Revealing Marx
.... a labourer. This process is
thoroughly explained throughout Estranged Labour. This study will reveal this
process and argue it's validity. Appendant to this study on alienation there
will be a micro-study which will attempt to ascertain Marx's view of freedom
(i.e. positive or negative). The study on alienation in conjunction with the
micro-study on Marx's view of freedom will help not only reveal why Marx feels
labour limits mans freedom, but it will also identify exactly what kind of
freedom is being limited. Estranged Labour
Karl Marx identifies estranged labour as labour alien to man. Marx explains the
condition of estrang .....
Richard M. Nixon
.... Then, on January 9, 1913, Richard Milhous Nixon was
born in that very house. Hannah and Frank would have three more children: Donald
(born in 1914), Arthur (born in 1918), and Edward (born in 1930).
The Nixon family lived on the edge of poverty. The lemon ranch didn't
make enough money to provide for the family of seven, so Frank started doing odd
jobs (namely building houses) AND ran the lemon ranch to provide for his family.
In 1922, the Nixon's moved back to Whittier, and things took a turn for the
better. Frank bought a plot of land and built a gas station and a general store
on it. Business was good, but it took much wo .....
Rush Limbaugh
.... work at several
different stations, none of which were getting him anywhere. During one of his
first radio jobs Rush went by the name Jeff Christie while working for KQV in
Pittsburgh. He was fired by a man named Jim Carnegie, who now says that he was
instructed to fire him, but as soon as Jim got his next job, he hired Rush again.
At the age of 28 Rush took a job organizing community events for the Kansas
City Royals. This paid him $18,000 a year. Rush spent five unfulfilling years
with the Royals. “No fault of people at the Royals,” Limbaugh told Talkers, a
radio-industry magazine several years ago. “I was just doing the w .....
Nicholas Ferrar
.... to promote the cause for the Virginia Company. His efforts were in vain
for the company lost their charter anyway. Nicholas is given credit for founding
a Christian community called the English Protestant Nunnery at Little Gidding in
Huntingdonshire, England. After Ferrar was ordained as a deacon, he retired and
started his little community. Ferrar was given help and support with his semi-
religious community by John Collet, as well as Collet˙s wife and fourteen
children. They devoted themselves to a life of prayer, fasting and almsgiving
(Matthew 6:2,5,16).
The community was founded in 1626, when Nicholas was 34 years old. Bann .....
A Martyr's Victory In A Spiritual Sense
.... the virtue
of fortitude, by not leaving the war-torn country and staying to try to pursue
During this time of war, many would wonder what was the reason for him
to stay in China, and what was his why to live? In the Novel A Mans Search For
Meaning, Nietzsche says "he who has a why to live can bear with almost any
how". If Ford had left the country during the time of war, there would have
probably been no hope for the war refugees that didn't have the option to stay
or go. His why to live was not to save himself, but to save others. In the
Novel Frankl describes the human person as a meaning maker, who has the .....
Siddhartha Gautama
.... years,
the Buddha preached the dharma in an effort to help other people reach
enlightenment. When Siddhartha is a Brahmin, he believes in the existence of
many gods, and performs sacrifices to them. After a while he realizes this is
meaningless and decides to leave his family and community and become a Samana.
As a Samana, he tries to destroy himself in may ways. He feels if he kills
himself, with its passions and emotions, he will find the great secret.
Siddhartha doesn't spend much time as Buddha, although he has an important
revelation. He discovers he can't find peace by learning from a master. He
finds the only way to hav .....
Cardinal Joseph Bernardin
.... Archbishop Bernardin to Archbishop of
Chicago. His installation took at Holy Name Cathedral on August 25,1982. Later
Archbishop Bernardin went to the College of Cardinals. On February 2,1983 he
received his "red hat."
On September 9,1996 President Clinton awarded Cardinal Bernardin the
Presidential Medal of Freedom. In presenting the Metal, the President cited
Cardinal Bernardin's work on behalf of racial equality and arms control and
noted he “has been a persistent voice for moderation.” Cardinal Bernardin was
Chancellor of the Catholic Extension Society and the University of St. Mary of
the Lake,Mundelein,IL.
He is a fou .....
Saint Bernadette Soubirous
.... to remain
there rent-free. Each evening, the family gathered around the old fireplace for
family prayers. This concluded with the recitation of the Rosary - often led by
one of the Soubirous girls, Bernadette.
The marriage of Francois Soubirous and Louise Casterot produced six children.
The eldest of these was Bernadette. She was born on 7th January 1844, and was
baptized the next day by Abbé Forgues in the old parish church, being given the
name of Marie Bernarde. Because of her small stature, she was always referred to
by the diminutive form of the name, Bernadette. Six months later, .....
Saint Francis Of Assissi
.... a
century and a half later, or in the Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas.
Bernardone was not in Assisi when his son was born. At first the child was
called John but upon his father's return he was christened Francis, in memory of
France, whence Pietro di Bernardone had just returned. More than any other
character in history, St. Francis in after life retained the qualities most
characteristic of childhood, so that it is not difficult to imagine him as he
must have appeared during his early years, with his combination of vivacity,
petulance and charm.
At the proper time young Francesco Benardone was sent to cle .....
The Life Of King David
.... plot and saves
David's life. Later on in life David became king of all Israel. One day David
was up on the roof of his palace and he saw Bathsheba bathing on her roof.
Instead of turning away from his sinful thoughts, he had her called to his
chamber where he lay with her, and had sexual intercourse. David didn't think
before he acted and he got Bathsheba pregnant. He had no idea how to get out of
the predicament he was in. David summoned Bathsheba's husband Uriah back from
battle. He told Uriah to go lay with his wife for the night, but Uriah was loyal
to King David and would not leave the King's side. That night Uriah slept with
The Unjust Execution Of Socrates
.... private and intimate thoughts of Gods. Socrates also states
that he is not a teacher, however he was not at all happy with the analogy, but
took it as a compliment and used it in his defense. He used these accusations
to his advantage by saying that he never charged charged anyone for believing or
listening to them. The combination of these arguments should have cleared
Socrates of the charge of heresy.
The second charge brought against Socrates was that of corrupting minors.
Socrates battled this charge through the use of the same arguments. The
argument that he did not consider himself a teacher, the fact that he never
a .....
Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar
.... tribes. Tiberius made two more marches into the heart of
Germany. On his return to Rome he was awarded a triumph, the highest official
tribute that was given to honor a victorious warrior.
Augustus died in AD 14 and Tuberius assumed sole power of the whole
Roman empire. Tiberius was a large, strong man, and very tall. He had a fair
skin complexion that was sometimes subjected to outbreaks of skin disease.
According to Suetonius, he wore his hair long in the back. This was an old
fashioned style for the time. Perhaps it was adopted in memory of his
distinguished ancestry. Tiberius remained in excellent health most of h .....