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Otto Eduard Leopold Von Bismarck-Schönhausen

.... also submitted a plan for German unification to the German Diet. This plan excluded Austria (klein-deutsch). As a result of this, Austria and other German states declared war on Prussia, beginning what is now known as the Seven Weeks War. Austria and its allies were quickly defeated, and Bismarck incorporated Schleswig-Holstein, Hannover, and some other territories into Prussia. However, Austria was treated kindly in the peace settlement. In 1866, the old German Confederation was then dissolved and replaced by the North German Confederation, which consisted of the northern and central German states, under Prussian leadership. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 793 | Number of pages: 3

Eighteenth Century Philosophers

.... unrealistic, several of them were prophetic in nature. Not only did he predict future events, he also influenced many great minds of the nineteenth century, making him an important figure of his time. Another eccentric who was seeking his own type of utopia was Francois Marie Fourier. Although several of Fourier's views were influenced by the same trends as Saint-Simons' his ideas were significantly different, for Fourier saw no use in scientists of progress. Instead, Fourier wanted to liberate human nature. He determined that it was man's passions which made them happy and the inhibition of their passions which had the .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1432 | Number of pages: 6

The Life Of Edvard Munch

.... and he learned the skills of freehand and modeling. He was instructed by Norway's leading and finest artist, (at that time) Christian Krohg. Munch rented a studio apartment with six other young artists, in 1882. Their work was supervised by Munch's teacher Christian Krohg. In May of 1885, Munch was awarded a state grant which enabled him to study in Paris. Munch stayed in Paris for three weeks, then he spent the summer at Borre and returned to Oslo to begin three of his major art works. That was the time when his works were beginning to become more widely known. In 1886, Munch painted the first version of his painting The .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1800 | Number of pages: 7

Jean Toomer

.... that I was superior to wrong-doing and above criticism and reproach ... I seemed to induce, in the grownups, an attitude which made them keep their hands off me; keep, as it were, a respectable distance." Eugene and Nina and a new husband moved to New York in 1906; however, upon Nina's death in 1909, Nathan moved back to Washington and his grandparents. When Jean Toomer graduated from high school he began traveling. He studied at five places of higher education in a period of less than four years. At the University of Wisconsin, he enrolled in the agriculture program. Half a year later, however, he determined that Wisconsin was a .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1041 | Number of pages: 4

Isaac Newton's Life

.... According to de Moivre, Newton's interest in mathematics began in the autumn of 1663 when he bought an astrology book at a fair in Cambridge and found that he could not understand the mathematics in it. Attempting to read a trigonometry book, he found that he lacked knowledge of geometry and so decided to read Barrow's edition of Euclid's Elements. The first few results were so easy that he almost gave up but he:- It would be easy to think that Newton's talent began to emerge on the arrival of Barrow to the Lucasian chair at Cambridge in 1663 when he became a Fellow at Trinity College. Certainly the date matches the beginnings .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 974 | Number of pages: 4

Pablo Picasso

.... then developed a cubism style of painting. This means that Picasso painted people and things very different than how they really looked. He painted people who had eyes and noses in the wrong places. Picasso's father even thought that his paintings were too strange. During 1915m, Picasso began to return to realism in a series of portrait drawings, although he began to work simultaneously on Cubism. He was a great painter, but he was good at other things too. He made sculptures, prints, drawings, dishes and bowls, and even costumes and scenery for plays. When Picasso died in 1973, more of his paintings were appearing in .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 477 | Number of pages: 2

Prince William

.... "Tiggy" Legge-Bourke. "History-to-History" will include another member of the royal family born in 1066 named William I "the Conqueror," who was as famous during his ruling period as much as Prince William is in the 1990s. This essay will cover the above topics. Prince William of Whales is second in line of inheritance to the British throne after Prince Charles of Whales, who is first. He was born June 21, 1982 at 9:03 p.m. weighing seven pounds, ten ounces at Saint Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London after his mother endured seventeen hours of labor. When he was born, his father, Prince Charles said "Nearly seventeen hours .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 4966 | Number of pages: 19

Martin Luther King, Jr.

.... at Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pa. And he received a bachelor of divinity in 1951. King first became aquatinted with Mohandas Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence as well as with the thought of contemporary Protestant theologians. He found himself increasingly dissatisfied with society. King was elected president of the student body and was graduated with highest academic average in his class. From Crozer he went to Boston University. He was seeking a firm foundation for his own theological and ethical inclinations; he began to focus his attention on conceptions of the relationship of man to God. King himself conc .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1518 | Number of pages: 6

Warren Harding

.... Party, where he voiced the call for unity after the progressive party split of 1912. Harding ran for president initially in 1920 and that was as a favorite son in order to solidify his position in the Ohio Republican ranks. When a deadlock developed at the convention between the supporters of Leonard Wood and Frank O. Lowden, Harding was adopted as the compromise candidate. The Republican nomination in 1920 as the Democratic Party nationally was suffering from unpopular wartime policies and developments. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 301 | Number of pages: 2

Pablo Picasso

.... exploration and great productivity. Picasso continued to design theater sets and painted in Cubist, Classical and Surreal modes. In the early 1930's, Picasso did a large quantity of graphic illustrations. During World War II, Picasso lived in Paris, where he turned his energy to the art of ceramics. From 1947 to 1950, he pursued new methods of lithography. The l950's saw the beginning of a number of large retrospective exhibits of his works. During this time he began to paint a series of works conceived as free variations on old master paintings. In the 1960's, he produced a monumental 50-foot sculpture for the Chicago C .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 353 | Number of pages: 2

Mark Twain And His Writings

.... a writer, ridicules society in many aspects of American life through satire. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain uses the Grangerford and Sheperdson feud to criticize American culture and its’ inability to put past injustices behind and forgive one another. It serves as a major point in the story in which he condemns society in a number of areas. The feud between the families has been going on for some thirty odd years and Huck asks Buck, a member of the Grangerfords who is around Huck’s age , what the quarrel is over. He replies with not the fondest idea. Here is a child in the prime of his adolescence and he has s .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2800 | Number of pages: 11

Thomas Jefferson

.... the colonial protest of British rule. (3) A Summary View of the Rights of British America was a pamphlet denying right of Parliament to rule over the colonies. Jefferson proved to be an able writer of laws and resolutions because he was very concise and straight the point. (4) Jefferson was often turned to when skill with a pen was needed, as in the Declaration of Independence, but he also used his talent when his wished to voice his own opinions of what the principles of the nation should be. Most of Jefferson’s values were expressed in his draft of the Declaration of Independence. It stated his belief in the natural rights of .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 737 | Number of pages: 3

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