John Bates Clark
.... of non-human inputs under the general term
"capital," which he then assumed that the broadened "capital" is homogenous.
John took this Neoclassical approach one step further than others in
applying it to the business firm and the maximization of profits. One of the
results was a theory of the distribution which demonstrated that market outcomes
were just.
Clark also believed that technological change would lead to an increase
in the standard of living which he felt was one of the chief goals of any
economic system. He felt that with this technological change, labor would be
more productive and lead to higher profits for industr .....
Lee Iacocca
.... University was one of the sights that Ford
Motor Company used to recruit new employees. He was able to secure a place in
the Ford training program, it was difficult for him to get admission but he
survived. During his time in the training program Lee had become less
interested in the engineering aspect of the business and more in sales. He
dropped out of the program to pursue areas in sales with the Ford Corporation.
During his time at Ford Lee Iacocca came out with several very innovative
purchasing concepts. One concept was the 56 for 56 payment plan. This payment
plan would allowed the consumer to purchase a new Ford veh .....
Grover Cleveland
.... Folsom. He was the
first President to get married in the White House. Reporters pried into every
detail of Grover Cleveland's life which he called "colossal impertinence".
Grover Cleveland had five children. Esther, his second daughter, was the first
and only child of a President to ever be born in the White House.
In 1884, Grover Cleveland's supporters suggested that he run for
President of the United States. His motto was "a public office is a public
trust". He was elected as the twenty-second President from 1885 until 1889. He
served for four years and then barely lost the next election to Benjamin
Harrison, even though .....
Gwendolyn Brooks
.... flaw was
the love he held for his family. Brooks creates a strong, solid character who
is more than another fictional martyr, but a human being. The Finesse she
imbued in this work from the first stylized Peiffer 2 stanza: "Rudolph Reed was
oaken.\ His wife was oaken too.\ And his two girls and his good little man\
Oakened as they grew." (1081, 1-4) Here brooks' symbolic use of the word
oakened, coupled with the use of a rhyme scheme of the second and last sentence
of every stanza causes the reader to more deeply feel what the character and his
family are going through. Using the idea of a dream home, Brooks stabbed to th .....
Hank Williams Jr.
.... piano from Jerry Lee Lewis, appearing on the Ed Sullivan Show, and
performing before crowds of up to twenty thousand.
In 1969, Hank teamed up with Johnny Cash to perform in the largest
country concert to date. In 1970, Hank signed the biggest recording contract in
the history of MGM Records. As proud as he was of being the son of Hank
Williams, Hank got tired of being in his father's shadow. In high school, known
as "Rockin' Randall," Hank played contemporary rock, however, that had to be
kept secret from all his traditional country fans. He also liked to listen to
rhythm and blues, however, these types of music were looked .....
Rudolph Christian Karl Diesel
.... to have a great understanding of Thermodynamics. He had
to know basic principles of engines and how they work. Rudolph got help from
many people. Some of the people that helped him are Machine-fabric Augsburg,
Gasmotoren-Fabric Deutz and Mannesmann-Werke. It took them six years to finish
the Diesel Engine.
It was important because it gave a new and easier way of using engines. It
gave a way for large vehicles to transport goods safely. It is easier to make
than the steam engine. All we did was benefit from the invention. If Rudolph
had not invented the diesel engine my life would be quite different, for example
ther .....
Hayden Carruth
.... Award, the Ruth
Lily Prize, the National Book Award and The National Book Critics' Circle Award
for Collected Shorter Poems, 1946-1991.
In "Another" Carruth comments on the goal of poetry. He begins by
dismissing truth and beauty;
"Truth and beauty
were never the
aims of proper poetry
and the era
which proclaimed them
was a brutal
The era mite have been brutal but "truth and beauty" where and still are
a large part of "proper poetry". The collected works of William Shakespeare and
Robert Frost both have great deal of truth and beauty in their works as well as
the tragic ordeals in life while Ca .....
Steve Jobs
.... a personel computer led him into revolutionizing
the computer hardware and software industry. When Jobs was twenty one, he and a
friend, Wozniak, built a personel computer called the Apple. The Apple changed
people's idea of a computer from a gigantic and inscrutable mass of vacuum tubes
only used by big business and the government to a small box used by ordinary
people. No company has done more to democratize the computer and make it user-
friendly than Apple Computer Inc. Jobs software development for the Macintosh
re-introduced windows interface and mouse technology which set a standard for
all applications interface in software .....
A Biography Of Henry Ford
.... with the Edison Illuminating Company. In 1893, after
experimenting for several years in his leisure hours, he completed the
construction of his first gasoline engine. His first automobile was completed
in 1896. The body was a small crude wooden box, it had a single seat, a
steering tiller, bicycle wheels, and an electric bell on the front. In 1903 he
founded the Ford Motor Company.
At first, like his competitors, he made cars that only the wealthy could
afford. But later he came to believe that every man, no matter what his income,
should own a car. This resulted in the inexpensive "Model T" in 1908. It
brought gre .....
Herman Melville: A Biography And Analysis
.... Melvill, his grandfather, was one of the “Indians”
in the Boston Tea Party during the events leading to the war and who had then
served his country creditably throughout the hostilities. The Melvill family
kept on their mantelpiece a bottle of tea drained out of Major Melvill's clothes
after the Tea Party as a momento of this occasion.
Herman attended the New York Male High School from about the age of
seven until 1830. By that time, Allan Melvill's business had begun to fail, due
to his credit being overextended. After futile attempts to re-establish himself,
he eventually found it necessary to accept the management of a New Yo .....
Hippocrates, The Father Of Medicine
.... influenced the other authors of these works and had much
to do with freeing ancient medicine from superstition.
Among the more significant works of the Hippocratic Collection is Airs,
Waters, and Places, which, instead of ascribing diseases to divine origin,
disusses their environmental causes. It proposes that considerations such as a
town's weather drinking water, and site along the paths of favorable winds can
help a physician ascertain the general health of citizens. Three other works-
Prognostic, Coan Prognosis, and Aphorisms -advanced the then- revbolutionary
idea that, by observing enough cases, a physician can predict th .....
.... him a really hard time and said to him "You will never be
painter." The rejection really crushed him as he now reached a dead end.
He could not apply to the school of architecture as he had no high-school
diploma. During the next 35 years of his live the young man never forgot
the rejection he received in the dean's office that day. Many Historians
like to speculate what would have happened IF.... perhaps the small town
boy would have had a bit more talent....or IF the Dean had been a little
less critical, the world might have been spared the nightmare into which
this boy was eventually to plunge it.
While livi .....