Monster Essays - Coersion/Rape
co-erce \ko-ers\ vb co-erced; co-ercing 1: RESTRAIN, REPRESS 2: COMPEL 3:
--co-er-sion \-er-zhen,shen\ n --co-er-cive \-er-siv\ adj rape \^r`ap\ n 1:
a carrying away by force 2: sexual intercourse by a man with a woman without
her consent and chiefly by force or deception; also : unlawful sexual
intercourse of any kind by force or threat
As if the line between normal and acceptable consensual sex and rape
wasn't thin enough already, there are those out there that wish to make it an
even narrower, less defined and more twisting line to stay on the right side of.
It seems as though somehow, somewhere, someone decided that the two....