grandmother. The two grandmothers also tried to get them together. They finally began .....
Francesco Redi
.... at the age in seventy-two. This was a grand age for the period at which he lived.
Spontaneous generation "is the ability of living organisms can originate in nonliving matter independently of other living matter.(Webster's)" This was popular belief before the seventeenth century. People saw dead organisms decay but couldn't understand how. They believed that microorganisms were able to appear on dead organisms without any contact with any other organism. Redi was out to disprove that theory. And this is how he did it…
Redi observed that maggots appear on uncovered meat. But he believed that life doesn't come from sponta .....
Martha Graham
.... of Ruth St. Denis in 1911 where she was mesmerized by the dancers (Harmon et al. 182).
Martha entered Cumnock School of Expression after graduating from high school. There she trained in dance, drama, and self-expressions. Martha's love to study people's actions was incredibly strong. After Graham graduated from the junior college in 1916, she then enrolled in Denishawn School of Dance (182). She was recognized at the school for her talent and determination, not her potential as a dancer. When Shawn, who was the owner of the school, went off to serve in World War I, Graham started teaching for him. After his return from the .....
Mark Twain
.... was the most important man aboard the boat. He wrote of these years in 'Life on the Mississippi'.
The Civil War ended his career as a pilot. Clemens went west to Nevada and soon became a reporter on the Virginia City newspaper. Here he began using the pen name Mark Twain. It is an old river term meaning two fathoms, or 12 feet (4 meters), of water depth.
In 1864 he went to California. The next year he wrote his 'Jumping Frog' story, which ran in many newspapers. He was sent to the Sandwich Islands (now Hawaii) as a roving reporter, and on his return he began lecturing. He was soon on a tour of the Mediterranean and the Ho .....
Colleen McCullough: Author Obsessed Over Love
.... dropped out due to her father’s opposition to women having medical careers. The author has had a variety of jobs varying from librarian to bus driver and schoolteacher. McCullough returned to the University of Sydney to become a medical technician specializing in neurophysiology. After accomplishing that she went to London and worked in hospital for sick children, where she cared for epileptic and retarded children. Eventually she came to the United States to work at Yale University’s School of Medicine.
McCullough’s first novel was Tim. Tim is a novel about the love between Mary Horton, a middle-aged, strict business exe .....
The Life Of Edgar Allen Poe
.... of the Junior Morgan Riflemen. Poe was then reviewed by the famous Marquis De Lafayette. Poe’s grandfather General Poe is where Poe most likely got his military influence from.
In 1826 Poe enrolled into the University of Virginia. Poe wanted to become a translator. Poe was considered to be "precisely correct" (Moldavia). Poe also loved debating. The student life at the University of Virginia in 1826 was very chaotic. In one student riot the students threw bottles and bricks at the professors. In Poe’s letters to John Allen he often talked of violence on campus. He once wrote of how a student was struck on the he .....