Monster Essays - Juvenile Crime: Crime Rates
Juvenile Crime: Crime Rates
It is comforting to know that, according to recent crime statistics,
crime rates are dropping among adults. However, for teens the crime rate is
soaring. Between 1990 and 1994, the rate at which adults age 25 and older
committed homicides declined 22%; yet the rate jumped 16% for youths between 14
and 17. This age group surpassed the 18 - 24-year-old group in the early Œ90¹s
as the most crime-prone. (Between 1986 and 1991, 18 - 24 showed a 62% increase
in homicides; 14 - 17 showed a 124% increase in murders.) It is this age group
that will be booming in the next decade (currently 39 million under 10).
However, th....